AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER PRODUCTION PICTURE BEING A RESIDENT c, j GREAT EXPERIENCE A>. ' : ;>■; .'.TUN IY HOT TCEt V 1 si: a r>rrir> r\ \ O 2) \o TAMT PR . THE IN vtRSITYOF OREGON IN VtRSiTY HOUSING ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: TUESDAY, MARCH 27 CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 UNIVERSITY INN LIVING ROOM 7:00 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 29 BEAN WEST CONF. ROOM 7:00 PM APPLICATION DEADLINE: MONDAY, APRIL 2,1990 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE AT UNIVERSITY HOUSING OFFICE WALTON COMPLEX Macintosh Plus Macintosh SE Announcing new k)\wt prices on the Macintosh SE and Macintosh Hus. As vouu- proluHv learned. staving on top t>1 olassvvork takes a lot o! work Sovvereotleruigiiew low prices on two great Mi:.:', aids the Macintosh' SI' .11-.! the Macintosh Plus 1 se a Macintosh to tnuiscrilx* vour notes. crank out Unit spreads!led, |n)lis!i oti statistic aik1 polish up that Knglish| taper Wliat s more, oncevouve mastered one application vou can use tliem all, Krause even Macintosli software application works (lie same \v;i\ Aik!sinu even Macintosh run> ll)0 S.II1H |X(\U‘l'llll NillW.lIV .inti IK expandable. i! am grow with uni a.' m Kir needs d tinge Ifyoiul like lo know more..stop In liu' liK.ition listed below Vim'll M\v more than .1 ti a U Vim !! gain even tiling (mm.Vs to/. a. s / niejXMvr ti)tx‘\ourtx‘St.' Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Mon(la\-Frida\ 9am-5pm ‘ 346-4402 c v» , St* • S'* ‘V *• ** « \«* omftun W*. Community Ilarn t.onsdalr. .i llrntl busifwssntun and sriantist. i s i ampaiuninu lor tin- Ib'inni rath nomination in boprs ot t.n mu Krpublii an Son Mark llattirlil this \n\rmhrr. Democratic candidate vowing to ban exports B\ Darnlvn Irappe f merald ( ontriinitor Hend and st ion list I !,trr\ 1.1 insdule kn ked nit Ins i ampaign tor the IIrinot ml ii innuin.iturn tin lln I s mm ali |i\ visiting tour (iregon c it irs, mi lulling b.ugene mi Mon day !.«i usd a If is thu second | >« • i SI 111 III enll'l t 111’ rat l' III! till' I )emot rafit nominalion I In mnnilive will opposr Republi tan Si■ 11 Mark Hatfield in the November m'inaa I elet lions hi Ins sji. ri h at tin* I niicrsi t\ I iuisilali viimi'iI tu keep ahiirlirm legal and In ban lug r\ j ii a Is it elet ted I bflii'i r that it is thu right nt all women to be able to ( house tile Option III a sale le gal abortion and 1 believe that the women of Oregon should lie able to make that decision without the threat of govern merit intervention or govern ment rest! it turns I trust the W omen lit Oregon til make then own dei isiiins l onsdale said. lie tiled Hatfield's "opposi lion lo lliis fundamental right as restrit live to the rights of women Lonsdale also said that Hat field is out of tout ii with the people ot Oregon on the issue ot log exports \metv pen enl iit I iregonians voted to make t flanges We voted overw helm ingh to stop exporting logs from sialt' land 1 will work In stop exports ot logs from .ill Oregon land, ini lulling private anil federal I \ iiw net! land, he saitl " M\ up pniient lias done nothing to stop these exports In lai t log exports are i ontinuing .it < lose In rci uni levels I bel ie\ e that ur ran. ur must, preserve our ancient forests, while we create lieu jobs m value added prod nits Instead nt exporting logs, let’s export wooden doors and u billows tin it it u rt * and modu lar homes We must use (Ircpin limber tu < reale t begun |nlis Lonsdale s promise to refuse spot ial interest money w as greeted with applause trom the audiern e Lonsdale reterred to llatliehl as a Senator who's enme down with a ease ol I’otomai lever a Senator who accepts .pei ial interest l‘.\( money lot his i am|align eoffers and spi red iiilei es| horn iraria tor hI:ii selt ' Lonsdale moved to Mend in P172 troin his home state nt \ew |iTsr\ lime years later he began a and devel opment tinn called Bend He sean h. I in I n 1 liB J he was named Oregon's Sin.ill Busi ness 1 ntiepient-u! ol the 'l eal l)V Oregon Business Magazine Lonsdale rrlrnrd to hiniselt as "a doer W hen I see things 1 don't like I don’t just almut them. I art "In tin- eai |y 'nils I began the (treat Oregon Spring (Cleanup m Bend a road side littei i leanup campaign. he said "For the last two years 2000 people m (Central Oregon have turned out tor the event 1 was principle sponsor lor the (lo gon Rivers Initiative in 1‘IHH which protects hundreds of miles of Oregon’s waterways I've served for the past two Turn to I onsdale, Page I I 'VoVER^J 50 %« s£3 ter ly good :th Cino ILLUSIONS".. | 1311 Lincoln a Willamette Towers Bldg i PERMS * •• - a ■ -r V r t* s27.95 ! ■ LOOP RODS - SPIRALS a starting at s39.95 HAIRCUTS NOW s6.00 I I I Illusions • 345-1810 I I I I i tnrough April 2. J990 with coupon only