UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH Hours 8:0(1 In >: i() M l ‘1:00 to I 00 683-5577 Lowest Fares Anywhere M.ijor < rod it < .ink ,k ( opted If you are looking for this image . . 1. Magnin Saks Fifth Avenue Bloomingdales Neiman Marcus I have what you want, creative hairstyling by (, David R Fletcher -> at Studio 340. _UniversitV TCF majors to pre-register today mi i i i\i;s I imrrsiU rats hold .1 uim.-rai inlrivst inn'!ms; iml.n .ii } ill lii KSU (ii'tilurv Room I riic group will ills mss up. 1 • ■ v tonight at ti tit t<> 111> i iiss 11isi 11mm.itii>n issues I he presentation is part of the Counseling tenter's Lecture Series I am Simon will hisi uss It,iii-lii a I riars. ( uinqiiered Muslims and Spanish lews A M.illon an I use Study’ todai at i p m in Room t.tu (ierlingei Mist 111 ANK< )l s \ tec epliou tor all perspei - tile members in tile pre-lnisi ness business and economics fields Students i\ ho are interested in Ian hut not interested hi law si bool a: e lt d to it (| !: ; i Wolkstiop on invest igal illg If . a I eel S today at t; ill p III 111 Koi im Hi-i t begun I hill Keai him; llirough 1 imeli lll-SS 1 SCe lit I Hit lie I he I iterari Soc jeti s ' |au - hone ; m p m in I Ml Cedar Room Dun t < at to A (Mil Room f I> m in Room 1 28 (ihili"' Tele* umnuimi .itions .mil Film registration tm spriiH! Inin will lir hrId liid.H tniin 'i ,i m tu mum tm seniors and graduates. mid from noim In t P in tm seniors t;iiiilii.lies and Illinois Registration will lie held in Yillard I tall Summer Kiii|ilo\ mrnt Orien tation Session will In held to day at 2..10 p.m in Room 12 1 lendrii ks Measles stints will lie otleird tree .it the Student I lealth ( en ter tor extended hours I loirs duv and 1 rida\ . 1 to ':.!(! p m \a \ igators will he host r; i rally on i oilteni|iiiiar\ world news tonight at tt in the IAH lien I inder Room Dradlinr for submittini; ft a/s to thr Fmerald front tlrsk I \tl ' M/he it HI, /s noon thr tiny hrforr ptlblit iltiori I I a/s run thr this nl thr mint unlrss tin tty rut ortitrs hrtorr noon /'/rase submit I I a/s thr i/ai hr loir tllr\ ,irr to run noli Xotn es ot mints w itli a i/i i notion or mlniission ( homo u ill not hr hi i rptrd t ontpus ryrnls and thnsr si hrdlllrd nrarrst thr publit .itinn d.ilr will hr jiirrn priarih Thr I in eiald /esenes //je npht lit t'tlil not it es tor ur.untnnr ,iml s/t lr 'I Candidates ( ontmurd Irom I dress sm h issues (is r.u.ism .mil ilisi mutilation. i lilid i .lie .11ui student lees. him l( ("I lie said lllfS Vv MV Ill-si l.ilini’ In come mil w 1111 ,in in mi:!.id ->1.1111 i* mi llii‘ datorv student health tnsui ■ mi i- di-bali-s mil il tin- \ iili-i s dii m April We du li.ivr .1 si,mi i- iml ,i! till same linn- i\i* \miuIi1 min li iathei I».iv i- the slu di■ iit Innl\ make llm di'i i sum. Maples said U ev er slain e vv e hav e mi H u i mId In■ iibsulelc Maples and I Irishman Saul lln*\ vv ill run liuth 1 licit i am p.ugn and, it lhe\ win their administration on a modi I ied i 'pen dilor pul icy We leel that ail open door polir v is only hall the answer he said An open dm a polit \ implies (hat vv e sil dine n in the A SI'() and vve open our doors We think it !-• that ue seek i nit i 'pen di k n s "We do waul students lo i mile lip In us and sa\ I lev \ou re Sieve Maples yuuie running tor president: lies vou’re Diane (Irishman you'if running for VI’. i lushman said Ask us a question. well he honest vvilli v mi were mil making a lot ol lily; i ampaign prom ises and a lol ol rhetoric W e ie here tor the slu drills ' file \S1 ’( ) oil it e is |)11■ I t\ intimidating and can tit1 Ini Mint average student. Maples said I hat \ u li\ v\ r d ratlin an mil on i am pus and go where tin- avn age student would leel mi ire i iimlmtahla talking t" us (iushman said the !i< ket will lie helped In IIm i;m rminriltal r\|>rl irlH r the luti ha\ r "We've had an 11[>110rt1111i l\ to vicu leadership through mu college i areers from ilifti ient points ol \ ieu and difterent angles and I flunk that is i i m lal she said "In a I'nivei sit\ ,is large as the t im ersih of Ol agon. u e hav e au opportum I\ to bring in a iample mm r points ol \ ieu and look at even angle Although ( ashman re signed from hei post as a ti mini lal lag Maples said he \\ ill continue to part it ipate in the II ( I ii'i iiminend an voile who real I v i ares to mine down to the meetings." he said "I stand behind all the dei isions | \ e made and 1 think its great bei aus, I > an be field at i mi I liable I ’eople i an see through all the smoke and minors and see tin derisions and how I i nine dow n r 1 342-3177 1601 W 7th. Suite D Eugene AGENCY RENT-A-CAR • Low Daily Rates • Unlimited Free Milage • Free Pickup and Delivery $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special!