Sports U\ Mark > I. Srninr lorw.inl Irii Dunn show ml i; im/irm rmrnt ilunnu llir I sr.isun .in,I it .is rr it .mluil with I hr /esse Wish Must hujmn ml I'l.n rr t it .if il Brandon named men's MVP; Duck seniors all win honors Sophomore guard Termll Ihandnu was honored MiiiuliU with tin- Sloven | Award *is the most valuuhlo 111.1 \ i■ r in Oregon men's basketball Ini (lie 1‘lH‘t 'to mmmiii Brandon was ,111111m: bun Oregon men s basketball |ila\ers homired .it the annual awards banquet at hugene's \ alle\ Rivet Inn Itrandon a i tool II point gitart) from P stations* music COM!NO UP. AEONORE IMSeVA QUARTER ^CENTURY AS0... Come on in for Hot & Spicy Southern Style Food All food made from scratch cc ith fresh Ingredients At Eugene's Only Cajun Restaurant 894 F 13th • 344 1222 Open Mon-Sat • lid m -9p m