_University_ OSPIRG urges students to write Congress in support of clean air B\ Ann Ziegler I rnerald ( ontrihutnr I'ursd.ix s spring weather w as 11i»•«*! tor National t ‘lean Air ! ).i\ a ml ()SPIR( i made stiii ji.is-a *rsi*\ know a ht I ;sv i 1 < * s t t *\ fivij \\ ith c ar exhaust \\ ere asking people lo v% 1 itf• a short noli’ to Son Pat k wood or Son I ialhold saving keep nit uppIK(i \uhintrris I hr \ nluntrri s w hn ( id In trd Irttris t nnn students un”ini’ ( nniiirss tn rn.u t tnui^hn t fr.m .in I.ms leader Ini ( Jt'.lll An \i t events siii( e l.iil term .mil sin- has m.unt.lined ,i tn!l i .deiid.u still I1 tllell t JSl’IKt . .a ti\ |s|s visited .1 f11 i.d eleiiieiit.ii \ si 111 >i 11 ,ind gut the kids tu t-dk about pollution and draw pictures iil it she s.i 1.1 I .1-1 week ()HI'IK( I se n t the j111 lures In I iallield s oITu e I ..isl W eek QSl’IKt I .Use in \ iteil 1 im ei sit v students to write a jioein tu dmu ,i |in line Ini viuil sen,Uni lii addition. I )SPIK(. r ullei t ed lull letter- urging ll.ilfield tii support a stronger t lie,in \n A, t I .,isl lei in t n ose and i ithei activists port raved earth .uid pollution petpetrators tu then pei'torniaui es at the I \f! and dow n k mi .ml Stieel We dressed up as iwrtil lux ti sludge and sun ik es! ,n ks s■ hlmmht in *1i In hU i nils ,i lifiv iii lhr • •! he rs i»l sHutiiis } Inthrhi and I *.U k V\ • it iij Poor all <{ii.ll11\ has ni.rlr .t ( i MisHh i ilhlr impact mi mu U‘|\ nv ♦'! thr past srV ri.tl \ c.lt's \i i i ildmit hi nil I INPIKt . handout I hr triln ai ri umrilt rstl mm tin i mil u m ♦ •mission til hixir < Imiim als into thr ,m ami that I It) non Anmrii riii.s now living staml to ♦ outrar t ♦ am ri Mm inn limn litrtunrs bn ausr oj pollution I hr toxins air m .| oiih ♦ .His mt; rv.spiratnr\ ami rrpiodm ItVr lira It h problems hut nr also perpetuating tin* develop n it * i it i it at ni i am ai < i ml i n ti > ( JSPIRt. if srai♦ h -rr MMM ® 44** ttsfrt* Orientdl Buffet lunch Downstaus G Try Our Dinner (Jpsldirs Hours Downstairs Hours Upstairs ... ... f SaiOO K) K) Cirisrd Sundays Sale, Sale, Sale MEN’S SHOES: LA Gear High Top Air Stream was $77 80 Now $52.80 LA bear Low Cut Court Air Stream was $69.95 Now $34.95 Avia #455 Men's Aerobics was $59.95 Now $48 95 WOMEN’S SHOES: LA Gear Street Brat Low was $54.95 Now $36.95 Avia 400 Aerobics was $43.95 Now $35.95 877 E. 13th 342-6375 (>reat thinkers— come check out our Philosophy section. One of the greats the University Bookstore In the Book Dept Orison Dailv Kinerahl \ BE TAN I OK SPKINC. BRE AK I Wolff 1 TArNfNirNG *35 I 5 Sessions *50 < 2 5 Sessions c''//Aa/n < v'-v II MK • I I • N \l| s 99 W 10th. 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown NON-STOP SCREENPRINTING T-SHIliTS & SWl'A I SHIRTS I he highest q utility and the lt>\tesl pru r in the Fui;ene \re,i \ > 385 Lawrence Cambria Sportswear—342-4031 (Now on Campus) Word Processing Apple-IBM Macintosh (Conversion-Printing-Translalion) Copy Center S 344-4510 — (.01 I I ith • I mit'iir, ( )i l)74<) I YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU. \i my skill training is one ol the tew things m lile that sou ean take Will) YOU. C house from ovei (lit teicut skills and. it you (jiiality. well train yon. And once you learn the skill, it's yours for keeps. Its.) valuable asset on yum resume. since mam Army "kills haw siymfu ant civilian applications. And your Army ex{x*nence can take you .1 lotiy way toward success, no matter what your future plans are. Besides learning a valuable skill, you'll learn something about yoursell: what you can do; how much you can accomplish. Vui’ie building the kind (it confideiu e that will help you yet an edye on life. So yet started now. See your local Army Recruiter toda\ tor details. SSG Bothy Gilpin, 345-3877