Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    Troupe bringing
back hit musicals
By 1 ayne l aketish
l ncore Reporter
Tlie Iasi ::o years ot award winning inusii ,tls will
eiime In I ile tun i gilt as I lie i ' diversity Sung anil I him e
Iruupe presents its lirst He.ill ( om ert II.ill perfui
inn lice ut the ve.H
The show tiller! "Two Decades ot Iiinv limes,
will Begin ,it B p.m .mil is expat led to run lor i lose to
two hours
" I wo Dei .ides ot Tom I lilies will feature ill songs
trom toni Tom award winning musicals ot the l‘l7lls
and 1 ‘mils .S'weem'i I'udtl. in Stephen Sondheim. Lit
tit* Simp nl Horror*, by Alan Menken and lioward
Ashman, I'liv Host Little It hort'htnist' in /ions, In (tar
ol Hall; and Lrs Misrruhlt'*. by (llaudeMii hel
Si honheig Herbert Krel/niei anil Alain llouhlil
I'he Song and I lain e I roupe usually does not pii k a
show theme tint lalliei pit ks a central composer or a
central music stile The troupe derided to pit k a
I heme tliis time around to pull the whole show togeth
We dei idl'd to pit k four shows and tell eat h story
through dam e song, dialog and a synapsis in the pro
gram " said Wade Willis the Troupe's co-student di
ret tor 'Having a theme like this makes the show
more i ongrueiit
I'he periormant e w ill he split up into two at Is w ith
a short intermission between them to allow the I loupe
to adjust the set and modify their i ostumes
The Troupe will present eaeh ol the tony plavs in
turn, "with song unfolding from the dialog ex
plained Willis We picked i ert. mi lines trom the
plays and we will at t them out The songs will tollow
the dialog.
Tom men and lour women comprise the student en
setnhle. w ilh two others assisting in the w.o ol inslru
mentation kevhoard and hass the mix ot four
men and tour women works veiv well lor dam e W it
lis said
W illis said there is no other performing group like
this one on i auipus. and he hopes people w ill realize
I here's nothing el.se like this on i ampus .nowhere
nothing like it and 1 hope people who come to
see tins show get a surprise about om performing
group,' he said
"We perforin song ai I song, sing song and move
all together.' he said, whit h makes the I roupe a i am
I hr l nnrr\it\ Hum r innifir has hrrn rrhr.usinu Ini Inn months In i;rl rr.u/i lor thru pntorm.im r
I no Hr< uili-. ol loom l ours " l lir slum Ir.ilnrrs :ill soni;s /rn/n 4 loom unurtl-n inning imisii uls
pus one ill ,i kind
lt*i( ause tin1 y rnup is so 111v **isc. |In- educatmii .mil
help .ill uiemheis yet is ,i I si i uiiusu.iIK Inyli
I'lie e\i ilmy til inn .1 In in I I1.1t my .1 y n nip likr this is
th.it I'viTvunt' has thi'u spin lallv and vvhi'ii pi'iiph1
li.ivt' (|ui'slious thrv 1 .111 lake lliuse quest unis In some
nlle who is \t*r\ well li.lined U illis espl.iined
Inerviine in the yrmip 1 untrihules
rr.tlU r\i ilmg part hr added
I’WO I )t‘( adrs ol IV)lt\ Turn’s" IS (hr I rsuit n| two
11ninths ut pi,h lif r .md V\ iIlls said ihr show has i unir
togrthn well VVr started hum base one wr *1 th«*
music .inti tin* ideas togrlhri .md now we li.ivr .1 tin
ished show hr s.ihI
I n krts available . 11 (hr dour «trr S I tor general ad
