Walton receives recycling pilot Dorm to reduce paper use B\ ( atherine Hutslot I morale) \sso< ialo I ditor A sliidon! i ainpuign one our aging ilm in residents In roi vt lo |M|>or prudtii ts lliov use m the resident >■ halls and m the i ale toi las lias prompted I 'niversitt I liillslng In a|>|jrm o a pilot In i t i ling projei I in Walton ( mu plo\ Hills tin tt lull- and i iilurod ledgei paper and for newsprint tt ill lie plat ed in Walton lounges and ils lawiidit and garbage rooms as soon as final arrangements ale made tttlh Pearl Hut k Kei \ i 11in; -aid ! In k Romm lesidem e life direi toi toi I '111v elsit\ I lousing Pearl Hui k lln gioup that re i \ i les papei hum 1'imersiK depattlneiils ami ailmmist i at it e iill|( ns, will add the i an lo ils pn k up route Sui ( ess ol the lei Vi lint; pro gram rests on die tt dlin;,;ues- ol residents to sep.irate thru pa pel garbage and Inuig it lo u I \i ling Inns said krislen I lutvtiet , a rnembei ol tin .Sul vit al ( enter s re< \ ( ling ( om llllllee \\ e tt ant to mi oi pen at i ■ stu dents as nun h as possible I lim net said Wei ant just let other people lie ill i Ilm ge l o i• iit otirage students lo pat In ipate m the progium, tom iintlee members plan to hang posters distribute liter*, and tt I Ite letters lo eat II ilot III ltdt I sort hoard explaining the pro ji’i I Ripmsnilaliv i's Iroin mu li dorm m U ,il!on will wml w il li i ommillrr mmnhiis I” supri \ isr the projri I \ similar push In ••in 11ui.i}4• ■ ilium residents In u,sr li’urr |>.i pi i i up-- .mil napk in;, has sit; mill ■tilth li'ilui i ll p.iprl i nil, sumption in llir ilimng halls. iii) I i. .i li.ilii i.1 I iliii i lui 'il hmil si*r\ ii i' lui llif housing de p.u I mi* ill At I hr SUggrslIim of I ■ -i Vi I lilt; i omnnlli r Ilirmhi'I Alt's.Ill ill.I I noli' Ihi' dining halls hits i' pn.li'il signs asking stuiimits to usr glass instead i.l p.ipi'i i ups ami In i n! hai k ini napkin usn I i inti' said sin | ii si I m i ami’ I oni inin*il about ihi- amounl ol papi'l Wash' in dm liming halls will'll shr 11111 \ i'll mlo Ihr dorms tall 11■ riii It s appalling how moth gets throw il aw a\ I noli- said 1’i‘opli' lake si,ii ks ol napkins and gel a turn p.ipi'i i up evir\ time imii'.id ol musing tin- old oni' 1 iiiilr calculated dial in oni' visil l imn dorm msidimts use Hi, million napk m and 1 i million i ups She has hren W i ilk III:; w It ll Hal ii m k and <1 III nit; had man.igi is In make msi di nts more aw,in ol tin- mini hr i ol pa pm pnidm Is they usr ( It igmailv. I oi ilr ,r.I ml dm Mlg hall supervisors In lllrtkr paper i ups av.iilahh' only on mipirsl hid sHpeiAisms were reluctant to ilii tali' lo rrsidrnls. shr said H A our intmil ion In 11 \ n«jI tn ti ll i nllege (students) wh.it I he\ should do s,nd I tuvid I link tin >d sei \ h i supei \ isof .it the t mveisitv Inn However students in .ill three dining hulls seem to he responding positiveh to signs nnd table tents asking them In Hu glass instead of ]ia|»et « it|in unit to Ink' unh nil napkin linlx in k said I link ( stint.ited Use nl pupel i ups und napkills at the I nl x ersitx Inn has dmp|ied in pci ( ent 111 the last lew W eek s Traditimially the I I uses mule paper pindui ts than the i it In i dni lie. I unk said \\ e \ e l lit dim n a lot I'he effort, to ( ousel \ e paper i mild also save tin housing de p.ntmeilt ll)one\ Italn i k k aid I he monel, lie sax e on papei prodtir Is we i an spend on hind In said The ret \( ling prujei t w ill likelx he expanded to other dorm ( omplexes d the Walton pilot pro|i»( t is stir i esstul Komm said ()ur main i mu ern is safe!\ hazard Romm said \\ e w ill Iii fixik ing al li x ipiii k 1 x tin i alls ,ue emptied especiallx those in the loungi's It also depends on il i Vai I I tin k has tin' n 111 n | ii iw i i lo \x m k i mi a --agmill ulltlx lal gei program he added Pe.ltI Hm k shcnilil lie able to .11f111sI to any a. > program, said lull I tax IS Peal I Mill k rei X l it Ug i mildinaloi I tepenrllllg on tile ingest Ii s and tire r g \ I feel llexihle enougti te ai i unimodate anx situation he said Foot frenzy I'hr( tub Sports indoor .sure rr tram \ \ Ir.im won its nun ruiinil rnhm tnurn.unrnt I,/.si S.iturd.n . Thr tnuiihiinrnt n ,/> ni.nlr up nl tun l'ni\rr*it\ (Huh Nport> tr.lin> .!/!(/ nnr If,MI Irani thr Turrnr I it\ Ir.irur I’hold l>\ Simii I'nston CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 - CONNtCl IONS tut Bf»K e 344 *-4 . A\ ,h Oi Omp;;ii «,!♦»'.»>' , k As?. »'*<- .1- I • f ,t ,t*u «• ; ! !'►*• ' I so tMjfO'p ■ If'eo tultVV*' i- .«• , u >, O0HOTMV *»«.*? I, ; vij , * ytni'ri .*»t* !f>t- '‘A'i m yiK:iJt>y# i !*»•• " ,!*.» ’ • •.! iVl' . ■' fi s as; 'm . • • • , ► - CONS£CT IONS M'A Hj;.j , . . ’ t- " got 00 CONNECTIONS i0‘j PERSONALS CHECK THIS OUT Ht T A S 1009 Patterson St 6 «) H OOPM Friday March . FREE ODE PERSONALS •ATHLETES* UNIVERSITY TEAM OR CLUB SPORTS Feb. 26-MARCH 2 • Plai t- in person before 1 pm daily • IS word limit • You must mention your sport in your jd Room 300 EMU 686 4343 ' ■ ’ Friday ’ • ' 1 'o jPERSONALS k \> ■ TRACEY G 1 : HA'.HPI H-,1 U ,t . CONGRATULATIONS \‘1> ANNE H. AND L\ CHRIS ON YOUR PINNING1 OUR LOVE AND BEST WISHES. 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