Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1990, Page 13, Image 12

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Seniors to play final home games
ASU, Ducks
clash on TV
B\ ( .im Sixesind
tmerald Sports Reporter
I hi' ( begun w omen s basket
ti.ill team makes its lost Imme
si,uni ol the I'ltei 'ill season
starting with a nationalh tele
vised showdown Innight al ‘t in
\h Arthur I Ion it a . i i 11 s I Arizn
na Stale
I'lie name is lining televised
In l-.SI’N something Oregon
coat li Kl win I lei in tee Is is a Ian
boost h a n omen s allilel ii s
"This is great tin women's
basketballIleiin said It
will give the bast boas! a
I ham e In see what it's like in
the West how ue |ila\ here
Rankings are olfeii e\lremet\
biased toward the liasl and the
I tregnn I,it os \i i/iina Saint
dav night al " til in u hat u ill
be the final game in the Pit for
three semi ns
Kei old breaking i enlei Stela
me kasperski multi position
pla\ei |ai i|uie Senieniuk and
tluee [mini gunner Mn belle
Kbit: are the seniors that u ill be
soreh missed next \ eai
1 lie I )ui ks. to u overall and
H-li in the I'ai it ii Hit ionlei
em e are two and a tialt games
behind third pla< e l'(it,A in
eonferem e ai I ion There is si ill
an outside chain e ol a postsea
son a| ipeara me most Ilk el \ in
the \l 1 but those i liani f are
Ori'jiim is mi ,i li wm; si lift- a
ut Kite .1 slide lli.it nun have
st,nti'd u till ,i li 1 mi Ins- lu An
zona St.11(• 111 (Mi l V I cln II.H \
I lit- I )m ks Inn«• lust tom ul
ihfii I,lit six outings, iin lading
two losses hi I,os Angeles last
u eekend
Arizona Stair beat us dim u
the if \\ ■• want to prow vm1 rc a
better If.on ill.in tli.il lleim
said Him do pri-sfUt prob
lems lor us. as thin did down
tlif If bill u f bad all cxtrt'lllf l\
oil night
I'hf Sun I )f v ils ai f f ii|o\ iug
their bi'st sf.ison slut f 1'iti i tin
with a I A I A m frail mark and
a i ID I'm: 111 .lauding
Arizona Slate is in a losing
sk.ul ilsf It h.n im: won mils
one ot its Iasi live i (inlesls
si 111 f ll dcIf.ill'll I Ilf I )ui k s
I orw.nd 1 ran ( ink is ,n flag
iug I 1 ' points a game and A, n
rebounds lo pate the Sun t)e\
ds in both i utfgorU'S Karen
() ( A in nor is si or i ng I.! ‘I pi li nls
a game Iroin lift gii.ml position
loi sn mid in lea in sc or it ig
I ) (amuor si oreil Hi points anil
bad eight assist-, in the pie
r ions i oiliest w ilh I )iegon
I u I lie I )u. ks last niff ting
v\ ilh Ai izona I begun i nine
aw ;n \\ ilh an ft I t victim At
izona is no pushovei and has
p le 111 \ ol firepimei with h alt
pi,nets averaging in double tig
Senior Michelle I hie Urenon’s best e\er three-fumil slmotei
u ill i>bi\ her tin.il tun Inline unities I hni sil.i \ .mil s.iluitl.n in
\h 11 thm < mu t
UK'S I ills St'.ISlIll
( Iu.ikI funi Brm\ ii si ores
!li points a game mi }>«•!
iml shooting from thr lluur hi
lr.nl lilt* \\ ilili .ils ,11st*ii.11 I in
ward Brriula Irersr averages
I I .* points ,i game whilr *: ill
lung a team-high n - rrliuumls
I hr U ildi als arc III I > mu
all I ! I hi the I’ai HI Ati/.uiiu
is i Dining ull a I 1 I (I drubbing
In Stanlunl atlr i brut i ng I d in
overtime two nights prim
Ari/ona is anulliri Irani
I ha I is v r i v i halleiigiiig Tlifv
have veil good shooters am!
Iiit• v arc a good liusllmg train
Until said Ur didn't pla\
well on lilt* mail (agamsl Anzn
na | lull ivr si ill hral thrin
Saturdai looks to hr veil
rimillDUal as till llnvr srniuls
will hid tairwcl 1 In Mai l .on11
and Illr tails
I ill going to miss even
bodv uii the tram I think a s a
grral group SemiMiiuk said I
think ur (list want to go out
and finish out Iasi two lloiur
g,lines I hr lirsl w r ( all
Ur u.llil In show people
Imu nr an- .really I apahlr lit
plit\ iug u liit h I don't think
we've dour lately Srimmiuk
Srlilrhillk rslahlishrd thr
siiigir season assist mark last
season l\ llll mil and i ■ looking
Mi i\l) \N - I HKi )t I,)! I KID-M
Spec iaIs
Mee Siam
M.ilasian si v it
Hot \ Sour
i rltd Sot»tiU‘s
VV ( hit krn
l fisUifs \t'\f ft > ( i»/ l ) fit k >/t
?t» br one «il mi!\ (our I iii* y
J> 1 i*vets eVet to ( urnplete theil
i areei s it ( )ivi»i»ii in the lop in
in s< i>i 111is rebounding ami is
l.hle til*- ! )m ks most prulihi
!! 11 * *« • {mini shnntei evei nuns
st\ s( hnnl records ini I lit li 0)4
must threes made in nni* game
I »i <iml st*asmi (111
1 ilnn l regret anything
about i oming !<» ( )rr!4uii hide
said It s bi*<*n a lul nl Inn .mil
.1 gt H mI expel mm e I Ve leal lied
.i In! about mv.xelt
haspelskI let t* 1V ns th»* III" t
attention nl tin* three seniors
but nghtluiU
Tht* »• ln<>1 tcuter i mrentlv
holds si\ P.n 1 o ret unis in
I hiding i .neel rebound- !'» . I i
held goals j 7B71 and blot ked
shots i IHB)
A Grand *
Finale -jf
For Any
After o hord doy s work. or
for o quiet end 10 o spectol
evening—come to Onsen.
Relax your mind at you
goze up ot the ttors. Pomper
your weory mutclei In o tub
of worm rushing woter.
Unwind ond enjoy—ony night
of the week.
Taking reservations until 11 00
p m weekdays until 12 4 5
weekends Coil 345 8048
i860 Gotden A.e fugene
Tired of Waiting?
Fall Creek Bakery
has fast service.
Call Now
For Space Reservations!
your dollars
l>\ usini> i iiupuns Iriiiti —•»
_J "'*■ Ihr Oiei'im l).iil\ I mrr.ilil