BE TAN I OK Sl'KINCi BREAK Wolff TANNING $35 I 5 Sessions *50 C 25 Sessions r I 'niversiiN ot ()regon Student Ilealth Center M EASKES VACC l N E NOT JUST FOR KIDS Did \on know... • Vaccine failure among college age pctmhis and young people account lot 50'. ol me.isle- . • | hi measles outbreak tins last seat was the worst since | 0X0 • I h. death loll lot measles is the highest in i s ,e.u • 1 lie measles outbreak in Medford anti Ashland Lot spring iiieliuletl student (e.uhets bom Southern Oreeon Stale < ol leee The measles ‘Shot" you got as a child isn't enough! Xccoitline to the Oregon IIcpaitmcnt ol Health, e ollcge sUielcnts m Oregon shonltl ohtain a second close' ol measles vaccine. isiudi-nis tmiu IhIuh 1*157 would lu c\t mpl 11 mu (his inoinim nd.ilionl Measles saccinc is available at the Student Health ( enter lot approximate!! SI0.00. No appoint me til m ccssai v. I of tv. ■!, ill!. *l io|l .lH , . itj 1 Mtuk'-'t! I I, . tit t t. Ulv 34b-444l ODE ODE ODE Recycle This Paper ODE ODE ODE Forum answers ballot questions B\ Tr.ippr I mrrald ( cmtrilwtor Tin \S! () hrlii .m inf* ?nna tional Inriiii) Wnini’Mi.n msht It j .idtln^s student (jursfions .i}miul .1 measure mi thr ballot for tin* ujM iimiiii; \|»ril rii*( I ions AM ( ) Vic r !11rsuji• nt Sc nit \\ n koft. ( (institutional (it hi rt < h«urperson ( arolvn I.add ! lee linns « oordinatoi km I liidgc and lout I i«*c turns Board mcmiins reviewed I lit* ballot measure pnic ess and disc nssrd iH*\\ « han^rs in jinx I'durcs Wvc knit annouiM rd that flu* \M ( ) I \n til IVr had derided earlier in the* r\ mins t<> elmu natr mu’ nf tin* two ways in u iin It a mc.isiin; t an hr plat <*d mi thr ballot In prr\ ioils rlr< t mns a signature* from (lie \Si ( ) president alonr v\ as riinimh to urt a mrasun* nil thr hallo! but \\ \ t kod said t lit * A Si ( ) Iaci tilivr disfontmurd this pm* rduir hre ausr fhr\ frit it was disc nminator\ \\ \ i kojt said allow im.’ thr ptesideul In approve Hi disap prm e tile im lllsintl "I cell.till measures nn .1 hallo! Wets mil eiitirch I,m .nut llu' students n needs to be the top priority in the ttl'M slate legislateI• '' lepO'M'ntatlve i .undidates Maiie bell .mil ( li.iilr- ( ule told the College Republicans .it then meeting Wednesday night. bell .mil ( ole bull! from 1 ugene ami run mug m the Man It Republican primary he state representative District -I i otnaged the l.i ;is latere tni breaking the voter approved state spending limit ostensibly to im reuse higher education f.M ulty salaries I’m uffemJed the legislative session left edmation until the end ’ said Cole. Cimersi ly Inlet national Business fVogiam assoi iale di lertui “It > possible to increase faculty salaries without lire.iking the spending limit.’’ said bell formei l ane County Kepublii ails chair, adding that she believed edu< ation should lie the top spending priority m the state budget 1 don't know how yve'te going to fund higher edut ation. hut we't pul any moie on the backs ot students just as we cun t put puhlii edmation on the hacks ot tin property owneis. we’re at the limits ’’ ( nle said. 'There’s no (|uestion in my mind educa I mu is essential lu mu prosperity in the stale However the methodologv of solving prohlems has Iru kled down from the national level lo this stale he added 'll von have a problem |uM throw mune\ at n I in concerned we torus in so imii.h on salaries we." lose sight of other problems in higher edin ation ( ole said Hell also i .it. i/ed incumbent Ktigene state Rep David l)i\ s worker's compensation proposal David Dix idea is lo have workers gel a one week i la ,s on satetv she s.iid "lie didn't answer liou the course would he de signed and how this would be pani toi. • airrentlv i worker with a perfect safetv risoid has the same rate ,is one who’s aum de'U prune. Hell said. We need incentives to i liange people's behavior more than sending them to a i lass " In addition, both candidates critn i/.ed Or egon's anti business polic ies Referring to the recent decision by Kohr Industries not to locale .1 plant in Kugene Hell saiil the decision was prompted b\ more than tin' nuc leardree /.one ballot measure 1 he conflicting attitude' has been. 'We want development, but we don't want growth Hell said ONE WEEK ONLY: FEB. 28 - MARCH 3 UO Bookstore ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT 13TH AND KINCAID M F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 PHONE 346 4331