| £ U3 ( ontimn-d from l\in«- I Ini ,i polling |)I0 \ear old shop \\ r wrn* I old , 11 meetings h\ hospital representatives that r\rrv consideration would hr given h> tin* biMiicssrs in thr ,iitM .mil wr do not feel the\ wrrr, shr said I low r\ n shr added. i ompr I it u in has hrrn ti irndU . and •longtime « ustotnrrs arr rrm ton mg thru lovalt\ \\ r think th.it vvr have to go on from here. shr said \\ * w ould rathei ( ooprratr and ti \ to start dl aw mg I hr ( nmmumU together Realtors » omr in rvrr\ mu »• m a w h»lr w ith otlrrs to bu\ the proprrt\ Hrooks said Hut she said \\ r havr hrrn hen* foi a long time, and wr plan to hr heir lor a long t lllir Imnitri 1 lmn. < ommnnitv relations representative tor Sa i red 1 h-ai I said the a\ ailahilit\ ot rrt.nl spare was well-known in tin- business < ommunih and the pool n! ajiplii ants w as larg*' \\ lien thr number w as nai low i (1 dow n to .i group ol about to ot thr most serious prosprt ts all of them had < orn petition m the area shr said It s hard to make rvn \ bod\ happv shr said l don’t think thru* was anvmie wr could \r leased to that w ouldu’t ha\ r ( aiisrd some i onstrination In addition she said, the dr S24.‘tr> David Brower will be signing copies of his new book Friday, March 2 12:00-1:00 General Book Department In Ins fiftv years as an environmental activist, David Brower has led crusades to save national parks, wilderness areas, the Grand Canyon, and other endangered landscapes. He ran the movement's premier organization, the Sierra Club, for seventeen years and then founded Friends of the Forth and later the Forth Island Institute. For Forth’s Soke coincides with the nationwide broadcast of a PBS documentary of the same name. David Brower is outspoken, idealistic, and controversial. This unpredictable man has created a highly unconventional autobiography. You won't want to miss this opportunity to meet this extra ordinary man and have him sign this hot-off-the -press, up-to-the-minute Kxih for the nineties. UO BOOKSTORE 13TI1 AND KINCAID M-F 7:30 - 6:00 SAT. 10 - 6:00 PI IONE 346-4331 GENERAL BOOK DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR i imiiii tn mi hide stort 'I roll! s in th' }i.irk111u stun Inn iv.is n uii after i hum ill mi; with West Ini n-isili ie|H eseut.it iv es the last time the lmspit.il [lint h.isetl l.iiitl was three vears ago and at this point there are nn (iLiiis to Inn more I him said I Inwevei she mited that the hospital has a t rilii al need Ini tipii.it mi; room spat i U e have tn address the op elating 11 it mi shortage and that will lilt lutle t f Mist l lit lion t it some kind I him said She said the cnnslrut turn would ot tin within the hospitals pres enl proper!\ boundaries It. however, the need arises to expand beyond the hospi tal s t iirrent boundaries, the planning proi ess w ill be puhlit and open I him stressetI ’There seems to he an as sumption that we own more I land) than we do." I ’him said Ihe funnel Sahalie s building is the only Sat led I leart ovv lied laud part el that does not have some hospitalreluted develop men! on it she said U hell the hospital has ex panded. 1'him said emotions li.tv e flared e.xpet iallv Iroin Ihe t niversitv t ommuiiitv W e let ugm/c that We are ill a geographic ally tight spot 1 him said 1 don't know it there is any [ilat e m I ugene with a greater t.onientration ol people We are ket'lilv aware that tin t'vei v at I ion t here is a real lion and when you're as large as we are. it mav he greatei. she saiti Kii hard 1 .reene president it the \\ es| I niv ersitv Small business \ssot iatton stressed that the hospital has been ex tremelv sensitive to neighhoi hood issues lh‘ said Sacred Heart invited the assot latum to partit ipale in its iet cut expansion and the t onstriu turn has followed leed hat k trtMil the small business assot lalion and the West t m vcisiti Neighborhood Assot ia lion lie said Ti H II III I 1 I I I I . 1 ' ot ils wav In nn ill' us In pull ii I puli- in Ihi'ii expansion Hi uil I Vi k ms. i huu ul I In West t imi'lsllv \r i vA 111 'I H IlDOll \ssni iuImu suul thr relation slop between the hospital anil the neighhui hood group is bet ter th.in il bus hei'ii In M'.iis Twelve veals ut*i t. when the I lil \ uni Street parki ng sti uclure was I hi 111 the neighborhood group was ready In lake (he hospital to court A i out I injutH lion w as u\ erl ml alter .i compromise was agreed upon lor the ground floor of the structure In t ontain letail spui e I’eikills said Sun e that tune the hospital has bet'll more w dling In i nm promise, he said In the i ase ol the new parking structure the neighborhood group spet ilica! Iv re(|uested that retail spai e he 11ii hided, he said (irowth in the area has Ini lowed the West I'niversitv Ke tineinent I’lan. one of whose stipulations is that Sacred Heart will undergo no further growth smith or west I his isn't to sa\ that dot tors offices and < limes could not tie built in and around the neighlrorhood However. Perkins said, he sees no ulterior motive to Sa cred Heart's leasing of tenant space in the parking strut lure ■‘That's the ballgame in t api talist sin letv " he said ''You compete with whoever pays the rent dim n the street