Fashion with an Ethnic Flairl St-w n.iturj! Iibrr 'V ; in f f« h 1.1 '!• rI.i! -r u • ,ind \l\ It*'. !> ■ 2 ' •»!<' Vklth f * A.I, < ». W ’Vf (, >ikt t:* •? >f v .irvt-s \ - :{'■ .i' n j jr\*i Jr >2 I 1 Avt* fH*Xl !■ list- \ X* t *!’.!< 'f i \ *> Mf >f ? 7 "b>> • ,! M.i’kil (It >WH 681 ■ 1 > ( !•! FOLKWAYS IMPORTS ClOTHWG JfWKRV 8| FOtK APT FROM AROUND THf WORT.D Value Quality Service El HEY COUCH POTATOES DON’T OVER EXERT YOURSELF CALL PIZZA ANSWER AND HAVE A PIZZA DELIVERED RIGHT TO YOUR COUCH! •CCUCH PCr4TCE5 Pizza Answer starts serving at 11:00 Feast For Four Buy a 16" - 3 Item Pizza and 4 16oz. Pops for ONLY $10.95 (Reg $ 13.55) Name_ Address _ 687-8600 L One Coupon Per Pizza • Expires 3-11 90 J Encore! Gallery ( ontmucd Irum Pam* "> the mysterious i>ut gentle and the surrounding environ men) Laughing eves emerging tioin p.nnt stroked wrinkles e\ jiiess more .it eat h glam e bringing the figures to life and staring out at each viewer who passes t>\ Hiamit also includes three alistmi t silksereeus that are based on symphonies b\ (.ns tav Malllei Ilere the alistrat t forms echo the notes uf eat h symphony 1 he artist’s brush has tiailietl 111) paper to I'epre sent tile i untent of the syrnpho nies and the aitisi s emotion,il rear turns to eat h piece ( urmtius a graduate student in sculpture at the I'niversity joins the exhibit as an aitist who is primarily experimenting with sculptures of stone and hrull/.e Abstracted figures express ( ornitins desire to celebrate the power and beauty of tin* feminine Her pun es are meant to j nisll OUT e\pe( tutlons of til,' feminine to their limit* f lies, sin 1 pted forms seem fluid despite then origin of stone and free themselves from I hi' nstrii tions ot the medium 1 ,.ii h image is powerful in its simple 11\ and gnu cful in its suggested movements I lie Ini man figure !>••« nun's beaulifulh abstrai ted u itli b.isii tin ms molded into expressions ot life Works b\ 1 lazard. a < adifor in.i based artist who has tr.i\ elect extensively in Russia, take a more global look at our sm roundings She ini ludes in the exhibit several of hei i note drawings ot the countryside on the outskirts of I.eningrad Hazard plays with perspei live and abstracted figures to create unusual representations ot the environment she por trays Simple strokes of conte cieate scenes based on realitv hut whir h seem also to stem from the imagination. I tie i haraclers t tazard de pni Is an unidentifiable hut then non specific nature sug gests a culture unfamiliar to the aver.lgi v iewer and t reales a sense ot intrigue regarding their existence and the artist's poi! iaval . 'I the subjei I mattei lanet h ie a retired (begun iiinsn teai her who has been an active visual artist throughout hci lilr. t ontribules to the ex hihit m.tin beautifully detailed U .111Tc nlor l.inclst apes "Klamath River (kite." "Salt (frcek 1 alls' and the ' Antique limiting Lodge" arc among the many outdoor st ones dcpii ted hv Ivie The natural si cues are beau tifully transferred onto paper and the siihlic i olors of the sur roundings patientlv lend them selves to llie warm shades ot the wulen olors Ihe paintings play with the senses and til ing eai h image to life w ithin eai li frame All file works m 111 is exhibit combine to compliment eai h other and nature A isions of the World In l our Women" is a unique exhibit which ex plores bcaulv and nature in then -ampin it\ llie exhibit does not chal lenge perceptions hut rather makes the viewer at utelv aware of the senses, inviting us to see the heailtv in the visions each artist has captured on papier "Visions of the World In I our W omen is currently on dispkn in the ! Aft (fallen and will run through Man h In Nile tells musical story of women Heritage celebrated The EMU Cultural l-'orum. with Praada I’rtiduc lions of California, presents ''The Afri i an American Woman 1,500 to Present “ The live theatrical performance is by four artists with narrations and interludes of music 'The African American Woman is por (raved as Queen of the Nile, intelligent, fill filled, complete and ingenious The Musical Monologue establishes Egypt's direct relation ship to Mother Africa It highlights the continuance of coloniza tion. invasion and enslavement of the African American before and after the Emancipation Proclamation Praada Productions is an organization founded 15 years ago Their aim is to assist children, youth and young adults in growth development within a pluralistic society, cre ating an atmosphere of appreciation and re spect for life, as well as cultures of the world. This presentation takes the viewer through the years of Harriet Tubman. Sojourn er Truth and the Abolitionists. Songs sui h as "Nobody Knows the Trou ble I've Seen.” "Deep River,” and "Some body's Calling Mv Name” are symbolically sung as our narrator strategically leads the Af rican American Woman to victory. It ends with the pains, struggles, hopes, realizations and accomplishments of the Afri can American. The show will be in the EMU Ballroom on Monday. March 5 at H pin. Tickets are $2 50 and are available at the door only Tired of Waiting? Fall Creek Bakery has fast service. HMS f .»\t \ l(h near t ampus i vu ( ki;i:k BAKERY Hb 4H4 1 Sat 8 t / > Spring Break Lost Valley (enters Kt oloyii al retreat lor students Mar 17 - Mar 25 • ami If.un nix,init ganifiiniv* susi.mi.iblf’ lori*sh\ < i)mposhn>t rn \» ling vv ihiliff f nliijm f mt*iit u.iffrsluni ifshtrahnn • • ' i ’ > • '.{> ill I Sj-t.l t’lr-rogistmtion l>\ Mot 10 Spn( r tor 50 students onl\ ’•! fill I (i ,| V s >1 j I) , | i j ‘| t j. t \ s H 18t>8 ! .ost \ al If \ I .mr l)f\tff OK *174 *1 r»(M m;i7- i:m V. J Don’t miss out on great savings — Clip coupons out of the Oregon Daily Emerald.