Sports Tennis team to begin road trip after layoff Bv Ashle\ C onklin Emerald Sports Reporter 1'lie women's tennis team wliic h last saw ,n lion on Ian 117, will return to the < ourts this weekend as the Dm ks make an extended trip through ( 'alitor nia After heating Idaho n t on Ian. 27 l)regon had tnati lies i am eled against the l ’Diversity ot Portland. Puget Sound and Par dii I ulheran in mid I ehiu ar\ due to snow I he I )m ks w ill lr\ and make up ha that lengths ahseni e x\ ith lire mail lu‘s in (laliloi nia (begun opens the road trip with a match against Nevada Reno on Thursday morning at San lose. ( aid and then meets San lose Stale on I hursdav at ternoon Second \ ear cna( h I mil (aeider is anxious tor the I )m ks to get into the swing ot things again alter the long lav oil ' It s hard to sav d it (the lav oft! will hurt us m not divider said It s exi it nig to go play again I don’t think the layoff will hurt us that matt h because we've been sparring w ith ea< h other and nthei play ers in the i (immunity '‘We’re a better malt h team til,in a sparring team though .lint III take a belter match team am time he said Seniors kumi Nagamotn and Alubel (alheell. who Wele both playing well before the break .ire OregonN lop lun pi,Ivors X.igamoto luis ,i I mm oni in \o I singles .mil ss ill bo look mg lo make lilt’ .ill bar ili< Ill \iirthorn Division sipi.ul tor the fourth straight \o.ii while C.oheen is .1 1 .11 \o l singles ,iml tlio \o I (loublos loam ol Nagnmotn and (lohoon is L! 1 I Iio Dm ks .’ 1 o\ oral I boat I’orllaud Stalo along with Idaho mi lamuirs Oregon s unlv loss was to Washington, last soa son’s I’m iii< Id Northern I)iv i sum t lumps and the nnh loam to boat the I Ini ks last season In mir mail li against W ash iilgton I was impressed with mn light and that we kept altoi them (aonloi said W e don't liaio the skill right now 10 phis with Washington, but I sav right now bemuse it's al most March and that match was in lannarv \ lot ol tie purpose loi si hod li I mg them earls in the soa si 111 was to see where thes wolo at and see the gap ho tvs eon ns ho said (aonloi said ho was looking lorward In plavmg tho Huskies again, in the season finale on April 1 and also tell that the 11 l win os el Idaho last monlh was a lug earls soa sun s u ti il s "lloating Idaho helps us lie i atise thes 're a team in our re gion and a team we re< nut against he said i he w in also helps our i ontidem n know mg we i an beat a loam with a similar skill level that's a good Div ision 1 team Senior defends title I niversit\ senior Owen Miknsn sni i e.sstullv defended Ins i Ii.tnipionship in the toil e\ enl ,111(1 g rnl it led I he ( mu n In the I pee division iit Inst S.itui d.U s I’.H it ll \llltllU est ( 11111 ■ i.itt* I em mi; (hnitipionships III .’