Oresort Daily_ _ Emerald TIhhmI.iv Man h 1 I * t*)(l i aim'iu' ( )ivgnn \ nlumt' l) I XinnbiT lid _I nside_ ■ Ideological debate. Page 5 ■ Republic an candidates. Page t> ■ Women play on KSPN, Page lit ■ Dorm recycling project. Page 14 Photo b\ \mlir Kalnrii \iuhv krllrr, with thr linspit.il Is brttrr than it has hrrn 111 \rais \l tile samr llllir though, suiiir l)lls| lirss nvvnrrs sa\ t lit*V «»•'•* d isappnUltrd \\ ith flu* i hou r nt nrw shops tli.it havr npriird IHMI thrill and thr\ (jUrstlon thr hospital \ tufnrr agrnda Audrr K t■ 11«*i m\ nri ot I hr < opv Shop » ft I 1 ith A v r ..ml shr pirtrls thr trnn ( )m l.ud\ ot thr Ihilldo/ri to rrtri to thr growing hospital i omplrx Shr irmrinht is sin h toiinri landmark*' a tin* Mavllnwn Ihratrr Poppi’s (.rrrk Krstauiant and l.rnnv s \osh Bar. lost to hospital drvrloptnrnt I don't srr an\ rnd to thru t• vp*»ri sum 1st IrndriK irs sllr said I havr wall lirtl s.H rrtl I Irart t omr light down thr strrrt at lilt I hr ( op\ Shop tin* .idjarrnt ( air n for I Ian ..don >t» 1 I 1 ith A\ r and I ugrnr s Flown llumr, hill I 1 ith Avr i mild hr r\rd as sitrs ot lutliir dr \. t lopmrnl hrllri lours In tlir parkin1.’ strut tun* rrt.nl spat r is now a i op\ * hop ( I \ pos|. a h.m salon (I’m isimi ( ut- and a flown shop {Dandrlion s I towns and (iifts) \ fourth storr ( ha/pro Family Fun Shop will oprn hitrr this month hrlln . a l (I it's too rarl\ to toll it hrl hlisinrss has hrrn alln trd h\ thr tom prlition hut shr ilorsn t mind tin* rxis trm r ot a nrarhs ( omprtitoi anvw.iv. sill* s*« tci lluurVi'l she sa111 she sci*'. a pattern to the retail tiMUIlls th.it Were sell ! ted III move into tfie parking stnu turr spat e It s not tfie t,n t tfi.it t he\ re i ompetl tioli tfi.it upsets me sf)i‘ said It s f f u • f.nt tfiat of all the appl u:*lt ions tot storefronts tfiat (Sat.red Heart) should pn I* the same as the next three propel t les m line I do not believe tfiat this tomes tin del tfie realm of i mm idem e Keller said Keller said slit* has received and lias turned down offers from dot tors to hu\ hei propel t\ ashavenearbv Max’s Tav ei u and lattle s Mai k*t she said ( )thei businesspeople in tfie area near tfie new parking stmt tore said thev are < out :ei netl that then spate i onhi fie bought up lot future dev elopment Km ki DenOudeu manure! ot ( an-’n lot f lail said I fie ow iters ot tflese buildings have been approai hed b\ at lorne\s and realtois for dot tors to buv tflese buddings Sfie said otters fiave been made to buv tfie I ,ire’ii lot Han budding and the budding's ow nei ftas « onsidered selling it Hie level ot business at fier sflop has not changed but to put three tumpeti tors so i lose to existing businesses was she said a hatl neighboi polir \ Sfie pointed out that none ot the new businesses i oiupete with tenants in Sa c red Heart's othei parking garage down tfie street I'.it lirnoks. ow nei ot f tigeue s I lower [urn to Hospital, Page lt» Chamorro's election puts end to U.S. involvement H\ ( atherine Haw lev f morale! Assoc iate f dilor \u.aragtians did not voir to support opposition par!\ c.indi date \ 'inlet.i I hamorro in Suiidav's rln lion so mini ii a-. 