The Dormitory Cuisine Eating m the dorms is a frustrating experience for the student who is conscious about what they eat It is possible to eat a healthy diet even when food is prepared for you making your choices limited A few key points to remember are to eat foods as close to the source as possible This means choosing a potato instead ot potato chips or french fries choose whole wheat bread over white bread; choose whole grain cereals instead of sugared and dyed cereals (eg Bran Flakes or Cheerier, versus Fruit Loops or Captain Crunch) Avoid spreads and toppings which are laden with fats and oils such as hollandaise sauce, cream cheese, butter and thick salad dressings Remember to choose complex carbohydrates such as rice, fruits vegetables and grains as the focus ot your meal Select broiled, baked and grilled meats over deep fried and choose fish, chicken over beef In essence decrease the fat in your diet and increase fiber and complex carbohydrates See the following list tor more ideas by Kathleen Schweisthal ■v --o' INSTEAD OF THIS CHOOSE THIS Fresh, 'aw vegetables and Iruit in season Baked potato Broiled or baked me3l or fish Remove the skin Irom chicken Sliced turkey Vegetable sauces Vegetariamcheese pizza or lasagna Mozzarella cheese Plain yogurt with Iresh truit Water based or broth soups t,.,, .,, Whole gram breads Grain cold cereals Oatmeal Toast bagel with jelly Bagel Crackers Angel lood cake with Iresh Iruit or jello without whip cream Low calorie dressing Mustard Skim milk Water/juice Herbal tea Pre cooked vegetables, canned, sweetened Iruits Mashed, tried, au gratin Fried tish or hamburgers Eating chicken with the skin Roast beet or bologna Meat sauces Meat/sausage pi«a or lasagna American cheese Prepared fruit yogurt Creamsoups *■ iwoiiiuvmM'mi White or relined breads High sugar cold cereals Cold cereals Toast/bagel with butter margarine or cream cheese Muflms Chips Cake pudding ice cream Creamy dressings Mayonnaise 2% or chocolate milk Soda pop Cotlee-hot chocolate Yogurt Cheese: Yogurt ch«***sr is an excellent substitute tor recta's that < all ft • t h« » > jar rriM"! If hus mm h lm.‘. fa! and fmwm .»*■ 'm- (>» . i r t n.*-. r : ■ ■- .1" >th derive morn than -BO f their « alone*. from fat V qurt < me m.ide *' M • fat , ;d derive*. ‘u 1 n» it !■ . t,|. mm. ?fi KM '.it How to make yogurt cheese fit. .1 ' ’ : • ' it. 24 hours until cheese is the desired ■, onse.tem » Apj.n •»imuteiy fiai! of the >> *juft will t>e-v'Uir heese and half will her mm whey Discard wh»-y him; f emu- m the re fnqmator in a oven*d t ontainer Whey may ■ > relt st ;v -uf ■* any a- u mutatmt liquid beh >re using Y< njurt may be dram*1- 1 using < heese i- !h •• a uiande' ’ st'.imer A paper . -’’ee fitter also works well and can be bussed out after Sts spud has been strained There is a wide variation in how yu-gud drams On, .• », •?, jet ,,nd to >-.ur !av< mte ,i Hjuft vh; will Know n.