University World issues headline conference Weekend law convention bee ins today <17 / K\ Peter ( ogxmdl I merald Reporter I he si.iff is srl tor the eighth an nu ill I’uldii Interest (.outerem e and I >o cm iron lllf Dial expeI Is art1 .min ipatfd In makf presentations related h< tins veal's I liftin'. "( uassroots Slrategies Ini ( lur I '.InhaI I u lure lllf mill ell 'in e Is si he dll lei i for March I I with registration Ink Inn plai e Irum noon In I II in todav. I i a in In 1 |i ill on irid.iv and H a in In nnon mi Salurdav Mils \ rai s llienif lelli'i Is lllf Ideas nl the |ifu|>le i oming I" the conference said Sieve kiilelI i n direi Ini nf ||if i nn Ifiem e .Ml nt (he speakers are In t using on the planet and not j 11 s t nn I hei i nun ind i vidua! i umimmities lie said I he theme expresses tin theme nt people who leel thc\ ale work ing Ini the betlermeiil nl the III <11 let 1 lie i nntereni e is made up nt ■ Pi panels nu diverse topics lun slide slums a in I a Ku n Ini I lie K.lilllnresl m.ii athnn I In I uni ceils h um the m.uathon gi i In lalnloresl i niiservalinu el Inrls in South Ainu a a A panel nn Soviet environ menial law and a panel nu the Mask.Ill nil spill ale expel led hi draw a large audience, knleli said Knleli said he lias been pleased u it It how organi/at inn .■Hurts ha tile i tin It ri • i n e have Hunk knleli expei : I 1101) people lllfIlll die I Ulllfl. ill i this HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! Briny m the ad and receive * 2 i t tuns or a f 'f (In j>t'nrral pnlilit mil students m.iv . 111«■ i u t the panel dismissions ,i! no i^i1 I lit' let' tin atturnevs is s4U l S .11 .it tin1 ‘ It a it rlii- I.lit:.' .111<*n i * 11111 ■ 111 sluilcnl ii li yruup k in in n .is I .i in I \ 11 Water <)11u*i sponsors .m* tin* I,.m stinli-nl ihi isiim cl tin* \ 11 ii * i u .in It.n \ssni i, 11 i in t. lhi* West,*m Main ral Kt'sourt e.s bail ( Inin lhi* U »Ii It * 11 it *s s sui icli .mil lln* National \\ ildlile I ouiui.ituni Oregon D.iih _ _ Emerald r 11 ii..v i|<*» i .»ii. i >», .-...I *»' i«> i Managing I dilor fc f ditoi Graphic •. f ditor b m ore b dilor t ditor ’' News t ditoi * : Sports b drtor •V • Supplements b ditor Night b d.tor Asso« tale b ditors Community - Student GovernmentActivihes Higher Education Administration beatuies Reporter h :■ - - , . ( Photograph Genet it Slab Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher P* •! . . Manage- Advertising t undin.ilur ( l.i•.sified M iM.jgei A. i ounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services ftt i 146 SMI 4-1r. 4 54 i J46 3712 346 4481 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Coast Dad coast' $e)u>ic®fc Ni xl .Vft 'R Resume Services Reserve your space today: 346-37 1 2! Valentine's CAMPUS TRAVEL CENTER I In ntlk ul Uf< 11 pi« m ul.iliu l"i haul VH'hi k Mi inlu t \s I \ bn, ,utfnn \ in, /« ihi > ini | hui n III UO > on I ut *1 IHI > IHI I i i |(l (HI 4 IHI \\, ,| |(l IHI v(HI 342-3170 UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH Hour- 8:00 lo S: 10 M I ‘1:00 to 1:00 683-5577 M 342-3177 1601 W. 7th, Suite D Eugene AGENCY RENT-A-CAR Low Daily Rates Unlimited Free Milage Free Pickup and Delivery $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special! LUBE, OIL & FILTER t-A*’" i Who can you depend on lot their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties7 The Masters ot Master Care, ot course 6 MONTHS/6,000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS 4 LABOR1 Mm%! . . irs S i|lllil 'M m ,n DEPENDABLE USED RENT-ft-CAR Special Fall rates to San Francisco & Seattle RE St RVAT 344-1848 V CORNER OF 11th & HIGH ST., EUGENE J BEST BUYS I’.i.'i' i