Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1990, Page 11, Image 10

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Nuclear-free zone ballot shunned
Eugene mayors opposed
Bv Hon Walker
Emerald Assoiiate Editor
Three de< ades worth of l.u
gene m.Ivors voiced then un.m
imous opposition to ,i [imposed
strengthening ol the city's nu
i leer free /.one ordin.nn i' dur
mg .1 press i onterent e at (Tt\
I l.dl U ednesdav
Diversity is good when we
can live in haimom togethei
said \lav or |etl Millei I he
tragedy is when we say we
want our polit ical stand or
Jillilosophical stand to lie the
supreme law ot the land
Miller joined four toi mei city
mayors in supporting the ueyy
ly formed I iliznns Against ail
111 esponsihle \ lit tear-1 l ee
/.one a politii al act ion i out
mitlee made up ot lot al i esi
dents and business leaders
At issue is a [imposed
amendment la I lie i it y iouiu.il
in \s|n‘n In tin' attempt tu ban
mu lew ml.itnl industries from
thr urea
Wh.it Aspen was lining v\,1
sending tin' wrong message
mu I m clti'i I th.it ' s u lull I t li i nk
this (barter amendment would
iiii. in- -s.iui riu' nil-.i ut .1
mu li'.ir tin' /mu' is .111 idea
w Inisi'11mi' hus |i.issi'ti
1 le s.iiil tin- I rli 1 i ili'i isimi
11\ thr .ii'i'usp.K i' miiiiul.ii turi'i
Kolu Industries not to lm .ilr in
Kugene Inis polarized tin1
groups in f.ivor of .inti against u
blither ri'slrit 11v• measure
I think w lint wi' mi .itli'i is
it i v its 11 v .mil not ilivisivi'
iit'ss. Anderson said
(Ins Kellci. mayor trurn I‘t""
to lutvl said ! lugi'iii'.ins
sometnni's overstep lett or
right, .tnd the net result is lh.it
we iiete.it our own purpose
He opposed the moll' Iest i u
live measure lici .mse of tin
‘Eugeneans sometimes overstep leit or
right, and the net result is that we defeat
our own purpose.'
(ius kl*ll(M
i h,n trl h i hr prrsrutrd In vot
ris in \ 1«»\ Ihr amrmimnit
vwjutii strrni»thrn ihe < ilv'.s »'v
i-l mr run I«*ai h rr /unr nidi
i ilvvin ( oiir win * u .is mavoj
hum I *» > H In spoke* about
lhr \ tMl s hr w ah :hrd thr Slit.
u! Iimbri prrsrn ihum-H
Sun r that I line, hr said thou
liuis nt subs havr burn lust
In pirvrnt r< <muunit star,
nation hum occumm; m hu
, ■ih‘ we nrrd mure industries
in uhsrt rmplo\ mint lust in tin
t iiiiliei mdustrv . (onr said 1
m j»r a no vote on tins nut Irai
her /tliu* ballot ineastiie
( aim* s sui i essnr. l.rstri An
drjson. was mavor until 1'» n
t lr is new an \s|ieii ( olo rrsi
! lr lik«*m*d tin* in rut unsm
i rssful attempt to ban tin sales
• Grateful
• Jasper
SHIRT “*;u
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All Discontinued Designs
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massagt* it would M ini tii luturi
(li ill-lit til I busitlt'SSf'S lli' said
I! -1(11n*.11tti ihc that this
(l.lltli III.II i li.nti-i .t 1! n ‘in! iii«m «t
would (Hit laigoni' mi tin' ini
ti11)4 fiht'' nt bring anti growth
am! anti iijijiia tiiiiiH Ohio
! ui;. m •• i’\istiu.u imrln.ii
tlrr /ulli' mt'.lsliri' look idll'i t
whtlr Brian Obit' was ma\or
( )lla s.,l l In' lias U114«‘ti Bll' i |l\
i uum ii ti) rr[n\d lilt' 'Hilmaiii i
t'Vt'ii though It was ullr lli.it
Buhl would liavn livt-d with
Hr said liir |ii ii|itisi'd nirasuir
i mild t ii-.l tin' i its mam IntUn'
|i ills
I ni vrr\ illsa(i()iiinti'tl that
thr vii-ws ui tliiisi- wlm would
atlvtx atf nn growth would lu
st i fstri'iiii' that tht'V would hi*
si'liish to thosi' in lin'd ot
wolk i a • said
I luiM' l(ml ailvniatf .1 vr
,ihlr strung immmimh untui
lun,ill'll .in- losing tlif h.iltlf
l >()■■■ -..Hii Hmvi'ifi lif .ulilfil
hi' I'xpi'i It'll thill vulrrs udiiIiI
ri'jfi I thi' ii|ii timing pmpiis.il
Maun \l 11 If r .ml In- 1 ‘-’.if f11
with ihf 1 ult-1 it 11I tin- ousting
ortiiii.iiu f but iippnsfil .1 ti 1*'.1
uif ihiil would lif more 'rath
1 .11 hf s.tlil
\\ f ii<*t>d ,m nrthnam f lli.il
sav s vvf .irf tur uni lit pf.it f
uIII! Il IS \\ll.lt Ilf Innf lif
saul \\ f don't nr-ftl in fill 1 si
iinliii'im c lll.it is mumg tin tin
1 cinitiiunili
Kuhi Imliislrifs Millfi said
uas mlfifsli-il in lui aliif.' 111
I lup'iii- Inil vias rt'llit taut In 11»
1 alt- hfif lift aiisf i'l Ilf mu If
.11 Irf c /uno on 11 n.iiu o Ilf sa i, I
othfi inilusli if, 1 iiuld <ii> tlif
IVf re talk 1 uvi ahfiut Intsi
iifssfs I hilt ilmi I vi ant In opt' 1
alf ill a 1 litnalf "I 11111 rrlaiii
l\ Ilf s.llil
Mrvc luliiiMiii * me! {m*iii i> mi
i-I |( i! tllf* ( -ummittrr to krep
I ugeiie Nut l***ii free said in
tluslrirs mm h .in Ruhr prohabls
would nut base been k * * f»t nut
nt |hr i lt\ liudr; the existing
ordmnui e imi mulrt thr jin >
posed stru 11*r turin
I hr pm|»usr(! measure would
Imii thr pmiitn f \< n nt mu leaf
\\ en po I ■ . I IJ(i part • tin UUt lr.it
Uivipuils dellSt : . '* sterns «ts
t inn .tnd i 1 v it detense drills
within ritv hunts, }ohn-a»n
In add it tun he •■nd an i*In* t
ed hoard would he h»i ined to
enfon e administrative trie** «»t
the oniintme.
! flunk the pri*|»it- in tin
< (uiuimmh ha\ *■ made it ijmte
eluat' that we dim f want mu in
,n related Industrie -■ hen hn
Mike St hvvail- in t hair nt
(liti/ens Against an Ii nspousi
hie \tieleai l run /.one, i ailed
the proposed measure all e\
treme one that Would destroN
our hope tor a better < itv and a
hrttri tutUre toi ollt i itl/eiis
Hr said fin existing measure
was a TV mg its purpose alld
vs on Id I >e best let I alone
With U of O
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1 2 o/ soil ill ink
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• (>11 t han^e, genuine V ()l V () tiller and 4 i|ii.irts
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• ( umplete ni.imli'il.mi r i hi'i k nt major
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• Inspi'i lion nt brake*, cvhausrt, •mpcittion, u
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Icim.i ool start heating and moling
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For Appointment call
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Good food at a mi .onable pnr e
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W fith at l awnmu • •
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I ■$ r <' a k f a ■. t til 2, p m