Sports Ducks meet Wildcats in Tucson B\ \shlr\ ( onklin f merald Sports Reporter A l U.»MI \ tin two licit!* I Ir.uin in tin? Pat die JO t < ? n I * * r rni i* inert in lhi? hot bed **f c f»i It ee basketball Arizona > Mi kale ( ente r in a kr\ f\tc in i tbaii game l inn t!c, Oregon ami \n/ona oft tonight at { > MSI m a show (low n <•! trams an poak mi! at mst thi’ i I’.’ht torn r postseason play looms right ai on mi tin* * • a mi I In I hit i vs iiinos ot Join straight !am» • an ail aionr m fourth pi.ii» in tin c onlniMin' standings at to n and an* 1 * in ov oral I I hr \\ ildr als have won miir strain!;? ?‘a< 10 games aflrj los) i rj to I CkA in hat k in Ian i i Ar i/uii.i. lit in the- I Vic lo and in n . i ?, * 11 is ranked :■'* alter a 'H 0 loss to ! )uk» 1,- i Stmtlav la 11 *114 I hr joss to I ) 11 k r thr \\ ddc ats dll t .1 } donna .1 hd Sl.C 1 itonl ’ 1 ' O :r load hut vs hr rv«*n more dan grrotis at h**:nr ow ning a 1 • game vs an streak in \!t halt ( tniter the Inurr i liomi vs a sfirak in thr ?it11nai Although mfj.t pl'OpIr -f‘< I hr ()?r<*»un Shitr Aii/t>n* showdown ns tin* br,- iiiin)r n Tu< *on this wmk with Im {»!,)> « i if thf !,»lc 11 • .<( --f.ikr f )'i son is MMur f mu * rnr<} with I In I )|M ks, w ho hr,it f'»M '< 11. i< k on \< »\ to. I was unprrsNfii with thm w hrn wv phnrd fhrm m 1 u j»rnr ()|sim \.»ifi 1 though) Hi is Win I hi iff ! i < ‘.K hi !)< :.'■ iMonsun) host t» iin< sjn<» In • brrli thro* Thm r !lu ijurs tKin thi»! fiat mi! tin- f )o u-»i gamr is flit* most! g.iIHr In US n< i! ( llci’nii S!a|r I nlikr tin List ?W •• Ari/ulU If .uns thill imm!\ won ?hr 1 >«»* 10 K'sMht sr.ismi titir and post sr.iMtll toil I nmur nK thm \\ ! i< 1 < .il tf'.u i has only thrm srmop .uni a honir of votinv. talrnlrr o r i s who (Jlson said, .m stai imr * rnmr on A U< if m! tilings ,111* hr uinniiig to h.tpprn In thr tram Olson sni in ho Jrlr phonr pirs* iJiiilrrrncr ! u• -' day i hr hig guv s air rr.dh < into thru own J hr hu» guvs ( )ison ttdrrrn in ,ur 11 loot It St iphf UlHHt • \\ illi.nns .uni Sr.m Rook* Tickets $14, $11, and $9 plus $1.50 city surcharge. Available at Gl Joe's, Ticketmaster outlets and U of 0 ticket office. Wmtc h World W'Vkfliny fi*d» > re*!* muds pm ( tinfr -t and is uiimng oft uni* of his host game's a !M pom! innr ir'lunind prrfor m.mi i against Did »• ( )1mhi ha- now gom* w ith Sloke*s .»s his starting i rntm for tin- las! nun' gamn and in- has lalhod ]\ points <»vn Mia* span. me hiding mght strap lit gaums in double- figure's Mr.mwhllr Kooks has rilin' otf tin limit h to spoil \\ 11 hams and Slokos and ha- ( liipju m . V points pm g,mirs In . lias avmagrd to points pm gam*’ in tin- last six game’s \long with forward ad Hurt Idm and guard \lu* Mue’ldrb.u h tin- throe* big nr s ha\ «• e arnod tin1 load foi tin Wilcic .its j a t»• I v and tin’ll piav lias nann*d rave* rcvii-u s from ()isnn 1 luw an posting up bi ttn than thry wm** mirhm OKon said I tin night (law i«a ll\ worked wi*il togrthn agamsl I >ukr All oi thorn mijo\ pkt\ mg witii uni aiiothm ngani In s'- oi w h n it « oinhmat n m of tin' two is m thmv Kooks and iUinm.s both had gooel gaine-s against tin Due i> - last turn out as Kooks had mm* points and 1.' rohounds w hilt* Will lams had ! * i points and s»-\on re‘lie non is liowovm An /mi.i had no atiswm to (Jrrgoii point guard i n roll Biandon Brandon hud J.7 points srv hi rt’hounds .md st*\i*n assists and t ontrollmi tin- game’ as guards Mue’hh’bai is \ t.i! t ( )thu k and i iai vo\ Mason louldn I i ompmisalr tor Br.nj don s ejun knoss "You hu\« .i guv hk»- Bran \i i/dii.i s Willi.ims IJ11 slimits m it Oration's Hob lile in tlir I)in As liti-ht nil) e.irlier ill the sf’.i.srm Willi.ims .1/11/ I lie it ill -.tin,ire nil .11;,1111 I bursil.n ,is the II 1I1I1 .its h.title I Ire i^nn 111 \i i/iiii.i \ Mi K.ile ( entei dun who is \»i\ (|iiK k til hi rtii and (an make a lot u 1 things hap} mu Olson said 1 hr (hint’ that makes it toui;h is that hr « an drill it from outsidr and }»r nr I ratr r it hri d nr< t loll (iamr Notes _-_ Week liMUlsI i‘ 11 Ili'I \l I. « Hid ill Arizona* I h• • I)ui ks t iin finish no worse than fifth in the finaI l\u 1 u sf. 11n 1111 s Bran don and Keith Reynolds lead ( hegon m si umii* w if h 11\ o and t > n ptf in .1/ Student Vlt <>! ■fifs 11 iuiuiu's I 'i stuiL nt\ t. nu 11 u it/» f/u- president ti1 Jim uss issues 0/ mutuiii iinUiTn JADE PALACE CANTONESE A SZECHUAN CUISINE l*rutcssujrul i\\tk C ending ( lit+nf unfurl t m thtie* DINNER Efflfl^SPEtlAl $650 14 tj\t\ iu-sh A liflu 1 onn All Vi hi l an I «n WO W "th • »44 m ,2i : SPRINGFIELD. : scientific : • SUPPLY « | Hours: ■ I Mon.-Sat. ■ J 10am-6pm | I 726-9176 ■ 1 1124 Main St. ■ I Springfield *