Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1990, Page 5, Image 25

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Fraternity votes down Confederate flag . . .
The l'. of Alabama chapter of Kappa
Alpha Order recently voted to discontin
ue the public display of the Confederate
battle flag because it has become the
object of racial tension, according to
Fraternity President Andrew Sink. In a
Nov 8 letter to University President
Roger Sayers, Sink said, “Even though
we believe that the First Amendment
protects our right to express ourselves
through the presentation of this flag, we
are also aware that it has been abused
by extremist groups who do not repre
sent the views or ideals of the Kappa
Alpha Order.” Sink said the members of
KAO are proud of the flag’s heritage
because it represents the "principles of
chivalry and a legacy of gallantry.” The
controversy over the flag also led, in
part, to the creation of an expression
clause that will be implemented into the
1990 Student Affairs Handbook if
approved by Vice President for Student
Affairs John Baier ■ Zelda Oliver, The
Crimson White. V of Alabama
Cow rustling.. Students at a Washington
State C dorm were awakened in the
middle of the night recently by a 600
pound stranger with five legs The
unnamed Holstein cow. a mutant with
an extra leg growing out of its back, was
stolen from the university's College o!
Veterinary Medicine bv a group of stu
dents. Freshman resident Andrea
Howard said “He didn’t harm anything
1 lejust wandered around for a w hile and
drank out of the fountains Everyone
was hugging it It was a cute cow ' About
a half-hour after the cow arrived, cam
pus police recovered it. 'The cops just
laughed,” Howard said Since damages
to the dorm were minimal, there has
been no investigation. A campus police
dispatcher said, “1 don't anticipate ever
catching the people who did it We don't
really have any charges against them,
other than maybe cow rustling ■
William R Stott. The Daily Northwestern,
Northwestern l
Make me laugh . .. Western Kentucky !'
recently held the third annual “We Can
Make You Laugh” comedy show
Students were challenged to sustain
laughter during three two-minute pro
fessional comedy routines. Cathy Sorbo
of San Francisco kept students from
winning the $25 prize bv telling jokes
about the "groovahcious" dressing of the
Brady Bunch and an outrageous take
letter to the university president outlin
mgstudent demands 1\vo Denver come
dians rode stick horses onto the stage
and then juggled everything from rub
ber balls to bowling pins. They chose a
woman from the audience, stuck a
breadstick in her mouth and knocked
part of it ofT while still juggling Only two
students, Stephen Matthews and
Damon Dickerson, resisted the tempta
tion to laugh and won the prize » Anya
Lockerl, College Heights Herald,
Western Kentucky l'
No men allowed... Pht Lesbian-Bisexual
Alliance at Smith College voted last year
to continue to deny men entrance to its
dances. Kim Carey, student and coordi
nator of the l,BA, said that because a
bisexual woman, or any woman who
wishes to attend dances with a man has
so many options on campus, the l,HA
will keep the dances closed Student
Danielle Williams said, ”1 don't think it
is the job of the LBA dances to educate
men as far as being open-minded about
lesbianism " Some students were con
cerned about security, both physical and
psychological “The safe space evolved
from a need Psychologically we need
a safe space and it s just not safe when
there are men there," said one student
Graduate student Jean Consolla said.
“The minute you bring a man and some
one feels uncomfortable, then they're not
going to he true to themselves and it
won’t he a true lesbian experience ' ■
Jocelyn Drennan, The Sophian. Smith
The secret to success . . . Michigan State
1 senior Michael Watt is the first stu
dent manager of the MSU Dairy Store,
and the first to get it out of debt The
industrial organizational psychology
senior dug the store out of a $30,000
deficit since taking over the |oh in
October 1988 Watt trimmed the store's
expenses and nearly doubled last year's
sales “Tight record keeping a practice
previously overlooked at the store and
a reduction m both overproduction and
shortages has made the store a stream
lined operation," Watt said He said he
tries to run the store like a Fortune 500
company, and attributes his success to
his student start ■ Dwight Hiertnann,
The State .Veins. Michigan State 1
Drug tests and financial aid . . . Students
who take drug tests may have an easiei
time getting federal financial aid if a pro
posal scheduled to be submitted to
Congress this spring by Illinois Rep
.Jerrv Weller is made law I tie proposal
would give preference to students who
pass drug tests “If you have two candi
dates that are equal in every other way,
the drug-free youth would be given prel
erence, said Weller Members of the
American Civil Liberties Union are
opposed. Jay Miller, executive director
of the Illinois ACLIJ, said, “We believe ii
is probably unconstitutional. You can't
make benefits dependent on giving up
constitutional rights "■Chris Robinson
The I Kill', Helmsman. Memphis State l'
Smith Corona presents three products that can
help make schoolwork academic.
The Smith Corona PWP 2000 Personal Word
Processor is in a class by itseli. It's so compact it can
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