National Debate opens on clean air legislation WASHINGTON (AIM The Senate opened ill'll.itc Monday iin i nmprornise i Ir.m .ill lryjisl.ilion would mean tin- first tight oiling of .nr pollution l.tus in t t years Senate Majority Leader George Mitt hell I) Maine, in an opening statement said rarely has there been legislation so thoroughly ton sidered so long liehated. so min h dist ussrd After near l\ a dei ade of dead lot k the yvay was cleared last week for floor debate yvhen Senate leaders and the Hush administration agreed on i mbs on timt industrial ( heinit al>. released into the an smog a allying pollutants hum automobiles and the i oinpountls that i atlse at id lain (■'yell before the revised legislation yyas brought to the flooi Monday , the compromise i ante under att.u k from i r it it s yy ho said it ‘.y as too tough on industry and senatm s who t .1!In.I it too weak to 1 lean the dirty skies oy er the 11.1 the 1 umprome e represented little 11 mrnl over tli«- < ommitteo lull It's ill!- ' 1)1)4 long .inn III the federal gn\ eminent intruding into I lit* li\rs of 1 In ■ Ameri i .in |M*opIc " ‘ Svinnis 'I'm nut sure we need this hill right mm Mill lifll snapped li.n k Simms lias opposed even effort In improve the ijualitv ol A mem a s an in the past 10 years Acknowledging that the hill not as slrn I as he wanted Miti hell said its provi sums wen the best that i mild he nhtained from the administr.ition. and warned Ins i ol leagues We le going to sta\ w ith tills hill Un til we i omplele it. sooner or later \l a news i onlereni e Sen I rank I .mien berg I) N | said the legislation tails to re ijiiire the auto emission controls needed to i lean the air in serioiisK polluted areas sm h as the major metropolitan an as nt the \oilh i Ament aus are t liokitig on dirt\ an and the i lean an lull (omiou to the Senate Hour Hist won't get the job done said 1 ,e feiilieig pi'.lll • llig to seek some . ! i.l 11 • * to the hid Ml the i'timing d.n s Inefficiency plagues student financial aid |< J’S) The federal sUidi'iil ,ii(l program is plagued I>\ so much fraud and inefficiency it no longer works i orris t l\ ,i Senate panel ( harged I'eh 20 "To date we have not found one area that we have exam ined hi the federal staff aid pro grains that is operating efti < lent!v or effei.lively■ said a staff statement at a hearing In the Senates permanent suh ( ommittec on investigations Thr siitx oinmittrr issued tin* statement after compiling a rc* port about tin* stair of tin* pro Despite ioltv goals and good intentions of thr studrnt aid programs, hundreds tif mil imn'i !>| dollars dre bring vvast I’d of iiaudulentlv obtained !hr rrstilt of course is legitimate two \rat and four J I fir S^-5Prt ^OaH ro OF D[:fJTAlL 23pX to F&yAORK $Oah To I\ifu i^CCi rr. H »tPr1 Jo yorJl^ f? 4 n jO QijrJORK M bnn To S*NFFLAt ■ pn Jo Jv 4/v # o !$&* is m$f* T° \Ey J?RK ft To a?ILa To TV* meu York hn olio.I ( I magi 1 \ixiv oiled I V Oi w.istlui lVtv I >ni swot 11 suiting 1 >ui n h >minates a eas\ wtien you gel Alt I (till Minder s 7770 IVi ause u nil il voiii an .ill get your l« mgdisUixv eliaiges listed separately own tlx High \< hi shaiv [lie same1'lxmi' numlx i \ixi 11 a»i.s uhi n>>thmg I ■ InhI . Hit m» hi .ilk nit ilk- lav l/i 7 (xiU.\kin<{iyi Vr/vee cluil 1 MOO 222-0300, ext. 600, ItII make U >th v< >ur bills aixl vour a»miniates miieh rasiei ti) lav w ith : AT&T “The right choice. college students get either nut enough fitillnt in! .in! did Inis or none .it .ill In reply. i ampus student .nil .idministr.itnrs say the Senate study is, blaming evervhod\ rather that |iist the institutions that have highde t.111 It rates "The report is oversimplify ing a very complex situation i harged I lull.ew is financial aid direc tin at I oket ( College in I l.irtsv i I le St " !he broadgen eralization doesn't apply" to all c atnpuses l ewis and others sa\ most ot the I rand and ineft n iem \ in c ur at trade schools We know that there are some problems, but del,mils are often limited to a small number who purport to he educational institutions.' said Dallas Mar tin. e\ei uti\ e direc tor ol the National Assoc iation of Student Aid Administrators "Many times the educ at ion is interim and the student is not properly trained to compete tin a job I'he (iovernment Act minting ( ttln e in hed that U ashington guaranteed S t J billion in loans to students m Pltl'i I iespite the ini lease in lie I,miters NASI A AS Martin be hews that "Overall the cast maturity of students and iusti tutions are working hard and doing a good job It's important to gel to the root of the prob Iem. but don't give the impres sion that the whole system is rotten Mai tin. I ike i ethers in the aid industri notes a parlic ulai problem w ith trade sc bools which are tor-profit programs dedicated to teac hing spec itic trades like true k dm mg c os met ic c are and c leric al skills The t S I kept ot Keltic ation whit h administers most tederal college programs, estimates that trade si bools at c ount tol s"> pen era ot tile sc hools par tn ipating in the tederal teed student loan program but tin halt the total amount ol loans that are in default FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • 50-400% enlargement or reduction • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Creat copies Creat people 860 E. 13th 44 W 10th 344-7894 344-3555 * AMNKRUIM) * ORFAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS toymen au games work I rjiijcc W,TMN,CKELS " UAMtd ADMISSION 1 50 5TN STRUT PUBLIC MARKET • EUGENE • 683 8464 •a*