Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    II r .1 * « i |>ri»<iit<K I *»r .til
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_ HP I
■ ■■ HBH ■ ■■HHMiBB HHHi ■■ mm—J!
"25 Years of
Quality Service "
Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen
Audi • Datsun • Toyota
2025 Franklin Blvd
342-2912 Eugene, Oregon 97403
Committee grants budget to ASID
R\ i’.lt \t.ll.K ll
I met.lid ( onlrihulor
I hr ini idi'iit.i! I im’s ( imimil
li'i' ur.inti'd .1 liit.il nf S"' > or>) in
iipiTHting budunls In six dilti'i
i-nl sludiiil ^ 11 hi | is I'lmrsil.ix
\miiiig lln groups lh.it m
i nvrii liiiiiiing w.is llir timer
_IK Notes__
Mt v « haptrr - it thr \mrt t« an
StM trt\ oi Interior Designrrs
I hr li t had prrv iousl\ tabled
thr motitm to in ognizr that
AM!) provides fur thr phvsiral
and » ultiir.il <11 v i*i s11\ on < am
pus All sfudrnt groups that up
plv for II t funding must mrrt
that t ritiTia before thru budget
ptupusal is ( imsidelrtl At last
week's inerting lit mrmbrrs
failed 11> recognize ASH) as a
student group br< ause thrv re
tjiiirr membership Ires
ix or me.
I lL'hl \pjcc' nuke me nervous
Ms !j>Ic .in-. •••• r: l.’VMti! -|v:.>
T M f HI ARf i IM TlJRAl
N U M f M O US A • n i i U f R
iN, i ( M ' f MOHNiNl.
I' I A ARc-'ND Hf R( > O U
I AN if 1 TO t V ! H y o N f
SlUi'fNT I n S A H U S
T i R M i N V i U D ( U IN
StUOl NT ! N t 'll N T A s
CUOPl R A ' i < \ V*. T H
U N I V [ H S I T ' Of OH E O O N
LaneTtansit District
Tonija Swires
( hairwoman lomia Swires
asked \Sli) I epresenl.il Ives
what the\ had dune !o i hnilgc
thfiir status siller the last meet
AS11) i Jirei tor Pearl Kim,
said the group had ( hanged its
goal statement In adding that
the membership fee would lie
I o attend the student ai In i
lies on i ampus a membership
tee is nut required from the stu
dents K mi said ' I hn\ r\ ei
to have prulessiun.il afliliation
and lu get the disi.mints from
lot a I men hauls \uu must pay
the s Si Iiiemhei slop tees
\tlei noting the proper mem
bership fee changes had been
made the li t voted lu iei iig
ni/e ASH ) as a student group
VSII) was granted a budget of
SJt'J In a unanimous vote Pile
I't'MI-ni budget is a reduction
ul in ei Sll pen nil from the
I * Wl no budget II I members
pointed to past over budgeting
In A SID as the reason tor the
I.u ge del lease
\\ e feel it's .1 \ cr\ inconsis
tent group as far as spending
their money wisely it spending
it at all. therefore we recoin
mend the following (dr
i leases) Dave Heiironinuis,
\St'() finani e rei ominendation
i um in it tee member said
ASH) members argued that
pool leadership 111 the past has
led lu the ini unsisteiu \ in then
budgeting Kim said lindei this
year's leadership the group has
UOIIOIl'l I IIS 1111 Miners I Ill s
havi i i 'Sii rei ntrodiu ed sunn
programs lli.it havi* been
dropped from ASH) s list nl
t‘\cuts, ini hiding .1 field trip In
Se.iltle and Products l)a\
w liu h the\ sponsoi
In uther business the Asian
I’ac 1111 Americ an Student
l 'niun w as granted an npeiut
mg budget nl $H.ti tie a J I pel
i ont ini l ease in or last \ eat
Al’ASt I)ire< tor liopreh N un
said bis turnip was one of the
largest on i ampus. w itb HPi
student members
A lin said the ini lease is
needed because Al’ASl is in
i leasing its mailing list to ill
i lude tithei Asian groups in the
I ugene Springfield area I le
also said Ihe group w ill be
printing and distributing non
news letters at tile beginning nl
eai h term I bis is nei essari to
make contact with students
who are new to the i ampus, be
lit member Stele .Maples
approved the budget but added
lie was i oni erileil w ilh the idea
of t niiersitv students paying
for a mailing list to people and
groups not invoked with the
I im ersiti Maples said lie tell
groups should pa\ for those ai
In it ies themselves
I he li t also approi I'll a
budget of SH.HJH til the Student
Senate attei turning down a le
quest to raise Senafoi stipends
I lie new budget is a 1 H pel
i eill dei l ease I roll) last year s
I he ()regon Student I obln
lei eil ed a SJtl.gr.) budget loi
1‘1‘Ki u 1 I he I .1 pen ent de
(lease was made possible be
i atise ol lowei rent now being
paid In ( )SI toi tlii’ii Salem of
I iio other student groups re
reived smallei budgets also
I be Pro bealtli Si iem e I onlel
budget was dei reused -4 pel
i ent w bile tin Panbelleilit
(fount it's budget rei.eived a ll I
pen ent del lease
II If membei s l ui lied down a
request toi funds to pun base ,i
permanent sign for the Pie
I lealtll Si iem e ( eulei will'll
they approi ed a SniaJ budget
file Pa n lie I le 11 n (foil ni i I re
i eil ed s '.I'l l in funding
Saturday, March 10
7:30pm. Hull Center
Fritjol (\ijn.i.
I’h l) . ph\ si
< tsu env iron
mental ist, an<J
fuUtri.Ni ai l l'
souls a public
lot lure * ith e \
lOtlviOi! O.v \
In /hr Tan oj
showed p.ij.dicK Ix'iveoen ,iik icni
ms stiv ism ami nuxlem physics In
/ hr / liming I'oini he c4 *• -'' \
holistic approach, ecological ami
uinisl jvrspcc lives, and global eco
u t ieri. i oc In l neommon
\Si\ih>m la re*. alls o'livemalions
vsith remarkable people- from
Heisenberg lo Krisnaniurli.
Mso, I’olict hirum, Suntla\.
Marvh II. 10am, llillon Hotel.
Tuesday, April 10
7:30pin, Hull C enter
(>ii July 14,
! I960. Jam
(Mxxiall. a
It) year oM
woman from
step}x*« i Irom
a government
launch onto the
\ ake Tanganyika She had been < ni j
hy the lamed anlhrnpolopsi'paloon
tologtst, Dr laniisS H Leakey, In
begin a king term study of chimpan
zees in the wild. Jane’s arris aJ at
(iomhe began the fulfillment o! a
twofold *. hikihtKxl dream "to studs
animals in Africa and u» write about
I ickits available al tin Hull Center, 6X7-5000
and authorized nullt-Ls. Student discounts available.
Pn-s« nlt-d h» IV Institute fur Scicrxr. I r■tocnn* l\iN* ftjlu y ( o-ftptmuirt-d hy
Kli l I M, h‘rti*rkJ Suur l mvcTMiv ( <r■: nutng Fdtit«u<«OV Nt* planer Gr.iup, On>>
\.S*nc«kH »*;*utmglmuiuU-*m}(>TTjj«»i IVhk HrM*k4»iing Spro*l (h« '•.» % it > '.hr I ugcncll. *