Holbo ( ontinued from Page 1 workers' i ompensalion issues, he s.iui In llie I'UiOs Holbo was campaign manager lor former SI ale Kep Dun Wilson s three sui i essf n 1 i ampul g ns In aildi tinri he works for a i aniliiiate during almost e\ er\ elm lion he said I |o 11» l said Ills e\ pel If ill e as VII e provost Will help 111 III 11 he is elei ted slate representative When (at ii11\ and students real h Ins otln e ss ith pnihlenis the\ are frustrated and he helps to find solutions to the prob lellis Holbo has worked at the I'niversits foi if visits He has been \ it e provost for eight st ars he was assot iate dean and at ting dean of the ( inliege of Arts and St tent es for four sears and he taught Anierir an foreign relations and \meiit an his tors for 1 ft sears Holbo earned his bat he lor of arts degree from Yale I nisei sits He earned Ins master of arts and dot (orate ch grees from the I niversils of < .hit ago He is a member of groups sin h as I’lti Beta Kappa the \iiierit .in Disturb al \ssoi iation tile < hgam/alioii of \nieri tan Historians and the Sot lets for Historians of Anti-titan I 11reign Petal ions Hearing l onlinurd from P«im* 1 u eek indn ated ih.it pro|i>( t iunstrur lion might begin as earlv as lime tin' resenrr li park Still tai es a nuttilier uf htinlli's In a press i (inferenc e Ins! \n \ ember I >an \\ III lams I Hn er sitv vire president fur adminis Iratinii. annoum ed plans In test the rrsean h |iark site for i hem a als heavy inetals lialot arbons. and sulfurii in Iru and pen him n ai ids bur ied during tin Lite tuntls and enrlv '70s It later \\ as disc Insed that I’niversitv offir i.ils had known almut the i hemii al Inn lal situ e at least 1*185 I he I 'mversitv in ! eliruai\ hired a Inm In i nndur I soil and groundwater tests to i her k for present e of materials int hiding IM Us and the wood preserva lives < reosiite and penlai hJmn phenol I est results w i|t he re leased this summer. to deter mini* it ,un i l> uiiup w ill be re quirt'd Also I,isi month the I S bn \ ironmental I’rotei tion \y■ ut v pl.li cd tin- teseari h |>.■ i k site mi its st>< otnian Superfund list ,i collection of sites known or suspec toil to have been ( out,on in.itoii with toxic v\asles In light of those* ilisi overies Stutter said. .1 public review of Ihu research park proposal is HOC essal'V V\ i' arc tr\ ing to make sun* th.it the public is involved in tilt* proi ass ol assessing the de glee ot the problem and estah lislung guidelines so lh.it this type of problem never happens again.' he said ( ilv planning department representative Kosem.in I’rvor said the department is in the midst ot tenant negotiations with institutional Development Assoc iates llic I ‘tab based firm tli.rt is lilt projec I df velopet besides that progress is "business as usual " she said U hi’thi't a public hearing will In' si heduled lias nut \ft lut'ii aiinoiiin i'd V\ i'll* reviewing the request in i nnjuni tion u itli Ihr i 11\ .it turner and we will issue .1 re sponse later this week." said i hief 1 11\ planner lull (Iroteau llie last piildn hearing on the researc.h park was about a veai ago. Croteau said Follow mg an established i it\ proi ess. the 1 ominission has held the re quired number of puhlii hear ings to grant a conditional use permit. lie said In call for ,1 supplemental hearing now , he said, would reopen a proi ess that 1 inn hid ed last \ ear WINTER TAN SPECIAL $5.00 f f Current Prices ( SunShower Tanning Center 8 7*1 { 13th A VO • Upsbtirs by Kmho ON CAMPUS • ‘IMS 2323 | ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT H_NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS Good Thru M.irch 13. 1990 SunShower Tanning Center \\* .in I hr sun salon most i oincriiriilK Ini ated lor students f.iculty .mil stall lutuh studs break In Ui'en ( l.issrs hem s er >ou has e a lit t le r\t i a tum \nu i an lahr a 2<' minute vaiatiun and relax in our deeply soothing sunt - * ds I ioo tin a.ninth and your < hoe < ol musil as soil niptm th.it lus< ious 874 E 13th A ve • Upstairs by Kinko s • 485-2323 \\0| H A S\S | | >| _ WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS r TO ONE DOLLAR WHEN l SKI) ON ANY OF OCR SERVICES Haircuts Perms W eu\ inns llaircoloriiiK Mamiurcv IVdicurt’s \ir\lii Nails Hackscratihfr. ^ iln-rnlass 5.W \ . 11 III \u‘. • I Oregon i :<>•*/ thru Sfmn It n>; > .'4* I (».'• Your CAMPl'S CONNECTION FOR EVERY GROOMING NEED / "i tiit ii Brin ten town u/uj mmpus k IIth Vic. • kuKcnt1. Oregon • 343-1637 *6.99 Any Two Topping l argo (I 4") Pizza ( hmhI 3 (> ^ , 111\ I i»Kr Out \\ .liluhlt Hr Have Kegs and Party Kails to Cio!! L. 344.447 | ■ 20% OFF Any Dinner Item Euj*ent* Stori> Only Valid 1:00-8:00 p.m. \i if *d with .my othrr n ( ,« hh j through M,m h 1 i — INTERNATIONAL HOUSE rMAia. RESTAURANT V_y *45-9976 *5 5 E. Kro.ulw.n /-\ INTERNATIONAL HOUSE RESTAURANT l j 345-9976 Good things cookin'. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. OPEN 24 HOURS To go orders available 355 E. Broadway Advertise today! / heard it through the grapevine... In the Emerald Classifieds