_Encore! School uMtvfftsrrr or otkooh of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave OREGON JAZZ ENSEMBLE Student Ensemble Fri, March 2 8 p.m. $3 General Admission $1 Students Senior Crti/ens CHILDREN S CONCERT 'AH That Jan' Sat., March 3 10:30 am. $3 Adult .. $2 Children, or $5 lor a Family SONG 4 DANCE TROUPE r Student Ensemble Q Sat., March 3 8pm • $3 General Admission $ 1 Students Senior Citizens •3 UO MEN'S CHORUS 4 UO WOMEN S CHORUS Student Ensembles Sun.. March 4 4 p.m. F REE Admission ANNE TEDARDS, Soprano DAVID TAYLER, Lula Faculty Artist Series Mon , March 5 8 p m. $4 General Admission $2 Students Senior Citizens UO SYMPHONIC BAND 4 UO CAMPUS BAND Student Ensembles Tues,March6 8pm FREE Admission KALICHSTEIN LAREDO ROBINSON TRIO Chamber Music Series Wed . March 7 8 p m. $13 50. $10 50. $5.50 lor Reserved seals, $5 $3 lor students COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Student Ensemble Wed , March 7 3 30 pm (UO Museum of Art) FREE Admission For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) I)KI\ M\(i \\l) i) k i \ i \ (; c.W KILL \ I KIIADSHII' Steve Reich to perform tonight f fid,t* \Uvch Sieve Reich performer wall perform tonight a? 8 m the Mult Center s Silva Concert Hall Tick* !' are $15 and $10. with a $4 discount 1 or students f nr In kefs cati 687 5000 He will also deliver a free quest lecture at 11 .1 ni in the University s Beall Concert Hall The Oregon Jazz Ensemble a in Beall Concert Half T*c kets are $3 general admission and $i students They > an t>e purchased at the doer Crawdads of Pure Love 1 «• Jg**d electric band will perform at the Community Center for the Performing Am, ?91 W 8th St tonight at 9 Hi Opening for the ;r- -,g •- t. Tim Ryan Admit,1.<• Cl i $4 at th* d< a Women Composers Through the Centuries * • ' ■ . three female musical performers and again at ? H'1 Bean ("ore ert Mali The portion > ■ e, bee ,toj will feature selections by European and Amorscan fern c- umposem o ,r. on Wan ' • Kitov 1 ‘ ' - ' : Tickets are $8 and can be purchased at the Hull Center S th ket cdhf e All That Jazz 10 30 a m in Beall C,m< ed Has Tickets an i adults $2 > hildren .it the door University Song and Dance Troupe an eight person ensemble. wiH perform its winter w entitled Two Decades of Tony Tunes at p m tonight in B« all Com »• ?t Hal! Tickets ; an be purchased at the d*>i a for $d general and $1 students/semors Lea Jones m will perform tonight .it 8 30 at Doug s Studio 156 W 6th Ave Jones is leaving for Nashville m n : M i- * v : port ••• <•-. - . h.s famweli stmt Opening will be Elrod Jones - i ' Sweaty Nipples. The Bad Daddies and Rawheadrex t , • conitum-ij oncert tonight at 9 30 at the ; immunity Center tor the Per h rm.m] Arts CM W 8th St ' ,wi: at y Nip; !-*-•, a P- -ft land hand plays funk rap ro< k and metal The Bad Dadd a-s also mix such styles me orporating the sounds of then three piece horn seed ion, Rawhe.'-idre* will open the show witf thee hard ro< k sounds Admission University Men's and Women s Choruses . : ' m, , .«! 4 P m m Beali Con, ert Hah The sh Contemporary Support Quartet *. Do Jump Movement Theatre 1 pert run a Hull Center Children Series show today at 4 p m m E * pose ' . ' • ‘ '1 Hull ('Voter Shva Con. ert Hail at H Ti. ki ts are $1rt and t an tie purchased at the box offe r The Walkabouts v- : tonight at 8 30 at the Community Center for the Performing Arts. 291 W 8th, S! Op*mmg t Mfa-m are Iw has : Dirt Fisherman and Primordial Soup A -. e • $4 at the !: Ml1 Dt k 11 Kefs an a!*-.- t-f purchased at the door tor $fS James Emery ' ; an p might at h m the New pon»- Art Gallery 4 11 High St T - • !