Letters Eliminate Tile hi.il.ml disregard ioi mil environment and school roust slop Phree points will illus truli' su11it icntlv • I In' tremendi'Us .io', pollution Iroin wrappers. pa pi1 is and tood dumped on the sidewalks on I Ith Avenue Are there not enough trash cans v et ' • Tile .hoi | iiI• mil pal h ■ torn through out hushes In la/.v and i neons i del at e students I )n sidewalks trulv take that mui h more I line? • Tin desti in 11. in .a the law e al Parr l ower. Is this your idea i >! a s 11 i I al lie par king t.u ditv At an environmentally and soi iallv i oust unis in.stitut 1011 sin h as the I 111v ersite these ai tions are nothing hut repre hensihle I low i all w e expel t to make the world beltei when we tail so miserably in mil ow n hat kvard I don't i are to live in tins tilth and tramped vegeta turn 1 insist that this behavior he i onlined to vout ow n home li not i ompletelv eliminated One word ot warning Im those ol you who w ill persist m ai ling n responsible don't he surprised when I (.outrun! von in v our nest v lolal ion ol mu env ironment Hen llcn/.ei I mam e philosopliv Frustration In response to Steven Weld man's h*ttei bloodshed I 1 eh 27). 1 would like to sav that Weidman is truly misin torilieil about the \lrnan ,\a lional ( amgress Non said tlie AM has re lused to rennuni e it's teimust attai ks against i ivilians At lacking iiv ilians has nev ei been the poiii v ol the A\( It Is true that .11 ts ol '.ahotage i oinmitted by the AM have ^"mw $10 FOR 2D LB& OF l AUNI XOf CAIJ.BYSflOI’M TUESDAYB0RSEW1CE SERVICE INCUXXS •WASH, IWOED tkzmjp& delivery "OVERNO HSI-RVICH 689-9932 been responsible (nr l(i«* deaths ot civilians However sou l.u! to point out that tin- South \tn i .tn gos ernmeni it sc 11 is liirct t Is responsible tor the deaths ol thousands ot mum en! him k South Afrit ans Non mentioned the \\( s barharit ptai tit e ot net kt.it itin I his is not a pi at tice o| tin* ANt Net klat ins' was lust nil min tiued in ttltta after .’ I mourners were stint dead bv police while walking to a funeral \ouths irate Irani this needless killing, used the net klat e on a t uni munits till it ini It is these s ouths frustrated with the in instil e ol the South Mlit an ju dit nil system, that lontmue the net klat iny \ot lastU , lint all I could til m tins lettei volt sav the m.i lordv ot black South \It n uts are looking 1,1 tile West tm sup piirt f on must mean the major its ot white South All it ails he cause tlie true leaders ol tlie him k maturity. people like Net son Mandela and Desmond I utii base t ailed for increased inletnational pressure Hies ask that m no was should salt! turns he Idled It soil would like flirt he I III formation on this subject, or ssoiild like to dtst uss d further I suggest sou attend a Students Against \parlhenl meet ini; U ednesdas s at i !0 Mike She ppm il Student Wasting time III ms seal and a lull at tile 1 ins ersits I lias e bet mile in t reasingls involved ill the stu tii-iit rim mgaiu/at tons on t am pus I'hese groups are sital to tile t mvetslls bet ause tiles id jet a u mi pie and cilltUl ally til verse environment tm students who want to gel involved More impress!se than the m y,mi/.dions are tile students in f WJe Buy Quality • Stero<' equipment • Video recorders • PA amps A- mixer* • Portable color tv's /its/ 'J bit>t //< >m campus Stereo Workshop 1621 F. 19th 344 3212 M F 9 6. S.il 10 2 V/ volvt'd m staffing them With mil the timeless commitment .mil dedhatmn In thru i<*'>|««*c Ini' programs imni1 i'l llirill would I • MSt funding tor these orgam/a Imn comes Irom student uni dental lees I he Incidental I ee ( jilililillli'i' is rvNjntilSilil' toi at h H at mg aln ml si , mil I mn f n I lie budgets nt these orgam/a lions I atiended ihe ifli ' III meeting supporting liana Siev ei in dirot toi of a sin dentrun organization In fair ness to hei I tell 1 should re spend to what 1 saw happen in that meet mg Most i > t I lie III members had trouble keeping evet out.ii t and were too btt.v talking amine: themselves to even hear what she had to sav \t the end ot hei rei ommi'ii datums, tile li t imni halantlv moved to (lit most ot the i badges and to act epl tile VSl (I o\t i ntive o ' oimnen (lilttoils toi the budget l ine I am not ( oik orned with tile ( ills I am i oik orned. however, w itb how tlie II I leads the pro grams to naivelv believe what tliev have to say will be beard In the future if the III has made then decision hetore a group i (lines hetore it gieat let them know -top wasting the time ol these bnsv students Ito Millliuni business ailiiiiiustialum HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! 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