Editorial Dix shouldn't give up his House seat Or,.;<>ii I)rni'x i.11s suffered .1 maior politit ,il hloxx till1, week when David I) t x II) ! aigene) derided I lies dax to stop down from his I louse \hijorit\ I.e;idil\ In both llic l')B7 .mil 1'tK'l sessions, he fought tor higher fiiiK.ition interests .uxi lobbifd foi state tumf mg ol intercollegiate athletic s lie has been responsible tor tlie Sports \i timi lottery game and many other i -in vei sits oriented hills Anvbods svlio has ever seen lb\ operate on the House Hoot knows what an eftei tive lawmaker and leader he is He i an best be desi rihed as tiers. strong ssilled and passionate He cares deeply lor the state, as ssell as Ins constituents, and it is reflected in Ins per tormain e riiongh it is ultimately his decision. I)i\ should run tor the I louse again (live the voters an opportunity to decide whether lie has served well II they want him as their representative, they'll vote tor him. It they think the controversy has aflected his legislative abili ty . they won't. David l)i\ should stay. \ THIS MA\ "AKE UTTIE LONGER i HAN lTHOUGHT. Student code changes worthy of notice Rarely do student ( nndui t i nde changes gel the attention they deserve Irnm the me |nnt\ nt students mi i iimpus I'll.it s unfortu n.ite I>i•( ellse these changes are usually the result nt months ol anguish (mm the lew students and administratoi s truly imnerned vv it h I la w s i n t lie conduct code Inn lei cut changes in student conduct |i(ilu\ are ninth noting The Inst, com ern mg I'niversity treatment ot mentally ill stir dents i aught m i.ases ol a< ademii dis honesty . lias been a long time in ( (lining Ovei the last year yve've raised one ( Oil i ern nt anotliei yyilli proposals that yyiiuld i liange limy mentally ill students are pro tei ted hum < undtn t ( ode sane turns and limy they i all seek that protei lion The latest revision leaves us a little more satisfied 1 inlet till- latest revision. at adem H and disciplinary sanctions are sep.uated \oyy students (barged y\ 1111 a( ademii ills honesty will have then grades re-evaluated to retlei t the dishonesty but no further dis (iplinury aitions \y 111 be brought against them Tills seems like f slot it! up to tea SI in I'll Update the leailel I limes argued that ms reasoning tin tail'd that she not base se\ ssith her husband lor the nest seven seats sini e she Inis made up bet minti not to hase i hildren until then \s I said there is a i ham e that it sou has e sex in the next sesen seals sou ssill heroine pregnant li sou air mails that ■ ommlHed to seeing sour plans sill t red S oil must eitliel he ssilling to abstain in kill ans hie vs hull might begin outside ot s our ss ishes In 1'ilhei t ase I pis! wanted to make it pellet tls i tear that Sou base made a spei lilt set ill plans lor ss hat 1 shall venture SOU ixuuid t all sour bods in the next sesen seats It these plans don t tome about it ssill be s rrs i tear to all that s ou are not m i iinliul ut \mn bod\ I hcreture your desire to li.ivr i untrul ilnrsn t n-lnli- m\ rea Mining i untrul ul thr buck has |»i*t*n .1 ili'siri- ul ilii- greater portion ul liuniauilv since histurv be gan I liMth. ul i uni sr has .11 v\ a\ s Invn thi• imr tiling whir li pluves lli.it limn' ut us li.ts ulli milli i nntiul ut im buck Iv i ,iust‘ br knuus nil' bottfi tb.m I know m\ suit Hob U eigel I .ill tut It Crjzy? Am I i t.t/v m ilni thr VSl () ptesldeMl s.l\ tll.lt Ul' sllillllll vuli mi i■ \t*r\ bmlgi't ut i ll'll gimip ml lampus’ 11.isn't lit* i'M'1 hr.ml ut tliu tri ck din tell lm nlciital I cc t iimiiiilti'i' ' I led lm k\ tu be mi .1 i .impiis th.it has i untrul over student tees I km>\\ at mum si linuls thuse dei isions are made In the administration I think that d I talk .. els Ills ua\ . ivr w ill luse tins i untrul \nd aren't thuse groups ,u countable Hi n\ It 1 w .nit Id i <>111 [!I.iin about .( group's hind mg I know \\ hi'ii In go llifii II I lie,ii mg II I ilmi l liko w h.il llir II I is lining 1 know u liiil In iln organize .1 lri.il! t .mi p.iign ni run Ini iitlu r iii\ still ll seems ibis pl.lll Is designed to ,'rni IiiikI groups lli.il < lark ilnrsii l lik. Him lung woulil (i.M.A ui thi! HI.it k Student I limn last i! all students gut In inti nil I lien budgets ' Anti iv In slum Id a group I ike Ml ( 'll A lla\ e In spend tiled time and energy campaigning tm a budget instead ut provid ing the t ultural events and ( In i aim solid.ii it\ that tlirv do now ■' Saving tb.it students nl i nlm uigani/allons should have In oulir a h In while students and gro\el Ini funding 11mid be i unstmed as a r.ti isl notion Si i ( lark lie I ha uks Please |e.oe what little student puwei and diveisity ive have alone I applaud your stated intention nl encouraging students to vole lint don't use bigotiv as a tool to that end Mult Snider Miston Equality Hif Student l huptei til the \ IIU'I'H .III Sill Ids til lull'! ini Designers is tillt'iitlftl ,il lining t lussilied .is 1111<-r11ii ! Its ur.i tins m llif Oregon lltih I'm rhihl .1111> It- nl I fli 2 I As purl ill the An hilft Inn' department, lilts lnlfrior An liiti-t turf pm gram .tl llif I mst'isils is nilfil .inn uii; llif It ip three in llif i i >unti \ \\ f .iif Ir.uiifil Ini ,t Infills Ift linn .il prulessioti In uhit Ii llif word "dei m atm tint's mil appis Set iimlls iii regards In tun hit nlfiil.il I ff (uimniittee budget hearing tin I fh 22 1 Wf iM'if tlfiiiftl ret ngni lion as a sluilt'iil group lift aiise nl mu memhership din's and targeted In sits r as an example Ii i others, despite thf l.u I that lit.ins student groups are na tionalts affiliated anil t harge dues lliis was blatant dis < iiinin.it ion \\ e had mi advam e notji i that tlit* issue 11! membership dues would tie hruughl Up b\ tile II ( our group Inis exist ed on i unipus loi i \ears and lievei before were dues an Is sue t We bad no mitn e th.it out budget hearing was even si heduled a i oliillloll priih lem other groups li.iv e had U e hope ill the Inline the IH w ill ai I more responsihlv and !airl\ to all student groups on i ampins, and giv e ear h one nijual treatment Pearl him \SII) President Maureen Belle \ SI I) \ ii i -president Pegg> Whelan ASM) Secret a r> 1 aura Si liaer \S11) treasurer -Letters Policy_ betters to tin: editor must be limited to no more tlmn words, legible signed and the identification ol the writer must he verified when the letter is submit tod