THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER NEWSLETTER Foods We Eat... "Cholesterol Free.' 'Organic All Natural. Lite these are just a few of the catchy words which food manufacturers use to grab our atten tion You the consumer need to be aware that what you see is not always what you get Be aware that the laws regulating food labels are confusing and often times outright deceptive Serving size is one deceptive prac tice This is purely based on how the manufacturer chooses to define it Many people look at the calories listed on the side of a box of cereal and as surne that constitutes one bowl of ce real. In actuality, the listed one ounce " serving is only one thud of the amount the average person con sumes If the consumer is unaware of this they may actually be packing in more calories, fat. etc than they are aware of Worse yet some food menu tacturers simply decrease the serving see and market the food as reduc ed calorie1" Keep your eye out tor flashy pack ages where the word diet is empha seed A manufacturer's interpretation of diet is anyone s guess since the FDA has no specific regulations sur rounding this Low Calorie means that the product can have no more than torty calories per serving This is where you need to examine the serv mg size it might hr1 shockingly small When a food is marketed as re duced calorie it must have only 1/3 the calories of it s non diet counter part For example reduced versus reg ular Ranch Salad dressing This is also where a bread can be sold as re due ed calorie when actually it is only sliced thinner The terms light or lite are only f L)A regulated when applied t. poultry ■ a meats in general When the product is meat it must ■ ontain 25 less tat sodium or cholesterol than it s non 11to ■ ounterpart This means that all of with the eye catching light word could be just as high in fat as a standard product For example light ream , >i,-. ,• has been wfepped se the te> ture is lighter Lite corn oil generally refers to a tighter color and light soup usually refers to less sodium Another corn ern with food uhelmg is cholesterol W.itcti out for no cho lesterol' on the product label Since cholesterol is found only in foods ot animal origin, any plant product such ,i . vegetable oil is inherently rholes terol tree so marketing it as such is a way to entice the buyer f either more the manufacturers are not re quitod to tell you that many ot these products contain highly saturated oils such as palm oil and coconut oil which may be |ust as harmful for your cardiovascular health a-, animal fat;. These high fat oils show up in pro cessed foods such as muffins, cook ies and cakes This also goes for the 100 vegetable shortening which is portrayeci as being sooooo healthy1 Since vegetable oil is liquid try origin, vegetable shortening has to be hydro qenated or hardened making a once unsaturated oil 30" saturated tat It you are lured by the sugar free hi bel be aware that although these foods can not contain sugai there is no control over the use of sugar alco hols such as sorbitol, xylilhol and mannitol Although sugar is probably not the leading source' of > alorios there is still a form of sugar present hidden under th»- guise of sugar ah hoi Mauuf.i turer* are aware ?! the if* r r t' I * a i 11 w1' r ’at - ! c . i I ■ S t e (i,, ami sugar This has forced them to market we wan! to spe and !■ disguise what we don I Be aware of the labels on foods — they nr mism than fact1 ty be m Dana Hiatt Improving Your Diet Convenience at a Price Did You Know? and much more.... OM THE HIP r Are you groggy9 Having difficulty concentrating9 Feeling irritable and just kind ot ' blah9" I! i ould be that your diet is burning you out A Peer Health Counselor can help you issess what your < urrent diet is and provide inf rmatii 1 in making hanger, for the better Call 346 446*3 Of stop by the Health Ed u( at ion Center in the Student Health Center for an jppointment Hey all you radicals out there! F < i| ' , ,i hot area lor .11 11yron .!*■( ephve idv' tismq t. .< it! labeling pu n! I .i*1 rI l( M >1 prV. 1 ttvo*. .ire .lit .treat, tor concern in the 1990s Th.. Student Health Cen ter Health t Cur .it ,rt Li tirary has subscriptions to progressive new.let ter- discussing what s going on .vith our ' or! Sto( t>v and • heel, out some lit our r. ■ . Ilf its MF 10 4 Oh the lust fk.. a of the Student Health Center Tired of playing the weighting game? Talk to .1 Peer Health Nuttiti ai nit'..-' I a* ■ J learn at - at the New S< i (ini >■ ' t Weight Control we don ! control our weight we manage it It - not lei much how much you eat a- what you eat Lenin about toiid tii 'toe-, and life style '-abits lor a life time ol good health and slim eating1 Cali 346 4466 lor an ipj ■ int merit I HEE 1 Are you reading this newsletter and wondering how you can get involved in the Wellness and Health Promotion at the University ot Oregon7 Do you ergoy learning at ot tic,.ilii related >s sues ' Do you en|oy en Kto mtj your leadership - Do you on joy a ho,v * My (ifestylo So tty th»* Health Edu< at too Coo,tor .i'w! tcl!k to our staff and consider be ■ >fr 'ocj a Poor H'Oiltf' Advisor i Credits HE P •COG P NP . • 11 o ust