• to* ava !ai »* it i d : Me* w H -use id Re- <,?r P, »«, j at the door U < V Ref it-nhn ;enp, wi< he served /Vie K.ilirhstrin-I.iirilii-Ktibiii'.iin trio mil jirrlonn M ei/new/.n. \l,in h 7 .it II in Hr.ill t mu rrt ll.ill .in /i.irf rit Ihr ( h.imbri Musii Scries I hr It .ilk.ihout'. ,i innitmi h.inil will) nth Inlk hi// pmtmin Sunil.n . M.in h t .it II: III in tlir ( miliiuniih I rntm tin tin I’m tnrniinii t r/s At. A 1 Anne Tedards and David Tayler . perform tonight at 8 in Beall ■ ■-■(! H lii A* ; irt (he F.n ully An is! Senes the show will feature Tedards soprano and Tayler s lute playing Tickets are $4 general and students.seniors and can be purchased at the do*.? M/fs.J.n Mr, f) r University Symphonic and Campus Bands > >th .turf* t tin;. hies w perform tonight at 8 in Beall Con ert Hall The performance is lAednesday Atun h Robin Tower an English t. . k and blues guitarist will perform tonight at 8 in the Eugene Hilton s Ballroom Opening will be Salty Dog. Getter.. ; artist 2t and older Tor Ircket information call 342 2000 Kalichsfein Laredo Robinson Trio as part ot Ihe Chamber Music Series will perform tonight at 8 in Beall Concert Hall Tickets are Sb arid S3 tor students and can be purchased at the door Collegium Musicum wail peitoim at tty Ait The Eugene Symphony Woodwind Quartet perl tin ,1 fret The Eugene Symphony Orchestra performing Debussy Harris and Brahms will be in the Hull Center Silva Concert Hall tonight at 8 F<> THEATER Oh Dad Poor Dad Mama s Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad pened tn Are’ a The.it!■ ju Feb 28 and will tun nightly until Mari h 3. following which it will be performed from M uch 8 to 10 As shows lire at 8 p rn Te Rets .ire $3 50 for general public and $2 50 for students and seniors an t are available at the Robinson Theatre box office 1109 Campus Lane The African American Woman 1500 A D. to Present an EMU Cultura Forum and Praada Productions event, will be performed un Monday March 5 at 8 p m in the EMU Announcing...More for Your Cor. Mora technical expertise More competence More care AM the things the conscientious car owner looks lor At Autopia our first concern is to meet you before we meet your car to establish a personal owner mechanic rela tionship Alter all. your car it really an extension ol you And you owe it to yoursell (and your car) to get the best lor both ol you So. lot optimum performance and tale ty. go tor more Visit us soon Car Care with a Conscience - j'O^Cve .Vo'xr^a^SCiiC to' Audi • Volkswagen • Porsche • BMW • Alto Borneo • . • ’•* w • 647-00*0 • ) i r We Buy Quality • Stereo equipment • V ; v> : r . 'uleis • ! A amps 'V • Portable ■ >ii ii tv S - ks h .; ; . - Stereo Workshop 1621 I 19th 3443212 M I 9 6. S.it 10 2 \_/ i N AT U I A L| F I B f; R S Q U A LIT Y CLOTHING AFF( )KI)ABl F F R I C 1;. S Mil Sir i Bans';in Irec 4 S «» ! ! 4 t h H S 0 4 4 4 I I (i M o n I cl w Tom’s * Tea House Restaurant SZECHUAN/ HUNAN SEAFOOD DAILY SPECIALS 7HH W. 7th Avi* :i4:t-7«58 Expose overcomes awkwardness B\ hell in Wee I in ore I ditor Their Mini's li.nr hit the I harts hard flieii albums li,i\i i aused tin’ < ash registers in mtisii stores In r11i>i continu mislv This Sitndav then voii-es will bring their Mult I Tiller auilieni e In their feel dam ing l.xpuse is a group id three women vocalists whose re< cut hits include songs like (dune Cm With Me 1 .el Me Be I lie One." Point iil No Return "Seasons Change "What You Don't kmm '' and \\ lien I I .nuked at Him We first met and went right into the studio said Ann ( in less, one third • it I A pose I \pose u as colic ei\ ed and formed bv producer Lew is Martinee. and his two partners i rantast o I)i.i/ and Ismael ( tar i in. who introduced the three women to eai 11 other just about lour years ago. ( hirless said \\ e work \ ei \ closely " ith our produi ei ( airless said "We’re ver\ involved with tile development in each other s material hei atise u e help in each other's studio It’s kind oj a group oriented thing the Inst album was a little aw kward bet ause they didn't quite know each other’s voltes because tiles had gist met and lumped right into the studio she said I lie second album contains lull Me Win a clearly anti gang song that (airless said all three women enjoved working on. ( an less said the issue of gangs first was brought to their attention b\ |eunntte luartlo an I \pose memhet originally iloill I-os Angeles who grew up wit nessing the violence related to gang .a tn dies "We thought it was interest mg to w i ite a song about it and so it was ii ally sparked in the studto ' she said "W t‘ re \ er\ proud ot that because it reallv / v/xisc. .1 thrrr minim h.intl Inmirtl tour \r.trs .mo. oil/ nrrtorm .it thr Hull < rntm Suml.n ni.uht .it H / u krts .in• Sill me,tns something to us in (turns u! hopetuih stopping sonic ol the ,k 11\ 11\ tli.it is going on rhe group went to I,os An geles to meet with some gang members tirst hand to learn more about how ami who tins atlec ts. t Ulless said It's reallv devastating she said We hope that it we ( an help a ten kids know that there is more to life than a live mile laditts and tlrev i an under stand that there s ,i whole World out there to see then We teel that we have done some thing 1 lie set ond album retlei is a lot ot what the group learned ah.ml the musii uulnstrv and Iiuu tlnw \ r m.itmril ,i Iimih ( III less -i.lld \-. Im the tillin'' ( iirlci - s.tiil ,i 1! I hi t-f ivumi'ii m thi> group would like I" produce Mlllli lit lilt'll ' II igllllll w of k . H i ll- nil u i ilri mil lii - .mil li.ni' ltd'll writers Ix'ton wi* not ini" l.ipose 1‘iiui.iriK wll.lt lie II- .ill lining mi'll 1-1 writing n i u s it th.it ur liojtr i\ ill In' mi tin' third .111n11ii sill' S.l 111 Wi ll like Mlllli' 1 it thiil writing to reflect in the id hum .nul tli.it s veil iiiipnil.iiit to m " I a|hiHi* H ill lie .it the I lull f ieniei Si 1 v.i l him t‘i t I hill Sun ihtv night .it H Ballroom The presentation will take viewers through the years of Hornet Tubman. Sojourner Truth and the Abolitionists with narrations and musical interludes Tickets are available at the door for $2 f>0 A Letter Home .1 ; a> written by > Lmfield college senior will be performed m 204 Condon Hall <«t 7 ;; m o n Friday March 2 The p I a y focuses on the experiences of students studying abroad VISUAL ARTS Ritual and Regalia s Hu title a an exhibit featuring the costumes music and tribal costumes of the* Mardi Gm . Bln k Indian1 ' ' New Orleans It will be on display through Apr lb in the Lobby olthe Ur ivi'rsity Museum at Nairn.i History, 1680 E tStb Ave Photojournalism in America . tin title if WISTEC s reopening exhihd which will feature 180 photos ranging from early Civil War works jo contemporary color works The exhibit will run through April 1 at WISTEC 2300 Centennial Bivd Artists at Oregon Works Irom the Museum s Collection an rxhih't ' University past and present artists works opens March 1 and will continue through May 20 m Gallery IB oi the University's Museum of Af! The exhibit is part of the School ut Archite. lure and Allied Arts 75th anniversary celebrate n Visions of the World by Four Women m ••xhibit f- during art'A rks t >y Margaret Ze ; ’ Brand, Debbe Cornitius Barbara Hazard and Janet Ivie. opened on Feb Z6 in the FMU Gallery and will continue through March 1b The exhibit unites many art mediums such a > oil. silkscreen watercolor < onte and bronze Works in Review « ; n a fut.it, A11! run through Mat1 h •* m the mezzanine of the University s Mus».'ufb of Art The exhibit features the work of Diana Schoenfeld IS I IA > I OK Sl’KI Mi ISKI \l\ Wolff TANNING *35 I 5 Sessions *50 25 Sessions A \ iifM in I "ml i oiwut turn Tickets S14, $11, and $9 plus $1.50 city surcharge. Available at Gl Joe's, Ticketmaster outlets and U of 0 ticket office. Wflch World Nfrvillmg f tmtion on HL SH Ch 25 *2 OFF Present this ad for $2 OFF the price of your ticket, UO STUDENTS ONLY. One Discounted Ticket per Ad • No Limit 'V A. Al>M'‘,‘>n>N ■ Tmu! MaIuM ^UH MOfi 13 00 ■ TOC *FD|JM> S«$ 4 AJOS Al WAYS 12 *0^ i *ar i>rj>rnriM> OciO><> p in CAMtii A OIL ■ TXF Mf AL THY CHCJCf 1 Homtnaiad (o« 5 Qac at a including teat Picture teal Ac lot 4 teal Oaariot THIS ONE YOU SEE FOR THE PURE LOVE Of GRt AT MOVIE MAKING ii» tou?> **'ted >n*«ntm«K‘to wan9 an-J *ar ^ >ouaty b*<».ani ar%ng t'anaga Id g .« a ptairy good ‘.tea vi al Ot<*fy H< «**r> ? • ; * .r m • j ... • »o h rwv RLim o«wn THE WAR Of THE KO» r./. uuilmi i < .nupon > OFF *** Whole p'***’ s2 I 47H W ill.micllf The best piz/a in town...at the most convenient location in town... 345“48H YOUR HOME! (11inil«“«l tli'lners .una) ■ ■ ( mipnu i =3i> NOW FREE 7 DELIVERY x FRI & SAT! uorino) •