Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1990, Image 1

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    -—.O/'ci'o/i Daily_ _
Mimil.iv \Ian h i I'i*lit
Kuucnr I
Vulumr '11, Numli' i 1 !
■ Faculty salaries. Page
■ Emerald restruc tured, Page 4
■ Protest over KWFB firing, Page 5
■ Women loose to Arizona. Page B
Military's role in research funding questioned
Research park brings
new complications
B\ |ot* Kidd
1 merald Reporter
Irom monkeys to missiles to minds tin* world <>t
seient if H resean h is loaded with t < > 111 m\ er\v. \ i id the
I niversitv is often a! tin heart <•! it
Debate nvei I lie military's role in funding resen n h
hei nine the fo< .11 pom! o| List term's protests th.it dis
nipted the dec!ii .11ion reiviiinm ot tin new • lent e
However, this debate and the wrestling match
over what txpes ot resean h should be a Hawed at the
I’mversilx are not new lie* arguments tan be
found in decades old Imversitv Senate minutes lint
the ( ontrunlntion ret ently has taken on new meaning
and with the plans foi a Riverfront Research Park
( raw ling < loser to real it \ . the battles w ill be fought on
new fronts
d’he tat t that the \rm\ \nv\ and the Alt lone
fund some I'mveisitx resean h projet Is has promptetl
protests from students, Shannon ()liver ( o director ot
the Student ( ampaign for Disarmament t laimed that
the militarx is gaining uimo ess.ir\ control nver areas
uj research in a commentary published in the ()iri>i nt
Iktih I 'mcmlti hist tei m
Oliver maintained in a recent interview that the
t mvetsilv should not at cept mditarv funding in order
to protest shifts in the national budget toward the nub
(.in ovei the last ten \< e I would like the l lliversl
t\ to refuse to take money from the militarx she said
claiming that mditarv involvement m research also
limits the t V pes ot resea i ■ i; bene; d« a n
Although the mditarv gi.ie.e the l ni versify re
( elves are otilv a j r.ic lion i >f the fedeiul dollars granted
eat h veal ( Hivei believes a strong stance should be
taken to assert tin need to reallocate the national
budget ( Hivei also t omplamed that hinds toi si iem r
abound while oilier academic areas are being oyer
It Hiked
Indeed militarx funds granted to the I Diversity
have increased oxer the last ten years Hut Department
of Detense funds are still a small pen eiitage of all the
federal funds given to tin* ! Diversity eat h year
Throughout the 1‘IHUHI school veal federal agen
ties gave tlie limersitv untie than ST t million in
grants Mditarv contrihutions amounted to less than I
J'h.tlo In M.ul \ I.
I'.ml l.ntiflkiitt;. .issni i.itr i licinisln /mi/rssm /i.is In rch l>.utiall\ mi lh‘i>.irtniriit at Drlrnsr liiinliin;
Ini Ins rrsv.in 11
|***ii rut (it tins tiit.il List si hnni umi thr I nUrrsity if
< rivrd mo if ih.m s »J > mi i! ion Mi I * •«i * ,»,«! vji.mls
\nm An t on f .iiid Nt»v\ i out i dm I mi is m«i dr up just
morr til.in priornt ol thut tot.il
\t minim ti rrtloin
Jlrspitr tin liilfrrrnt .ittlludrs ulxnit tin- n.itinmil
I h M i r t hour\r| soinr l'lllVrlsit\ .if i minis! i .ih i|s .mil
t,i(iill\ mi'iiiliris lirlirvi1 llli' I'hivitmK .11>>>11(I iiu1
i111111 ii'sfiiii tiers [rum si-i-kuiK Hinds truni milil.uv
