I niversity Unsolvable debate raged on last night B\ ( hris Bourn'll t nu'r.ild Vnxx i.itc I tiitor del),ill'tIn■ meilts ill o11p• inni; t'( Iinnlllil systems Appir.p. o.I.K m, III,. left Thrust, „i, ml /nsmgrnf view ()u (In right vv.is ei ntninilcs prufessoi llenrv Co!,! stein. uho defended i (ipit.illsin The purpose persuade I hr iiiidit'iii I' In believe 111 1'illn‘l i .ipil.rlisrn nr so, i.ilism .mil solve ilie world s problems l lii' winner Well, lh.,1 di'pendcil mi u lm um I.ilk,-,! in In te.ditv the debate was lie-,l slimmed up In ,ui elderlv m,in uho lei e.ii li side himu what Ills position w,is during tin- ipiestinn ,ind iinsuei sei lion n| the program I think you've been Irealing a de.itl linrse oi I ighl i in: .1 sluing 111,111 lie 1111 In llnnilnii kle ,nul (iuldsiein about ie solving die .11 gument 111 the end nothing w,is solved lull ,111 Open e\< hnnge 111 ide.is did in 1 111. vv I m h is some tiling both deh.ilei s said Vv ,is the jm imnrv purpose oi the lorum I he open deli,lie ,llw,:l\s .iihieVes something < ., 111 i I nuvd ot .||„ml HP people, most oi whom sided with sooial I Ills vv.ls .llinlll n ll.i! I i'spei led, he s.lld I think .1 d oi know Ih,it there n ,m oig.nn/ed struggle • • , 1 Ism. lie s.iid 1 lie deb.ile eilutaled people In 1 apitalism is putting profits lielore people I lie deli.lie I,nil'll vv i111 ,i series ol It,ree mil es vv here eat li m.in r,list'd new issues and ti ied li 1 iis.itiinis fro 111 the olhei side It isn’t enough just In .mnount r Iht’sr mmjti it I lull exist In* tween the m h .uni tlir m.ijontv «>t the people Ifomhut kit s.utl It s (ilso net ess.ti \ ti> undri st.mil tin* ciiimn tin-11 belwt*#*11 them Hombui kle sdiii st>i i.ilism touhi nlh'f sevenil bmrtits to the nidssrs thdl i v svndii uted columnist lames Kilp.itrt. k tli.it ii uiieil ,iguinsl treed lil.ii k ui hv ist Nelson M.indelu hei unse ot his eommir nisi sv mputhies I lornhni kle said this warning uIhjuI the South Aim-Hi resist .Hii)' leader demolish ,lied tile racism that permeate- ,i i upit.dist i< sv stem K.ti ism dill's I ertilinlv pi.IV u pull lie said It S .1 jus! it It .1 I it m lui i .tpit.it 1st e\ pli >i tut mu (.ulilsleiii sun I Kilpatrick until i/ed Mandela and tin- Aim an National ( ungiess tin being i imuinmists and nut tin liemg lil.it k Moreovei he said l.u ism is a problem in the l luted States lint events uvei tin- last to ve.us sm h as desegiegalion and tin eleitiuii ut iil.u ks to piotuinenI political posls demoiisti.ite great improv eluent During theii live minute i lusilig lemarks e.n li man o ueruteil lin n main points ami intrudui ed new arguments t.uldslein sani real wages ,ne up nalionallv ami in even in liush ml country at ross the globe ami hf used lei ent events in last) a n Km ope t u sin nv t ll.it sin iet n ■ ta v in a tree ! Hal k e! s\ stem West llerm.un is one ui these capitalistn fi niiomie' that Kevin derides 1 lie situation these is su had that tin West t ,ei mans had to build a l)lg wall to keep then ; r iein| >l"\eii worker from going to l.as! (airman\ ." C loidstein said sail asl n alls I loruhut kle though, slut k to ins guns and pointed to \un i i i an and iiilemaln ui.il i or porn I ions Ilia I pul protits lie tore laborers ( .oldstem extols the prolit rates prolits tor who’ llurn Inn kle asked llornlnukle said Kastman Kodak (orpoiation laid oft umkri two years m a row despite the tai t the i ump.nn made a siihstan ti.iI piotlt e.n h veal ( )l i olirse prolits rose I lornhni kle sanl Kodak - m Imsi ness to make a prolit Kodak is not in business to help pi-ople out And in the end. as the dust settled to the ground, both sub agreed the debate could rage on tor vears and it probably will I hr Student Insurgent s Kc\ m I Inrnlnn klr (1»* f t) .mil rniminiiis prntrssnr Ifrnrv (.uhlslrm ,injur ihr pins timl i mis nt opposing nlmln ;n*s in \\ rilnrsil.i\ im;ht s ilrh.itr “l FLY SOUTH WITH THE BIG BIRDS. 1 1 L Flying south for the winter isn't just for the birds There's no better way to warm up. calm down, and beat the sleet And there's no better way to fly south than from the Eugene Airport Fly to Mexico. Florida, or sunny southern California. We have flights headed for sunshine and sandy beaches everyday And the fares will surprise you ’ Fly from Eugene to San Diego for $10 LESS than from Portland1 To Mexico City same as Portland to Miami only $10 higher Call your travel agent today1 And fly south with the big birds this winter EUGENE AIRPORT '4 day ad,.r ' t* Ki .*•’a"1 • .'day ' qrc1 to crtang** without r'Ot