SALE! YAMAHA SPLIT GOOD THROUGH MARCH 31 Wf TWEAT YOU WCHT 10% Discount With U of O ID Card RKSKRVK NOW -OR SPRING BRRAK -ALSO VANS FOR Ski Trip Rentals 9,12 And 15 Passenger CALL H RE Si RVA1 344-1848 i Corner of 11th & High St. Eugene _S ports Sports reporting has tragic side Bv ( am Snesind I mcrald Sports Reporter \iiic!\ nine percent of sports repotting i me ists of vs i it mg up tempi i .11 counts of sport mg events The onl\ negative aspect of sports reporting is that one person or one team loses I ast HU.Ill ill I lls Angeles Irngedv stepped From the Sidelines tn I hr tiifi'ihint nt spirts roporttm', tilling illli' pert cut M'pmtrjS .1 n < i hills !!i‘\r| hop< thuv hav» ii > si r Hank t ,.*'ii«*is .i M'liifi .it !,i>\ii!d Man muunl i ni\t*rsit\ who Uni tin* nation in stoi ing and wbuundmg last y»vh collapse*!.) during a \\ {■'.{ ( . i,is! Contrii*lH « bashrtbali gallic ana ms? Port land (.athcTs ( mdd nat be revived and was pro ikhiik ed distd at nearbv Marina Hospital t in was 2 A. I hr m« i fin tit was ’tunning to m*c on t«•: * visum Nimdav night Hum rowd at I.MI sta r sten Pavilion. w ho had just roared allot a mon strolls dunk l>\ (lathers was redlltml to silent c as In- i ollapsed near mid < mirt (lathers tuud to rise again, but collapsed into llm arms of loam pliysit ians The i nos ol (lathers mother and sislor who had ran on to the court wore the on 1 v sounds to ho heard I ho ordeal was enough to < hohe mo up and a scan ol the i row it in a television camera proved that fans are more than name i ailing idiots Mike (illier.<11. \\ t ( commissionei an nmini ed the tournament would be r am ol od Marvmoiml, who was lust m the cooler emo after rogulai season plav. will leprosent the i onlerent o in the \( \.\ tournament (lathers one of onl\ two plavors to lead the nation in si nring and rebounding, had a si nulai tainting spell m December ot 1‘IHU Meditation was prescribed to i lire what dot tors i ailed a heart arrhvthrnia tan irregulm heart heat I Two missed tames later (la tilers was hat k on the court A liualist loi the John Wooden award as the nation's top plaver. (lathers was averaging ..’H it points and i I J hoards a game l.verv onto in a while tiageth. seeps into the usuaih upbeat .sports stone It is what hi . .; spoils reporters and tans down to size and hnpefulk in w ill all hi t time a little more Women end road trip with loss K\ \shli'\ ( onklin I tm-rald S|H»rts Reporter 1'he (tregon mmii'ii s tennis team w tapped up a three match mad trip in i aliTotlii.i un Sun dav gelling swept H ti h\ the I imrlMH u! P.ic itli \\ ilii lilt1 loss llli1 I Hit k- i un ( hided the li ip with a 1 .! it (Old III I'Ml I I Ill'll SIMMIII IIHiml ,il i I On-gun lif-it San jo-. .state ‘I n mi I iiuiMia> and lost to t ’( I i.o I-- ' 2 un Simd.o t ttlier in.ii> In", w ith Santa ( laia and Nevada Kerin were taint'd out I lie I tin k-. '.sell, in at t loll tor the first tune sint.e ]an 27 attei three m.itches in I ebnniiv vu-re i ant t ied hei atise ot had vveath el hul i oat It I out (.leidet didn't think the la\ oti hint he si|ttati I In*! e w as no extended lustiness he said There was not min h tnoie than a fi pen ent dilleleni e betweeii ns and tlli teams w e w ere play illg Against l’.n itii Oragou lost all lull mil' m.ilt h m straight ..i ts is,11t*l 1 i.iiiM'. li I i. i. i (i I loss to K i rn I .at it No ii singles was Ilia link match nut 111’< nlt’«l hi straight sals a matt h (‘.laidei w as pleased w illl I ti ll so guod .iIhiiiI Vhuga ii-t I Yaleigh !> match hat ause 1 flunk, sin fuutill uni that will'll sin' startl'd doing the things I tuid !n‘j that she i mild at tualk win ' liu said Attar winning the first sat. 1 raleigh was up A (I in I lit? sai ulld sal llah ira l.aa swept tilt Hast Ilia games arid pulled out Ilia sat i md sat 111 tin' third sat I udeigh piillad within "i 1 ha fora l.aa won tha 10th game am! tin- malt h At ) a sha (ought haul and II w as |usi a I .isa w liaia ilia nth ia girl was just a little hit hat tai ( ht'idar said I ha othi»t I )ui ks w all'll I as hirlunata No 1 singlas pla\ef humi Naganiolo hist to l.isa M.ilsiishima o I t. Milan Roberts lust to lulu* I>t-.\rirujiid .it \u singles ti i. n V i)<‘i*n. .it \ii t sin lilt's lust to Leslie Powell, (j-J. Ii 1 \lsu losing in singles j»l.i\ were Shellev Hr,milt ,it Xu 1 singles .mil (aikie Del'iinl .it No •' singles In ilimbles ,11 I ion (h'rgnn's No. 1 team nt Nagarnolo (itiheen lost to Powell Matsushima n 1 n 1 ami the Dm ks \u j doubles team ol Brandt Roberts fell bv ale t "> i mint t-, ! j e I IrAiinoiid Despite being swept bv Pat it ii t.reiiler said the Dink gained some valuable expert tun e m the malt h with the Ti gels noting P.ii itii 's win ovei Washington earliei in the sea sun a team that beat ( begun in laim.nv I he Huskies are also the defending Pat ilii 111 North ern I)ix tsiuii i liaiups I Xu itit already beat Wash mgton and ue learned .unit* good lessons. (Ireider said Inviting: STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF ^Your input suggestions on new styles & designs ‘❖'Meet Hugga Duck Artist ^Drawing for Reverse weave Sweat Shirt ESPECIAL PRICES... 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