Regional Republicans discuss sales tax S! ASH M i API Musi Re public .ms .it Ihr iiiihmI I)or i hcsler ('.onlrinii r bi*lin\ r ,i s.ill's tax would In' tin' answer to (begon's s< huol funiling problems Those attending the ineekrnr! ()()!’ i'\ rut ( ,ist sii,inn ballots nil live advisnrv school tin.ini r measures put mi the M.iv 1 "i pi ini.irv rlri timi b.illnl In .1 leg islalive i ommiHer Two (it tbr proposals urge adoption ul s,ilrs laves In re |il.ii r must nr all |miprrt\ lavs lur si hools Two other measures would boost state ini utile laves fur the same purpose, and the tilth measure asks whether enters u ant any ( bailee in the i in rent s( bool funding s\ stem l lie Dun hester part a ipants overwhelmingly railed tor re tm m on the latter question. vut ing e | u I,, i bailee the present arrangement ()l the four lav proposals the only one appnived In the eon Ierem e u as a t pen cut sales tax on most goods It would raise about ‘s'llltl million a Near willle rutting school properh taxes on homes and businesses b\ an .1 \ cl.1 «• i it a! pi'ii cut I'lic proposal was endorsed li\ a vote nt 1 HH-'l.' The ' pen cut sales lax pro pos.ll w as defeated 1 "h ll.' lax would appl V to In till 141 tods and sen ties, raise S’ H billion a xear and eliminate all proper!v taxes tor si bools rile two proposed mi nine lax 1 in lease measures were 1 rushed try (tie Kojmblit an < on tele 111 e A measure to raise the top rate from ') peri ent III 111 1 per 1 ent to i ut in halt si hool prop er!\ laxe-- on homes was (fount ed on a vote of So 7 10 \n adv isorx measure that would raise the top rate to !-) peri ent lot some taxpayers to eliminate si hool propertv taxes mi homes w as defeated _’lia H I he sales tax proposal that won 1 oilieretn e apprm al was endorsed l>\ |ohn Danielson, lohb\ ist tor I'lie 1 ) 1 e41111 Kdui a I ion \ssi 11 ia! ion Danielson told the 1. oilier em e that lie thinks the sales tax is the best answer to si bool fund111,4 bei aiise the lax will al ti‘( I th<’ greatest mtrnher ot pen pic .llllc In pav \s ihr population ages lie Sit id ihr tnimbei lit mi min' earners will shrink I ormet Sis r«-1.1 r\ nt Slate \urm.i I’.uilus vv liu is running tin the null p.nils.hi post nt slate s< hiiol superintendent aisu said tin- sales las is the lies! answer In revamping si Iniol binding Ihil she said In pet snade void s lit llial the las rale must he put in the slate tainstilntion so il i an t he i hanged hv the legislature I’aulus said she las 01 s a pro vision requiring anv passed hv (lie legislature to he leterred In the Voters ill two to three years to dei ide whether or not it should he t ontmued ( i infer eiu e < it I it ials aid about ilvtl people registered to attend this gear's gathering vv Ini Il vv as toimded liv I S Sen lioh I’at kwootl when lie was a state legislatol .Ui veals ago The i ontereni e is not an ollit lal Kepublii an |iaitv (tint t ion Lonsdale ( onlimied Ironi I It vem's .is (In-chair lit tin' lim'fi inn s Si inn t‘ ( uum il. it Ple.ts .mi ml! Myall (|ucstioactl l.misil,lie's u isilom in running i lu■ > is sue i ,im|iaiKi' Ini uses mnintv oil abortion ami tun bet PIZZA 342-81 11 TINO’S 1 • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon -Thun I 1 00 Midnight Frt. 1 I 00 I 00 am Sat S 00 I 00 a m Sun S 00 n 00 (i m y Shoes up to 50% off! MEN'S SHOES: LA Gear High Top Air Stream was $77.80 Now $52 80 LA Gear Low Cut Court Air Stream was $69.95 Now $34 95 Avia #455 Men’s Aerobics was $59 95 Now $48 95 WOMEN’S SHOES: LA Gear Street Brat Low was $54 95 Now $36 95 Avia 400 Aerobics was $43.95 Now $35.95 877 E. 13th 342-6375 FOOD WAREHOUSE HBHHH BULK FOOD & NUTRITION WAREHOUSE 17 COBURG ROAD — “JUST ACROSS THE FERRY ST. BRIDGE" PHONE 683-8669 BULK FOOD & NUTRITION WAREHOUSE YOUR TOTAL FOOD STORE -Tv* New And r- —■ Expanded ^ PRODUCE V Department New And Expanded MEAT Department SAVE MORE THAN 50% WITH OUR COUPON You Owe It To Yourself To Come In And See Our Changes! shaasave m food Warehouse COUPON PEPSI FAMILY 6-PflK CANS Expires 3-13-90 FIRST TWO I Your Locally Owned Food Store Is Here With The Best Service In Town!