Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saturday run to benefit rainforest
Mi l.TIM ,N
\ ietnnmese Student \ss<u i.ition i■ •■rl- to
night .it t> id in Swirt/j'i l.ounge I Ins is tin- t.ist
meeting nt lhr term, and membership fees .ire
due li ulus .it I hr latest
OSI’lKt. util lx11d i t h.iptri meeting and
( uitrr Hum Indus Irom I Id to ■ Id p in at the
_El als_
koi in in ia ( at liter. 14 14 k mi aid St
killturas I’llipinas the I’hilippinr Student
Association will hold its ivgulai montliK inert
ing Sundas from 1 a m to noon .it the kninonia
( ruin tilt kiiu aid St International Week
plans are on the agenda and all members are
urged to attend this last meeting ut the term
Westmoreland Tenants (Council meets Sun
d.n night at n .1(1 in the Westmoreland t omnium
t\ Room
SI'h.Aki.KS \\l) 1.1 ( ' I I KISS
"Forms ot (anise imisness and the ( tilliii .il
(Construction ol Domination a leilmr In I am
l\n Men haul, will lie held loda\ at I Id p III in
I he I All I n Knom Men haul is the author ol /Vie
Hr.ith nl Willin' and h k'eiulutious \,i
lurr. (iendrr am/ si inn e
MISl Id I \\l ( 11 S
"\ l etter Irom Home" an original plus e\
perienoes ol I S students Us ing abroad and in
ternalional students lisdug in tie 1 niled States
ss ill he performed tonight at 7 in Room 7d4 (.on
I he film l isioijs nl the Spirit l 1‘orti.iit nt
Mil r M.ilkrr will hr shown tonight at i n: l! 1
1 All Urn lumiri Room
lnlrill.ltmn.il Uumril s l>.n I'otliuk i hr
licit) tonight it i> .it tin- humum.i l ruin III)
hini .ml S|
(if email stmlrnts to im tin! tn . mn. ■ r ■ a
t russ < onntrv ski trip Sntiiriinv \ sign tip sltrrt
with mnrr itiltirin.itit>11 is ptislr.l m tIre (irrin.ui
I lull bulletin bonrtl .n russ trnm Room ,'n.'
lrieiulh ( uiitni I llrlimit Plant .it MU -llt.ri it it
im n r inliirin.it inn
lntrrn.itnm.il (loiter Hour is lirlil run I n
tins from ) In t> p m in the I Ml lntern.itiun.il
lounge 1 irr i utter .mil Ir.i is srrvetl. .mil ill are
u eli time
Oregon Mother's t loll si hol.irship .ipplit.i
lions lor mn SI unit .mil ti\r S >(Iti .m.irils air
.iv.iil.iblr .it the l in.HHi.il Aiti (Iflitr l)iri;uii
I lull I Ir.iillmr is April I >
|.lines Kmcri .want 1411.ml virtuoso giiitniist
will 14ur .1 suln perturin.mi r Sum lav night .it H at
llir New /.illli' (..tilers
Kim lor thr K.imturrsl will hr lirl.l Sutm.l.n
muimng.it ft Hint Alton Hukri Park Krgistr.il mil
will hr lirhj tuilnv at thr law siliuul, ami the
morning of thr 1 at r at the puik pit nit slieltri
lnternatiiin.il Friendship Partners 1I1 U atr
Purtv will hr lirlil tonight at h m thr IMI Inlet
national I mmgr \ll I mvrrsiK sluilenls are wrl
1 ome In attrmI
\\ rrkrml Mass ( r Irlil'.itimis will hr h- .i Sat
uitltiv at 1 p.m ami u a m 1 1 a m anil / !tl p in
Simil.w at the \rw man ( ienlri IH it) lanriah) St
friildt Night Soup Kill hen tol low . .I hv st.c
lions ot the ( mss will lie liekf tonighl a! (> at thr
Newman I enter, I H ill la nr raid St
Brand (,,niimu,<i
from Pam1 1
solution li'iitH Iteloir llii' next
ac .ulnnii \ t'.u Hi,mil said tin*
f 111 It'lll polil \ Is imt 11 - u. 111 \
llisi I i II1111,11II iu
III' IH’Xt .IllSVVt'lt'tl quest inns
tit-.11 in>4 with thi' iin-hint and
i uiiiiiuiiiii .itinns 111•(>iirtiin-ut .it
llif l'ni\orsil\ .Uhl tin1 pro
posed .student health insurante
\ 1 ii>111 I lie Khei t itiin depart
iiieii! overt ruwdiitti prolilem.
Brand s,ml it is iiiftn oil Ini ,i
turnersih to respond inniieiii
ri11'I\ tu enrollment shifts
"It is nut pis! overerimdinn
hut .11 s11 thiit tlii'ie is i Kir.it in
terrst in the rhel rum depart
men! he suit!
Ilie quest ton i It'.i 1 ing with
Profcssiorul Wok C poking
pjiutuct fj< Mhr*
14 tjstv
fn-sh & ik*lu »oiis
All V*»u C •>'' I»*•
*KM» V\ 'Ih • 144 *» */ *
. .
L ooktng tor a good deaP
~ Check the Emerald ADS
llir possihiliH lit .1 mandatory
tit'll 11 it I MSI)I .ttit i' puluA < i'll
tried around him tin- 1 imrisi
l\ i uuhl Irgallv hind students
to |tii\
Hr,mil s.tiit it w uuhl hi- .1
mandalun Ire that .tudrnts
\\ 1 mill hr [ri|iiirrd tu pn\ In ,1!
Irnd thr t huvrrsllv I h- did
point out that thr I 'nivi'isit>
did nut att 1 r|it thr rn nninirn
il.iliim hum the Student lic.ilth
litsur.mi i' < ummilli i' lh.it the
t'111vi*tsit\ htiv r ,i m.iml,itoi\
illMilillU t' pillll V
I Im- liirum ended v\ ilh ,i dis
i usmoii between lli.iml .mil the
member ut S| | \ Iti,iiid i|ut's
tinned uh.it u.is wrong with
spei.it'.sisin .iml the Si: I A
membei invited Bmml tu .ittend
St I \ s next meet mg
Dog restaurants
Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner
Gift Certificates!
Spec ial Orders
In the f ifthpiMrl Shops
Fifili & Pia«1 • EuCjt*t
686 8/42
Engine Service
1000 S Bcrtclscn Rd »8 Eugene OR 9740?
Onr Block North of W 1 llh Nolan Ind Pla/d
. it t u
ii'A.<i\iW'$e':n'e' \V K’.r.N’
10% Student Discount
Oregon l):iil\ _ _
I I K. N M <•* t Hi'.
( ii i ynii
Mday thrum.
}<>n D.,»y f fi't
hI i*j a niemlX’i
uni.i,v hit iflrtio
iy Einto aid is [niMi1
vacations by the C)
University <>l Oregon Eugene Oregoi
T'h*? Emerald is operated imtopenr
J *i ' it »?>«- \ Mpi'! Hial Unm,
The E:rTH»r.t'<1 I*. private property Tn
• ■ ul.U'lo by .tA
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Managing Editor A Newstditor
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;tuist >ph.-r HMo
I far i Sumner
0< ■ ' Peter
Mb 5511
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346 3IY/
Mb 4 381
Dance on the Beach in Eugene
Saturday, March 3rd
at Eugene Hilton
The Big Ballroom will be tilled with sand and transformed
into a wild 60's-style beach party!
Valuable Give-Aways!
$5 in advance — $7 at the door
(tickets available at the Hilton tront desk)