-.w to ; Ian In C hour. to- amount a eh, *■ r tf> u> . •! yogurt? ran range hum 2 5 ours es to o our.. t trike* at lea .! h o» d h,»ufs to pr<> dia e a very dry cream cheese and sortie >< gufts mq-aae a draining tune ■' .’4 hours Use ,iny natural yogurt either pern • ha. red •.. t a - m ‘ > Item that d ■ • not .mtam gelatin Geiatm h- ids the who, the yogurt and .! not ih< w d h dram off Sometimes you will find a carton of yogurt without go atm or stabilizers that does • of release it*, /.h*- , This may be hm ! ■ the pe.. ••ss'Mj tor’ pefatute Try a i art n from another batch or different ;■- .cessing p an m use another brand i>f yogurt *<>r a whue l .asN Yogurt ( hcesecakt* 32 ounce c.uton vanilla flavored yogurt 2 tablespoons sugar lot mote to tastel 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon lemon price (optional) 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs lightly beaten (or use 3 egg whiles to reduce lab D' i . .e., i it..* r anim. • :ay t . • •• e-akin.; Pa-' • al v • ! s'- .le gree-. lightly grease an 8 inch pie pan 1 ! ", h spnngtuim pan Place yogurt n,‘i",r I na bum ! .'Wl Ana ■ iHjar " Mar. h ■ ,ui, e ,1".) Vanilla . g g. ntt> with i • rk r wm whisk unt well blended Stir in the eggs Paul 1 the prepared pan r I smooth the t. ; with a spatula Bum- until ttli . i iilei is ■.et 20 to minutes for a pie pan. or 45 P ' ■ minutes U r a springiorm Cool on a 1 . i ► .)• ! relrii'Jer ate I.r11 rl l hilled 'hi, alone, i gm protein; 11 gm carbohydrate 3 gm lap 71 mg cholesterol; 127 mg cal ( nun 57 mg sodium * ' f ’• ns n■ its g es ' • lit-• • •■. in see St. M Melv." S s t nr...' ad ' ■ ’'IHtii Not Just , ... .ik, load Put .shmg Geinp,n y liainsville f s-nda Banana C ream Pie 2 large bananas 1 tablespoon lemon juice 32 ounce carton nonlat yogurt 2 teaspoons vanilla ' t cup confectioners sugar (oi to taste) '.’.ike y sju'l i I resr PI.i, e y quil neese r a medium si.’e bowl A id the vanilla and Si; ],e stun'. ; jenny will. * rk f .*. ■- wb- a u' ,M.S :: ,tts l. s i tsif a1 as and toss ..(.lay ,.!! , , e A'.ale la.. hasII,IS md y. gurt t'etlSl u a 9 inch pie i :. ■ ■ ■ . jud heesi pie several hours beltxi trying * s If11. ’ . ■' ;S ■ " .t ,'a" • 'at 0 IK ' -PI n ; ' esb" 1 mg s ■! contributed by Beth Gaiter GRANOLA , frt Kile:hf-ni A cups rolled oats 1 cup toasted wheat germ 11 cup chopped toasted nuts 1 .■ cup chopped dried truit Optional 1 .> cup warmed honey Toast the oats in a 300 degree oven m a big baking pan Stu them often until they art' fragrant and barely beginning to turn golden How long this takes will depend on how thick your oats are When the- oats are done stir in the other ingredients Let < <>oi completely and store airtight in the re contributed by Becky Dixon The Practically Fat-Free Brunch French Toast: • • . C ••Kim mak to .. . tjcj wt '■ a Lag Beaten. • Soak wfii it- grain bread >n the muture • . :. 1 ■ • , et wi11 pray a I heat t mediut 1 • ■ ; • Co. r until 1 ghtly browned on noth > ides Toppings: Nonfat yogurt, nonfat flavored y. gurt and •> ,,uri mashed bananas with brown sugar (There is no need to add butter bet ause the toppings are moist and tasty) Banana-wheat 1 C whole wheat hour ’, C white flour 2tsp baking powder tsp salt 2 egg whites or ' 4 C Egg Beaters '. C water 1 .■ C sugar 2 Tbsp oil 1 mashed banana muffins: Mix the first four ingredi ents together Mix the rest in a separate bowl Add the wet mixture to the dry and stir well, until moist. Fill paper-lined muffin cups % full and bake at 375 for 20 min utes Cafe Au Lait: Heat 1/8 cup skim milk per cup of coffee in microwave or sauce pan Pour milk into a small jar and shake Pour milk and milk toam into cup of coffee and garnish with nutmeg and cinnamon contributed by Heidi Reeder