miss inn and S I lm students and sen tors
EMU Gallery unites art mediums
Bv |nlit* I )i“< ker
I in ore C iintriluitor
\ mixture cif mi'iliums and sub
|i*i I matters I>\ various artists min
gle together to lurin an interesting
exhibit rurrentlv on ilis|ila\ at the
I Alt (.allt‘i\
I violating through Man h 1 • > are
Margaret /.eglin Hi.iikI. I lebbe
( omit ins. Harbaia I la/.ard and I a i n ■ t
Ivie () 11 silksi renll u .lien I ill II
tonic .mil bronze .ire the mans me
diums milled in this displuv ol
lie.mlv <md ev})t(it.it n hi
llr.illd, .1 leal Iter of |ilulnsiipll\ al
the I'uiversily spot i.ilizes in teim
mst aesllielii.s Itefme completing
hei I'li I) m I'liilosopln from llie
I 1 m\ersits ot Illinois Hi.mil (Mined
an M A in l ine Ails from the I ni
veisilv ol \\ isi oiisin and a II A m
(,i.11>)tii Alls I'mm tin' I'niviTsily "I
111*1 oil p.iml mgs ol i li.ir.u Id s
sui Ii .is ‘liolsov \Im- .mil \l
n i* I’.iu I ' .in* I min .111 t'.n lv si*i n‘s ol
|n h Ir.iits ol olili'i |>i*i 11111•
I In* i h.ir.u Ins ,nr inti imiinyt ,iinl
inviti- I In* v if wet In stiiilv the i 11 tv
iiik linos ol i iiliin*(l oil th.il t.ir.iti’
(urn lo (..tllcrv, f’.li’t* It
745 8522 • 125 S.W 2nd Corvallis
(Site Mutit
V <
Fri. March 2 & Sat. March 3
March 7
11 I sl>\\
W » I).
( hu ki-n
•V Hc>cr
I lit KN|> \*
V .V
I K11 > V N
Ml .111
Hill.) Rthi
A Hi-.cij.-i
N \ I \ M N
Ml jk . I Ill'S
\ Mil.ill
Most Students Will Have
The Time Of Their Lives This Summer.
Some Will Even Get Paid For It.
// you re been dreaming about the ideal an tamer break, ire know just the place
la. h summer, .in energeiu group > >r \> 'tint;
men .mil u < mien is selected t> < work at Sum r. et
lodge .mil Ri s. i ( ihe Ni nth west's mh ! star
res. »rt
'em II gam valuableexperience in the boom
ini’ recreation anil leisure industry and be sur
rounded b> the beauty of the Deschutes
National forest A summer >• u II never !■ >rget
Located m the heart ofCentr.il < iregon fun is
nevei more than minutes aw a\ at Sunnier Hike
in [he i '.in ade M. mntains or ski iiu redible Ml
bachelor well intoJune tiolt. tennis, and swim
ming arc bee and wc even pri wide iliscounteil
lessons t<. make sure you enjoy it all
\\i need ssti full- atnl pan time seasonal
empli wees who can meet our high standards ot
excellence m customer sen kc \i Sunrlver we
believe in g*«>d • >!d tashtoned allies like
re'jtei t. integrity, and gr.u lou'ress. hut it you
measure up, \. m il need all your energy to keep
up is iih die last p.u e I*. -'itiiM: • are available it,
the t. >11. in mg areas
Restaurant Banquet 'Centvent ton
Retail Sale- and Merchandising
Housekeeping and Maintenance
Spec Ul Projec ts
Si i whether voure a lifeguard a sales > lerk in
die pro shop a waiter in one ol out great restau
rant', i a Helping to maintain ■ me > >1 (he if 'll
ia >urscs. (here are pletm of oppi irmnmes t> >
have the lime ol sour life and get paid lot
cl* ling it
i ill oi writs I' -r ni' He infornutt' >n h lot an
upplu atk >n form Personal interview s are
inquired prii >t t' i empUis tnent
SUMrIVeR lodge
! i crytbm\> s Relaxed lint < >nr Sltinritircls
Personnel Ol'lict
I't) Hon soon
Sunrivcr. Oregon 9 ()"’
♦ HS