THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER STUDIES ABROAD Circle No SCHILLER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY —: 2 5 I li Anniversary ee emestcr, academic vear and summer programs in / O.VDO.N MAPIUll III IDl LRl RC, PARIS STRASBOURG ami i:\CllMRG SWII/IRI A\’D. •I nder^raduatcand£raduj in Business Adm.:i*d\itio; Mofi i \!,t .lament. Inlcnutioiui Relations and I A’* • A. idWS t.U^ht !!i f !*vh •A VYtv C>iTnun\ and Spam !or students ifcand o dd? over N oun tries r Schiller International University DC :y v. - .*1 > v*«i LANGUAGE STUDY IN EUROPE The International Language Centers are language study insitutes located in France, Spain, and in Salzburg, Austria, three of the most beautiful areas in Europe ILC offers intensive courses lasting three to twelve weeks in French, Spanish and German during the summer months and during the tall, wintei and spring quarters Next courses begin April & June The program is enhanced by a wide range of excursions and cultural activities On off campus accommodations and full board are provided For detailed information, please contact International Language Centers at ll,( ui m U S A Moohstrutiftc 106-9, A 5020 Salzburg. Austria 11 ( Tel (01 143 662 ) 844485, Fa* 8477 11 P<>. Bo* 8707 Newport Llvuch, ( A 92658 8707 IV1. (714 722-1900 Fav (714) 722-9198 Circle No 02 PlcriM.- indicate which InnffUiigc >mi wish l«> »lod\ LONDON PARIS accredited 5un:nv pro grams in art. business, political science Contact GLOBAL STUDIES PO Box 2212. Chico. CA 95927 Ph. 916 343 0231 c., oa Over seas Study SCOTLAND AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND Full semester—courses transfer Inexpensive Prestigious Universities Limited Space Amercan Universities Internationa Progran Study Abroad Advisor I 'ttfrnaiionaiOfce — AyTeswodr Colorado State Urwers-ty Ft Cofungs CO 8052.) >303 491 591? DIRECTORY INFORMATION For further information regarding any ofU.'s Career and Education Directory advertisers, circle the appropriate number (s). Send immediately to U. The National College Newspaper. 3110 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90405. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Spring Bieak 1990 N a m e _____ Address ____ C i ty______ State__ Zip J current college university J alma mater Year in school _ __ Semester At Sea Circle No 04 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Is your education preparing you completely for the global community in which we live? Consider seriously internationalizing your course of study by spending a semester studying and traveling around the world on the University of Pittsburgh-sponsored Semester At Sea program Each fall and spring, undergraduates from across the U S, and abroad live and learn together aboard the S S Universe, an 18,000 ton ship equipped as a floating campus. During this 100 day voyage, you can earn 12-15 transfer able credits choosing from more than 50 lower and upper division liberal arts courses Experience an itinerary as culturally diverse as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Turkey, the Soviet Union. Yugoslavia and Morocco For full information and application call 800-854-0195 ■ 412-648-7490 in PA, or write Semester At Sea, University of Pittsburgh, 8th Floor William Pitt Union, Pittsburgh PA 15260 Apply now, then prepare for the learning adventure of vour life Semester in Spain, Ltd. An Overseas Program ot Trinity Christian College • Fan Term Sept i to Deo 77 r>? Spnng Term Jar 30 te May 29 • Program Located m Seville. Spam • ljw witfi a Span s?. Family • Study Span s’- On/y 4 Hours a Day tor 4 M.nths • tar. Dp to !6 Credits Per Senes:*" • I y A • Sec' • t" though Acn ,r ed t'ou'ses Offeree • • Tota. Cost ot $5 250 Per Semester Includes • Round trip T'anspor’.aiton from New York to Span Circle No 05 • Room & Board witn a Sparosn Family • Tuition • ten Yea1 Htstc'y • wo Weeks Ar.oweo 'c Persona Trr:. •. Contact SEMESTER IN SPA N 2065larawar LaKe Dr St. U 21 Grand Rapids M 49546 SUMMER STUDY ABROAD International Business Europe Today (A survey Course) International Relations — Eastern Europe Western European Economics — 1992 Optional Travel Segment Issues in Special Education European Approaches Alcohol Drug Education and Abuse Prevention Programs Comparative and Internal.or al Education Systems Adult Education Menco Past-Present-Future Costa Rtca Birds-Piant-Anmals Man and H»s Environment INTERNSHiPS London Dublin Meet the Professionals Collegiate Program People to People International 501 E Armour Blvd Kansas City. MO 64109 (816)531-4701 Co-sponsor Tht urwefvey o> Mnoun Kansas Cty Circle No 07 For the same cost as study in the I S , you can study for a year or semester in Cheltenham England; Marburg, Germany, Barcelona. Spam Strasbourg, France, Sapporo. Japan, Dalian. China lor information contact HKt I MKI N < OL1FC.ES ABROAD Box 184. Manchester C ollege North Manchester. IN ■I6%2 0565 (2 19) 982 52 58 or 982 4000 Circle No 06 'j&CAfc sn 1)Y IS SPA IS rut: ( ester ion CROSS-Cl I I I RAI STUDY SEVILLE, SEALS ACADEMIC YEAR. SEMESTER JANUARY TERM AND SUMMER UROGRAMS :i YEARS 01 I SCOT I M 1 IS SPANISH STUDIES FOR l S STUDENTS Lan^ua^e. liberal airs basinets.e,In, anon alt!side siiulv Inquiries Director, CC-CS Dept U 210 Strong Street Amherst. MA 011X12 4I.E-SJO-4S42 Circle No 08 I A U Institute for American l niversifies Year/Summet Ptogranrs Aix-en-Provence Macliut/ School At ignon I onion French tall levels). Literature, Civili/alion. Government. Business Economies, Psychology Fine Ails \\ rile: 27. Place dc I'Univcrsite. 11625 Aix-en Provence. FRANCE Circle No. 09