Rhet/com ( unturned trom P.iue I hash allv iirt ause ol the hind m,’ W tehur s.nii W iebel passed thr time sli‘i'1 mill on .1 i imi h I In said In' slept ( )k I'lie building s a III tie warm, ami tin' janitor lias tun mam ke\ s W hile tin- nois\ janitor m.n have made W lehei s sleep nil comfortable one other student ( hail Kills said he was thank till li n Ills present e i ni', an il ed at Yillard In line up at .1 a tu and Inn mi the building s doors lor kerl 1 Ills saw the j.initor and lapped on the dool 's u indrm This same janitor had shooed I Ills aivai on late nights he tore Hut tonight he asked I Ills v\hat uas goiug on I 11 is told him pre-registration "lie said. ()h that lime ol vear again ’ and let me in Id I is said id spots from tin* front I mne yan said hi* was ( onfident hr >1 yet tin* ‘ lasses In* wanted ( )h yeah Tliis is yivat 1inneyan said 1 mnryan also works weekends at i luhs ,is a protrs sionai < omedian I hr turtln*r bat k proplr w • i«* in lint* tin* less hopeful they w err i >t yettiny i liissrs tln*v \\ anted t hru* u as a yroup ot people w In* had armed at * It) and \\ t*n* t lusterrd anmml tin* top ot \ illanl s stalls with about 10 proplr in iront >t there Behind I.yurts were others W aitmg to [li e r»“gistel In l it ! pie iegjsli.ition in the depart mini I i out mued lodav tm ju mms Some who got m hue late v\ ere mh prised to hear pen | de had w ailed o\ er night Kngei Hliesnet said he wouldn't i .imp out overnight unless it w as tor a i lass 1 leal k "David Speaks” National Krlui ator. Authni. I’l.itlurm Artist .nut I Idinircssc! I).i\ id K Het( tier Perms — \.. ti.^ in or out this season You !)»*{ thev’ro in!! ttoti Mas he hair t- uol it. tin h’av to hr something m I he hair lor the perm to lo< i into <*t \ou mn\ h. listnu a product line that least*’, i tmiliTup oil \our Ii.iii 111,it thf ix-iin 111*.! mill giil through dim pl.t^lIt . *„itmg is one ,1 On- iiiosl r omnmn frr'h V,!‘» t« huu.i tantusta ftrrm and nsk a ho ‘lul it Call Ini help 484-0088 ANXIETY FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT i' : . ,iu.i [Hf f 1430 Orchard St. 345-6133 EASTSIDE UNDROMAT DROP OFF ATTENDED 10-5:30 MWF DRV CLEANING I )i I't'iin D.iilx I mer .till I\ ..led li> nr.ulu.itr Hi' nut lifii' .il !• I i .1 m .mil vi .in .[limit ,n n|i, it> Ii.i< k ill I mi \\ ilium r.ittmi nut in lini' .it ,i in .mil n.ihI this would lii tlir (hint trim m .i nm lir’d In shut nut ut i I,iNKi". In- vsiim!i*iJ s< rlt«’«t I hi’ f irsl iuo u fi-k'. (>1 i.l.iHsrs uhi'ri’ n iTf ton nl In si ami or sil on Ihr flours hi ovi'ii rou (li’il rooms K rarmcrs s.inI rltt’l i om siu ilimls uni tc.n 111*i% \\' O' milk inti sjifi i.iI 1‘lforls to m.iki ‘The administration is ignorant to the communication majors' needs’ — Kick Hennessey I)t's|nlf I hi? Irusti.itiuti ii! (licsc students tin'll lov.ills tn the ili'p.tiImi'iit u.is i !■ • it llilftiburK Siiiil I In- pivr dr p.irtmi'iit till1 st.ill (lot's sin h ,i i;mnl |nli \\ illi \\ li.it 111 * • \ 11.1 \ i it's ,i sli.iinc lh.it uni ri’suiin i-s .III' Ml lllllltl'll known tlii’ii plight »«l\ mi i .iiii|mis k ilow 1 w r (!«• thi' This is tin- only drpartmrnt vvhrri' you h.»\ •• to got up in thr mtddlr oi thr muht to wait in lint* 1 also don’t know d pm plr know how hard vvr'rr w ork iny; h i.irniri's .aid EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT DROPOFF LAUNDRY 70C;'Pound 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT 1430 Orchard SI 345 6133 i vot \ (ini1 | ml I hr blatm* mi binding l‘hu admmistration is ignorant to Ih*» c mniiiimn .1 hnn majors noods Kn k Ii«* 1 v nossos said I Ion nossov arnvod in lino .it » to a m I his is a groat major l iial s u Si\ ov 1 tv hi ai\ s luM**. said JuIn* kiaoiiciv who was about 11v 1' |»lari’s bidumi Honnossov I 111ik«* a! othrl uUI vei si! lo . iihotoric and » omnunin atinns) is a foal 11 boral arts dnpvr kiai'iiiriN said It s roallv maddniiim ualkm^ to t livv'uii I Jail and mo tin* mimcv .*,t m 1 hr trac l»H S W d 111 to trac li a ro.il c}ualit\ coins* but the '. Vr L*ot ilassos ci! | >0 JOO studriits k raomo! s said "It's misah* tin- amount ot [ic-oplr you • an c ram in onr n»■ an said j11 { 1 holm who i>ot in Uno at a m Shi? do HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR BIG MAC: BIG MAC Limited Time Only 2/23 to 3/6 1417 Villard St. Only sh BULK & NUTRITION CENTER | -IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR TIME TO STOP” | PEPSI 8-PK O $C00 \J FOR + Dop BLITZ BEER .• QOT1 Lt 12 !2oz 77 ♦ Dcp •FROM THE DELI" ROAST BEEF HOT BROASTED CHICKEN 12 PIECES $3" COUPON (K,„M TOTINO'S Party Pizza ^ I U IINU b _ PIZZA 79 10 25 oz $ i ■ *•1Mf s ■ . t • t IMS! ONE 17 Coburq Rd. Hours 7 a.m.-l 1 p.m. 7 days a week 683-8670 AD EFFECTIVE 2 28 thru 3 06-90