\’(>l ill.in Ui’ssells 1 mivi-imU |irm osl and vitc
11!vsiiii'ftt tut mi tdi'HIK .itlairs wriiti' .1 O' jiiinsc In l 111
Idrn to I uniliii)’, I’.i^c
Environmentalists speak on future
B\ Peter ( ogswell
I merald Reporter
Pile president ul tin \,itiuu.il Wildlife
I Ullllll.il II 111 .Mill lilt' lilt' i i mi 111 n.itur ul Ke
seal'll) I ullliil.illuli lul S| iuik r anil I i olog\
India |jrusi‘iilfd diimui speei lies S.ilurdav .is
pad ul Ibr l-ughth \nmi.il 1’nblii Inteiest i,,m
I onlereni r
)a\ II.ill .mil \.llld.III.I Shiva spoke nil lop
it s r.111n111f* Imiti w 1 n’it• tliu vvorld is headed in
terms ul tliu ■ -iiviri>i)iin-111 lu pupul.iliuii priili
II.Hi i.illuil tin' sl,ilnli/.il iuii ul glo
Ii.iI liuiii.hi population llir most important is
siiu tai ing environmentalists lud.n
I low i ,ui llii- world sustain a diilun i
population ul in billion people wliun t od a \
Hill lino people a da\ starve III dealll -til,(1(10 ul
them children. I lair said
l lir set mill must important issue lai ini'
environmentalists m die Inline lias lu do with
eneri>\ . I lail said
I Ian i ailed die nexI l a X ears die must dan
genius tune in terms ul the environment Ini
humans Hut though it is the must dangerous
lime il is also the most exi iling, he said
lorn to I iwironment, Page (>
I'hulo l»v Srjn 1'irtlnn
l.n II.in (irrsitlrnl nl Ihr Wilion.il Hilillilr
liniiiil.iliiin s.iiil (hr nr\l Irn \r.irs .irr go
inti In hr dungrrous nnrs tor llir rnxiron
Second measles case
detected on campus
liv C hns ft< >111it-11
1 nier.dd \sso< i,ilr f (hint
A set mill 1 m\ ci Ml v student
was d i. i n Hi isrd us hiUillg MIIM
sics Thuisdus . svhieli |)ioiu|ited
student I Ic.dlli ( enter nllu nils
In e\lcml i linn hours Suturdas
In li.indie the dem.ind lor to e
measles inject ions
111 lames lai ksim healtli
i enlel d llei tin said the sei i nnI
case was i linn .dlv diagnosed
ill a .’II \ eal old student w ho
In ed in oil i ain[His u)iui tineuls
Health i enlei off ii nils at
ranged Ini the student's room
mates to lie immunized and
I el lilllinended to the student s
i liissmates that tin s gel me.i
sles shots
I lle sludeui attended classes
through Weduesdus whull
means the student was ill I hiss
w liile he.dilv i ontueuHis. )ai k
son said
t )t the two i uses We \ e had
111101111)111'. then Instills Is tiles
(lilt h.IVi' measles shuts .1 s ,1
chilli |,II k Mill Mini I I ('.ills
think I It.it ’-■! Illinois nee. i tii l.iki
tlllS M'l Hll|s|\
I he l u st measles i ase u .is re
I a a tei i last 1 tiesilas in a IM
s ear nhl temale stuilent u hi i
also list’ll nil i a I u j m s |ai k • am
s.ml a pi eliminars ins estiipil inn
shnweil nn i oiinei lum between
the two i ases
I alio ( i hi ills health nil n lals
Here nut itieil ut the ser.iiiui
measles case hill lhe\ i uillil
nut he real In'll hu i liniment
I rulas
I he student u hu i initial tell
the lust measles < ase at tile
I Ills el Sits Hi at least 1 I s eals
hail lu lie hospitalized ss liil h
(letinuistrates the seriousness ut
Ihe iiisease |ai ksull salll
I'n i uiuh.it a possible measles
problem. the health i enlei e\
II ■ n i li’il hours that stmlents
I Ullld lei else (lee measles nil
lum to Measles, l\ij>e t>