Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Kasperski sad to see career end, looks to future
Senior leaves lasting legacy
fH ( ,im Ni\rsimJ
I merald Spurts Reporter
She is milv four farm's ,m,n
from ending her illusiiimis c a
leer a-, a ! )in k her I<■«11rh >■
talli'ii taidiet from p«is! s,-,isi
possilii I i I it's anil she has all in
jlllA 111 111 ‘I null! I(H a fill! Stefa
me kasperski i an si ijl smi '•
I lie ft tool 7 hath e ill 1 fain
Iml i; Hr-,! I iermani hi fiei n
tile Im ,H point ol Oil .
rns liie-k e thail si net? sue al
riveil In a e m HWtti
has|i' ii make ■ it ( leal
In IVV t'S C! that On is not tin
ished ’ With a mitioiudk lei
e\ |sed • Till 1 I sc la ', : a ■■' ' •
Ml \ Mil I inn! i e, i;: ■ 1 \ i in,*
Iia Stale ..ml lift final home
laiiip in the f*i! against Ari/nna
Salufli.i'. Hr. anil s mo t (.mill
if cental slifl hits MimethtUH
fell In stems
Hi have; tom names tell,
and lie ice..! lit me. In make I In
tec s| out nl .! has pel sk c an!
I sldl tiave sccme tilings I want
In do in those Inn home games
esjH'< lalh
I ha! f leu e 1 (impel il l\ e all I
No one is h.ippier thnn t )n*
gun i D.ii 11 I I win I if i in tn hn\e
ll.id .1 jil.iVf I : iki K.f.jMf k 1 nil
Ins If,HU .Hid HO one is s.iilil, i
I,I sir lift i ,ltffl .|! I )rt' I'll fllll
' She's milled so nun h to out
111*:■ gi,nii I rmn the bfgmmng
even Ilf! I'lvshntitn Vent shf
vv ,is very good m terms ol tit
11 111 id, it loll I III JllfSflllf lilt ill!
id.itfd opponent*. Ileim s.ncl
Heim e. e impressed with
K.ispeisisi s i,i|, oi■. from !lie
st ilt iiotiim iff kirn k liii hold
mg on to tie tin!! l lint •> .i
i ft.tuM lir islu ihitf is f.ir*• ui
must post pi.nits Heim ‘.ml
( jfiti(j li.d.ttK r m another a*'
J»i-« t til Kavperski *- }11.i\
Hr I' U.iilir troll! {hftni* a
In Hmnm till) fi i' nnpniYrd
tir,sst it *t 11 \ Sh< ’• hftomt' a
•Jilhtli i lat lur IliMcIt* «ir!< list \ «*
!\ Iiitl «•! I* *:: * IVv M't-A If.tins
ha\ r!f» h.ntvh' their delemm* !t»
tic.il vv tilt her 1 If mv s.nd
Sin* • t learlv ‘inn ul il not
lln* top post pLtvets in tin- mi
114*11 ( )l>vmusj\ her vihsf n< e
will t ause some new problems
11 .j in We u ill 11«i\ • 't • make
I'\ r always said it's not that big of a
deal balancing school and athletics. You
just have to manage your time pretty
Stephanie kasperski
tilde is someth iiiR Hi.it h.is
nibbed ult mi fellow 11 si in
|| Mil I ' H I I I IMS! hi l In Dill k S
won llu- \.tlimi.il 111\ it.itnhi.il
11nim.mi. ill List yi-.u
Slit1 .1 11.1111 Will kl'l sill
Iii-i-ii in i-\i i•!It-1it mil- model
Ini this tf.mi Sln> e\|ii'( is ,i Ini
III us III! lellntt 11 si 111 III.ll r
.mil i lassmate |,ic 1111u
ScllUMUllk Sin* 1 II M'S have
lilt’ll l'\]l('l t.lllulls I kilim s|n>
lines Ini her sell .mil lli.il A uli
V lulls tlituuyh her iichli'M1
rin■ nts in si huol .uni in basket
\ lid tile list (it ,11 (net esiletll s
Im kasperski is .i lime one un
unit utl the roll ft
kaspei k i im IIS tile i .11 eel
I’.iiilli |t t Suite relit e 111.ilk 111
I el 11 ill III I! lie 11 * ill) held en.tls
I H .1 ; till II ki 'll sllnts illii
She nvv its the I’ai It) si null* sea
sun ret urd lot held 140,11 per
I entayc I Ml (1 ill i HHH li‘11 .mil
lul tilm k ed shots (11*1 m
pin -ms 1
l tree mi: . 1 mile season tei ords
■ lie . 11 si. ..ii the list It blni bed
shuts v U keiltllt kv ill I 'IM
ll. held sils \ s ( .d this \e.il
,md 11 Itee thnms is Ari/nna
St,lie ill PI.:.u
(lit III. ( (Hilt. k,|s|iel skis
I 'Pi c , 11 \ .IS .1 lllilli ly \ ill.tint
spe.iks !* : list'll
I he I umlim.itimi ot 41.ides
.mil .ithletK s Inis made
hasp. k 1 1 two luiie .ill i outer
etii e self. It.in and .illmved tier
to lie un. .; five pi,IV el s named
lii tlii t. ! 1. V idemu All
Auiern ■ h" I te.im ill IOM‘1
I \ e .dw <iys said it s not th.it
hit; ul .1 deal hakim 11114 si bool
and atliletu s tun tust have to
m.m.iye \. air time prettv well
kaspei sk ..id I think lliere is
no e\l use in; lint staying ill
s( in>1 it 'inu don t have to yet
\s hut it Kill pis! y,, in 1 las
and dt1 the w01 k . you > an yet
I’ayi It
Sllllit* adjustments
l ilt pl'aiSf glll'S III tlh W.IVS
kasperskt has thi ntmnsi it
--I it*t I Im I It'im
I think Mum is .t grral
, i sit li I m 111.11*.k!11 ’ ili.it In* i\ .i
liii* i tiiii li ht*ri* k.r-pe;sk i
said I think lie's llir kind 1*1
i ii,H li lli.il i .in (us! I... ik ,iI % * hi
.iiid make tin* hrsl iml nl yiiut
.liiihlirs Hr nev ei nii*ii in
make in* .in', tillin' thill I in
kaspelskl added tfl.lt sill
likes tin* In-edom lli.il Ih'iiiv
Hill's Ills pl.IVl'Is nil .Hill I'tl I 111'
l Hill I
\ihusl mg truin Ini h . move
I mm llambuig In .i mm i iMt\
iii tin l S w,is It - *. .it .1 slim k
11* .n k11s|n*rsk t had i i.imif!
