_Regional_ Hosticka elected to replace Dix as state's House majority leader SAI.IA1 |API Oregon llmisr Democrats elected Rep l i.irl I Inslii k.i 11s thr new I louse m.i joritv leader Monday night to replai r follow Kugene I Irmo oral David Div l)i\ stopped down Irum tin < aliens post last week in the wake nl i oiitinuing nntu ism over defii iencos in I louse I Jem i« rats' reporting ol eampaign i ontrilnilions and expend) tores The Democrats met behind ( losed doors tor little over an hour Monday night holme ph k ing I lostii ka 45. as then new majority leader They said lie was i hnsen ill balloting over Kep Hriu e I logo of Si appoose Afterw ard. I lost it ka told re porters lie thinks House IJeiim i rats will he able to put their campaign Imam e reporting woes behind them and make a good showing in this year s elt'i I ions I he Reprtbl n an plan w as !i i run against I Javid I h\ and now they’re going to have to run on then ovvn merits. I losti( ka said Now it s a non issue I Jenioi rats i urreiltlv i ontrol the I louse h\ a O -III margin I lostii ka a |iriilessor ot puli In a Hairs at the I niversity ol (Jregon. is running tin a tilth term in the I louse I le served as chairman ot the tax-writing House Revenue t iiinnnttee m the I'lttr and 1‘IHU legislative sessions I louse Demur rats w ill meet after the N'ovemhei general election to |>n k a majority lead er till the toy I legislative ses sum. and Host ii ka ind ii a ted hi likel\ Would seek the post again at that time Looking for work? Graphics RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 346-4381 ' • l l t i Urn ■ • TYPtSETTING • PASTE UP LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSUHATION You can buy STAMPS at the DO Bookstore! < >iI).iil\ I mi-r.ilil Although Di\ slopped down as maioritv loadoi. hr ,m noum oil Iasi wrrk ili.it hr would seek rrrlrition to the Legislature l)l\ had hctui uildor lire for months hot ausr ol problems in i am us reporting ol tunipuign t nnlrihutinns and expendi linos Set trials ol Stair llarh.ua Roberts ordorod a spot nil audit ol those dolit lent it's and later imposed Sti rIMIII 111 lines against three Dernot rain organ i/ations l)i\ was held person alls liable till S.' I .HI'ol one ol the lilies ( .ill llnstii k.i SPAS COUPON I I I DO Main Strcrl i Sprmuticld “ 741-1777 Private Outdoor Hot Tub & WO 1.1 1 Tunning t__ COUPON 1 SAVE 20% (up to $2.1)U utl «inv rent.ill COUPON FOOD VALUE 1960 FRANK!JN BI.VD. \l)|\(l\l IO< WIIM Sl>\ I K WKI l\III A I) GOOD THROUGH 3 13 90 FRANKLIN STORE ONLY f ood V a I u #» n 0Jttf3/Q uspaveo 40 % on items at _ FOOD VALUE BUMBLE BEE TUNA 6 ’. o.' ^ Bumble Bee > 69$ SPARKLE TOWELS DIANE’S CHIPS HENRY WEINHARD BEER MD TISSUE COOK’S CHAMPAGNE IGA CREAM CHEESE 8 O,' IGA Cream Cheese 4 couporv FOOD VALUE BREAD 3/s100 KRISPY SALTINES 16 02 KRISPY 2! SALTINES 99<: PEPSI FAMILY CANS 6 12 02 t coupon JUG MILK