Sports_ Loyola shaken by player's death H\ John Nadel \smh iated Press I .OS WOK! IS (API rile firs! sign el tragedy .H Loyola Mars mount was visible to .ill who entered the r umpus Mon diiv the Atneiii an Hag Ih ini’ at half mast liven it it wasn't the pall from I lank t lathers' death could he tell You i ould see it on the lat e ol the worn.ill .it the parking gate You ( on Id see it on the l.nes ol the few students making their wav from r lass to c lass at the small l '.utholii si hool in U esti hestei , a lew miles north east ot I .us Angeles Intei'uation al Airpoit At Albert (lersten Pavilion where l,uvula Marvmount pl.ivs its home basketball games a hand w i itten message w as taped to the door It read Hank. We hove I with a heart substituted lor the weird '' I .m e (lathers, one ot i ollege has kethall's premiei players. died Sunday night less than two hours after collapsing at (lei sten Pa v i I ion earl\ in I .m i da s West (aiast (lonterenee tcnirna lilent game against Portland He was being treated Im an it regular heartbeat disi overed at ter he t oliapsed at the told line in a game Dei U hut had been i leared li\ dot tors to play I if ll.ld just M nil’ll (111 .1 si.1111 liu nk to vine thf I.ions .1 .' i It ulion lio wont down on tlio i mill \isirIv It' hours l.iloi I’ot Stnmoi a starting forward in tlio li.iskethall to.mi. was ill)! .i hi.ii k hand im his i n;lil arm w ilh (.athers niimlioi I I draw n on it "Wo‘re all prettv much stunned ahoul what hap polled.' Stumor said It's hard to realize he's fust itmio \\ e all know ho had tins proh loin, hut inihoik thought it was this serious Wo dido t loali/o it w as a live i ir die thing \II tlio playois iin the to.on art* pretty f lose ilank took i are ol all nt us I io made even hod\ h.i|)pv lie was an unbelievable loader l.oa t ‘arhonatto. a student w ho works in the i ampus soi ti rit\ otlieo. said a low i lassos w ore rani clod and that alien dam o w as dow n at those that w ore held I ike many of I .uvula \ t ait) students. ( arbunatIn was at the game when (lathers the M \ \ I )i\ i sit in leader in si oring and rebounding last season and the sixth leading si oioi m the i ountrv this season, i ollapsed 'It was shocking she said ipnetk Sadness s pist the feeling around hero ' It sure has altei ted the w hole i ountrv said a souther |a\ Hi llm k one of the I .lolls assistant s •••> lie was rn ergetu and lull nl hope lot til nl us ||'|l novel be the sanm Out' ot t hcisn hart lest hit by thi' i h was teammate Hu k imhle who Iratls tin' i outitry m storing (.atliers and Kimble go was hai k a I n nl hud d it's w In i at tended Diitihiii-s 1 re'h in I’hila dolphin hi'tuti' t oming wi-st tu gi'lhur in I'M i They began their (ollegn i ari'i'rs a! South ern i al unih'r f .nni It Stan Mm risiin hut transit'! red to l.nyohi after then treshmau seat u hen Murrisun was fired and re | i|i is I )imu'i s, l.irqi* rated food Ii cH. s to qo I ’.n ties of .ill types and we’ll do the dishes too! for more information phone 346-3718 ask for Dennis or Bradley You’ll be surprised how affordable EMU Catering Services are! ()rri>on l).itl\ 1 mrr.ild r 40% OFF Deli Sandwich of your choice with purchase of a beverage. (SdVt* $1.1 0) ,! j u:!!: .1!!'. ■ tthi'f (*!t<■ r 1<> 90 *pu< I 2 FOR 1 ESPRESSO OR LARGE GOURMET COFFEES (jooil l uck on I in.ils! [ Ml) “Coffee I xpress" Drink Menu Sinqli' i sprpsAO 75 ( apput t mo 1 00 Dotihlt* I xpn'sso 1 00 ( i> ( ottrrs hum thr ( itflrr ( «»rm r / til Offer good in Skvli«|hf Bh*p/cu,iv orlishOoul