I I Inn1141»I it would l»' lianl
hill the t ointnunitv was gieal
1 hm lust Ih’Iji \iiu u herev ft
lln \ i all kaspi'l sk i s.mi
k .ts|l»'l sk i i It*ill! s hi1! ptid
If.K Inns, a siippmliM' i ...li him:
stall rspt'i ialh I If im . ami lit-1
t < *.i in in. ilfs with nuking lit* r ad
Ills! lilt* lit f.isifl
Support tinili lifi paifiils was
also a plus In making lift trail
■ it inn In I In- slalfs s mouth
Ah parents told me In tin
w halm ei I li lt u as hr-.l
kasperski s.mi When I got
llii- opporlunih In linin' over
lii'if sure liim didn't want mr
In leave lull thm thought li
w nil Id In- a guild r \ pern'IH f 1. 11
nif I Ili'V tin night i! v\ as a gi n id
tiling In slai l grow mg up
( hanges in kaspeiski sun e
lifi Iifslimaii veal is something
In i teammates hav e in it u ed
Shi' s a great person She s
a lul nl Inn said \la helle
I’hle till' thief-point shooting
guard who will also In- pl.iv mg
her lni.il game al Mai faitirl
Salurdav She s t hanged a Ini
and gnaw n a Ini sill! e she w as a
lifshnian I think welt al
kind .1 grow n together
Sfc/f/i.Mm' k.is/iri \ki litis r\i rllrd linlh on llir iiiurl .mil
m llir i hi ss i mi in iliumi; hrr i.nrm ,il ()rri;im
Seinuoiuk is in total agree
1’l.ivinn with Sietanie has
tii rii ,i tuliil j11iv lit-ti*■ lm mi'
Si iilennik slid I M' mil In
kiui(\ her really well .is .1 |)< i
sun mi ,iiul oil llif i inirl She s
really glow n a lul .is ,i person
Slie s i oiiie mil ol lie! shell
I low kiispeiski .’ol sl.nteil in
basketball le.nls |mi k In lift
si/e lm! not toi reasons one
XV'<>1)1(1 expet I \o one (ires
smell her In play basketball
k.ispeiski s.iul
I ler Sisth grade pin S|< at edu
i.iliml leal her suggested she
pursue .ill .ithletii ai ti\ itx In
i orrei I her posture ll seems
the unusually tall sixth-grader
was stooping to lie al her the
level ot hei i lassrnates
h.isperski look, up tahle ten
: is and haskelball and thank
bilk opted Ini the lattei She
next met the most influeiilial
person i m her basketball l areer
1 I;, til geest liaskelha ll in
lllieiu I on me yy as Mails
Wives He 11 .,11 lied 111! trolll
when I started plaving basket
ball. Kaspel ski said
Ml'SS t's 1 !M ( h!Uj till'
i 11\ ti'.ini m Hamburg
as s\r!l as tlir junior .uni
M-nMu national trains
H.ll k til thf pit'Srllt
kasperski is forusim;
lii'i attention to lii'i tin.il
tour i onti’sts
1 hi injurs ka.speiski
ns on is! to tit"i l ight
loot against l ( 1 \ last
ss rrkrnd ss ill in it ki"i■ p
Iit-r hum pia\ mg in her
final hotm* games at
Mai ( i nu t
It hurts right now I tun!
put ms hi'i'l on tin- tloor
kaspiiski saiii Tm going to
plas ! Iit'st" art" tils last two
holin' gaums, .mil nothing is
going to ki'i'p nit- Irom plas
It has hi'i'ii a lilt!*' frustrating
this MMsiin. kasperski admits
but tin'll' is no signs of gismg
up anions; her tram mrmbrrs
,\111■ i slif graduates at the
I -1111 ot tills trim kasprrsk I has
a couple ot options m mind
kasperski said she might stav
al Oregon and do some
postgraduate ssork and st.irt
graduate si hool the term after
Hut tin arise lit her fnaslr.itillK
season. Oregon s rerun! setlei
is i misiilei int; t;i 1111 v; I mi k tu
West (lerm.iin tu pi.iv mi the
( let III.Ill \,ll illll.ll I e.lllt
1 feel like III going ll.uk til
.mil pi.ii mu mi the t lerm.m \a
tiun.il Team I ctilll<l still reach
something huspeiski saiil
I'm nut saving I didn't real h
anvthing here. <ir vie didn't
real'll anything here this year
Hut that is hasperski fur vuu
always looking tur inure,
anil always lunking tu improve
her tiw n game
Wednesilai. Kebruari 2H. Itltltl