.it) (,ei lintel I i.dl (It tier ()regun p.irtn ip.ints in the sabre event were kail 1 lerbet who 11 ii»k sixth I el t (hind ,il ! ith |im Smin ii at tilth .uni I )a\ id I liirle\ ,it 1th Smin h .dsn took tiiuith in the I pee ev i'll! Ill the Sabre division Joel White took third billowed In ( cilui Ingliei .il lillli .mil I urn |uhn .it sc\ until In other ( lull Spoils .11 turn thf (begun I ,n rnsM' Iimiii hnsi U a.shingtun Stale S.itu111.«v .il I ill |i in .mil Whitman Sun (I,iv .il l l ill .i in .it Snuthbank i n-lil I hr men’s .mil wiimen’s t ill in,lie liishee le.inis will Imlil Ilnur tuurnuuiont.s Sat mil.i\ .mil Stindnv il Thurston High St llniil I lie times ,lle III a m In I |i m Imth il.iv s f 'hill I I lav el-. In I in esl drove. t lie In pl.iv I’.li 11li Sunil.iv at I id p m Intramural Results February 26 Men's basketball Yur Ciunna lost* >8, Sigma t hi 18 Sfxual Choi olate r11*in l n Bant shot TJ. I i|i II A > I Della lau Delta 61, Swatisass US Noon Ball lanatus 71. No Mens >‘* ( ourtin' Disaster ~ii. Pin Dell II l 4 5 Sigma Nu II 4r>, Yeah Right IB a White (iuys 46. C oilier 4 5 Carpi* Diem 68. Sig I p Si rub 44 ATO Mashers 4‘), I lie Bashers 11 VVilli ox 68 Bionii Pit nil 4 > C»ri//lu*s From Hell 4 1, I ven More Masted 4 I ODE « Recycle This Paper Oregon l)ail\ Emerald ★ IMJNDERIAND * GRf AT FOR PART If S AND BIRTHDAYS 54*uincn Alt GAMIS WOHH Vf,UtW WITH NIC Af L S GAMES admission i so STH STRUT PUilIC MARliT • (UGiNi • &I3 1464 C J I iEi' I'hi.l., \mlirr (uihrrn. .it \n < si/iy/o .mil \u I ilmihlrs. .mil tlir rrst lit llir womrn s trnnis tr.mi it ill tr.nrl tn ( .ilihirni.i tor ti\r ni.ih hi‘\ st.irtim; llmrsil.n I hr Dm As it ill see f/irii /1 rs / ,ii tion sini r l.m 27 Alter rhurstia\ s matt lies (Jri^on u ill pi.i\ «it S.iiit.i < .'lain on I i ula\ and IIhmi t i.i\ el h» I ).i vis. ( aiit to nio’l I ( ! )a\ in S.itunidN I he trip u ill wind down .it Stockton ( aht .is tin* I hit ks battle I*ai iln (lii'^on San lose State* > \ List no.ii but was rained out against the other si bools \ 11 hvt s< bools .nr rii\ I Sion I op[jlit* Will, but vim never to set lie toi |iinI imi* will l lifiiict •'dill Kr.lllsl II .ill 1 U Ill'll uni li.n ni l pl.i\ nil in .1 i\ lulf \ on just ii nit li i eel a little tnomeii turn mil 1114 \ 11 * ■ I the I .llllut 111.i ll l|) the I tin ks let tit n Inline tn l,n e the ! im ei sit i ut I'intlaiiil i hi h H .uni I’lirll.ind M.ite mi M.m Il ‘I OJ XI , TT* 1 Scotch HHijirHMMIM fRANKUNSTOHt HOURS 9AM 9PM OAll Y 10 rSUNDAY 18TM A Pf AHl STOMf HOURS a 10 A M 10 PM 10 TO tSUNDAY Mf RCHANOlSf SUR.Jf C T TO STOCK ON HAND AND A V A ll AHll 11 Y Of MfOHOfMS Prices l M«*i ti»r Thru i C-O-M-P-A-R-E KODAK - 36 EXPOSURE....6.35 FUJI • 36 EXPOSURE.5.89 SCOTCH COLOR PRINT FILM f\QQ 36 EXPOSURE 100 ASA PRICED AT HIRONS 2 Roll A YOUR CHOICE , q I STANDARD SIZE 4' % CHOOSE DOUBLE OR SINGLE 3 • » r.t Jt cun P "UC-C PRINTS QRJ PRINTS at Sa/nr Jtcun P Ur r SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS I SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS SINGLE OH DOUBLE PRINTS 36 EXP. ROLL i i i CiOOr O'. STASOARr Sizr PRINT', on Ms A RC> F n t PR'STf. FROM 35MM OiSC ’ 10 0K l?6 COlOR PR>NT < M a- PROCESS OS, v V RO.. . Mil PHOTO SPECIALS o