11 it-\ voted to end I S aggression against then i nuntrv said ,i I niversilv law student who observed the elections I he people ol Nicaragua still share tile ideals ot the I SI N hut in the privm \ ot the polling plac.e the\ g.ive inti weariness said Nicholas van Aelstvn who traveled to \n aragua with , \a 11 on. 11 have vers ( dll Id delegation to monitor the fairness ol tin’ elec lions ( hainoilo s elec lion means (lie end ol trade embargoes and the r S hacked t ,'ontra wat which will allow the Nicaiaguans to re build tlieii c ountrv and take c are ot the it war vie Inns van \el tv n said t'NO was the ralion.il choice he said 'The Nicaraguan people are onlv tinman The l‘t Ni.O delegation members well' among TIMM) interna tional observers who monitored the tairness ol the l eb > elec I ions "U'e found the entire electoral process to be imminelillv free and tail .'' van Aelstvn said I hev had 17 safeguards against fraud including main that we don't have here in the t'niteil States At a Uednesdav press c.onlerenc e in ( itv < nunc il ( chambers \ all Aelstvn read a prepared Nil, statement affirming the tairness ot the elec tious and c ondeinning the t 'idled States role in Nic ara gua in the' last If) Vears "t.ontrarv to the contentions ot the Hush administration, the I SI Vs defeat does not represent the tall ot a "totalitarian le gillie vail Aelstvn read "Rather, the elec lions are c lear proof ot the I SI.N s longstanding commitment to demoniac \ On the dav ot the elec lions, van Aelstv n was assigned to mom Turn to Nicaragua, P.ige lb First candidates enter ASUO race Bv ( hrislopher Blair I merald News l ditor Sit-V f Maples .111(1 Hl.lllr i ushinan het .line the first taudidates In entei the rat t* tm pen * 11 AM ( ) President and Y a 1* I’lesident nil Wediicsdai [iniinismii In Initial* lilt* na11 tifluffii lilt* studi'llt liutlv tin* ai I ill 1111 si ia I lull and student i;iii 11 ninelil Maples a luurth vear dun tile major in philosophy and I it > 111 n at st 11*111 1* is a rneMlIif 1 ut tin* tin itlental l ee ( nininil lee lilt* t:\lt Huartl ul Duet tins and is presidenl ut lln* I All tiuard ul I )ii*t*i tors I It* also sils on the Assut lated Student Presidential Advisurv f ouiu.il ( aishmnn lias partu ipated as a volunteer 111 three ma\ or al elet lions and a tail t mini il 1 all pall’ll III the San I heipi area and i\ as an intern lor .1 San I heyto t it\ supers isur she held three otfii is 111 her snroritv and was a meinlier on tin* (.reek I Indorsement ( aiimuittee I nl 11 Wednesdtiy she had served as a student iiruup ti nant nil tai; for the ASl t ) ‘fils M*ai hut resigned due to the 1 nut 111 t nl interest nl part it i I'hiilultt Kjm lii.mc t iislim.m .mil Steve \l.i/>lr s .inninuu ed their i.iih/i tl'it \ for ,\Sl () l'/ic /‘resident and /’resident Wednesdm. hei tuning the Hist i nndiilates In enter the r.n e. p.it ini’ m till’ rli-i I n in lii .hi intersieu to <1 nnonu< e their i .iiiiliil.n s Maples .uni t ushman disi tissed tin’ wavs m \\ tin h the\ will attempt tn mviilvi' tin- student linih in I In'll elei t ii m priK ess Maples said In’ and (.'usli man u ill lienidit Irum the ear K stal l Ihe\ lias e nil the elei Inms tu lie held in late April I ti.ine and I are i er\ prnnd id the tar t that we're the first In i mile out puhlii Is to an Ill >11 III I' ( Ml I l ,111(1 II I.II It'S M.t |lll*S s,lltl "Ur hope til.il it silliws the student hoik .ill I‘.inerni'ss .mil .i willinKin‘ss 1,1 H''l nut then* .is soon .is possible and let them know He re out there tin them tu understand us and u here we're i omilin hum he said Maples said tiiat during the ( . 1111 pa IK n. the two will ail Flirn to ( undid.ites, Pay>o 4