University Yen li t member ( had Hennitm (list uses .1 ret ml budfiel (rum .1 student nroiift 1* ith nrdin.itor I'nti \ Saber. 1‘huli.x ht \|.\et • i omputer ii'orkstation* that i an at i css (/()\Vf tor tri'e and convenient an ess to the President Visit the University Computing Center 1226 Kincaid to ope' an .c ounl without charger it you do not have one U of 0 McArthur Court Sunday March 4 at 7 30 p m ROWDY RODDY PIPER — vs — Ravishing Rick Rude Brutus The Barber Beefcake vs Rick The Model Martel The Bushwackets vs The Butsheviks Tito Santana vs Akeem and Much More w MMO tMttSTlMG FEKRATKW 'I . 1J .. Tickets $14, $11. and $9 plus $1.50 city surcharge. Available at Gl Joe's, Ticketmaster outlets and U of 0 ticket office. Walch World Wratlhnq fadaraOo* on KLSA Ch 2i $2 OFF Present this ad for $2 OFF the price of your ticket, UO STUDENTS ONLY. One Discounted Ticket per Ad • No Limit Students named to fill vacant positions Kv joe Kidd I murald Reporter Hoping to assist with tli*' numbei * runt hing pi * k rss l lmrtsilv students ( 11«* * I Hunnion and Joel Kevill ret ently tilh*d Incidental !**«■( ommit In- positions th.i! two li t members vacated when the\ resigned limn tin* committee eailier winter 11*f in W ith th< li t alreadv well into tin* aamml 111v tn-k of « hiirtini* next Year's incidental !*•♦* budget th* lesignafmns sent tin ASt'O sprawl mu m s*M!< h of students !*> (ill th*- **mpt\ posi lions \ three prison sole* tion board * hose Hrnnmn anti Kevill out «*1 Hi applit ants I In- Stu dent Senate sot tired thru positions in a vote on I nil HI Hoth n*-w members said that a sense ot re spnnsibilits and a desm !<* impiavr tin- li t s op nations prompted th**in to applx toi tin- p*>i turns Hennmn who served on tin- committee last s< hold \ iai said t omul ns that tin* lit wasnt running smoothly **ih on raged him to applv I tried to sit m on soim* earhei II t meetings !i .■ mt how it was going, and I had Irouhh* «*s *‘ii finding them lit* said, explaining that tin* moot ings had born > am e 1***1 \\ hun ln**mis approached him expressing i tint urn over tin- lit Herndon decided to appl\ toi th*- openings Hemuon tielieves that tin- * ommittee plays an important role at the I 'niverxitv lh*' lit allot atus about S-j , million he said Hu* .ms*’ if is entrusted with an enormous amount til mnnuv. it has to hi* at countable to th** students " I liu * ommittuu has thu potuntial to do a hit o! good ami thu potuntial to hurt th** student hod v . hu added Soring his position as an effective wa\ to sui \ u tin- t mversity Hunnion said In* hopus to bring his accounting background previous lit experience and a sense ol responsibility to the < ommittuu Hetore mov ing to Oregon in HI8r> the (rat k /(»■/ Wei ill s.iid he hopes to use his broken m: e\/ierieme lo scrii' the student hod\ on the IIC. athlete worked in tin* .n i ounting sim linn nl .1 < .1I1 inrt mill in I t.ill Tim I' 11 i\ ersitv’s bar k program Inn'll Hi'iinion In Oregon Hr is now .1 senior st 11 living p»>1 iti< ill si inn r and stud irs However HrnniniTs intensity is nut limited lust to the asphalt Hr t.dks .ihoiit Ins goals fot thr II ( u ilh 1 nm ii lion "Tlir IM needs to hr responsible Hrnnion said \ studrut non pays about is ton .1 year in incidental irrs With tuition going up ,1 housing i ruin h and rrnts going up. thr II ( must hold dovv n thr fees 1 11r other nni i ornmittrr turtnlirr also keeps t'niversity students in mind when discussing in i fees Rcvill. ,i licensed broker and ti cam r majiu said In is i oili rrnrd about the bill dru ot incidental fees on students "I rum the students point ol view it am thing the fees should be det leased and not ill t leased he said "Ur have one ot the highest incidental tees in the countrv. him ill said U ith a i apping or possible dei reuse ot enrollment there has to be a limit set loi the i\ pes ol programs (untied A balance must lie maintained that provides funds tor growing student groups and vet is h nuni luliv responsible lie said He hopes the lit will make derisions that "provide lor the economic well being ol students and (ale. not pot it it a Ik biased Hal mg .1 sti 11 tk financial backuiouml Key ill believes he ran bmig Ibis type o! politically non biased view point to the t ommittee U ilh .1 bar kgroimd only 111 numbers I hope to be able to make lespunsible dei isioris based solely on I inane es . ” be said Key 111 said tie hopes to apply his brokering eyperiem e to lit dei ision making In the world ot brokering eat h individual Inis his uy\ n indi vidual needs he said And at the I'niversity e.11 h student group Inis its ou 11 needs IFC gives budgets to five groups B\ I).m l isler l merald Reporter Tin Ini I ff t Inmmii Iff .11 hi. ,ili i i \)i i._. ,t S.' in ( If.isf u\ f i I.isl \ far s .tillit «• i Paul Mu m vul i'll .11^.1 i nst alloi .it li >11 The It origin.illt tiegun lit asking tor a i I pun cut int rfasf over last war's budget to rr vamp its literature am) provide tm owning math tutoring, whit h would In- open to all stu drills Ihr tutoring program in as a S't tO I ini- itrm request I lowi-vi'i Ihr II t has rule a prohibiting binding lor iairrr planning and plat rmrnt pro grams Irerause tin- University alrraih pays lor thosr said I rai \ \ahrr ASl'l) l inani r ( oordin.itor I hr i ommdtrr thru split owi thr tutoring request dur ing hudgrl discussion. with lit mrinbris \hrm and |or Rrvdl favoring thr program, while lit mrmbrrs (had Brnnion ami Armando Morales opposed its mi lusion in the budget Brnnion and Morales warned other groups would then it ipiest the same si holarship ! 1111«i i n ;4 from 11 it ■ i ommittee. funding tlic 1 nivursitv should br providing H\ not to i r u c I in \ i ■ to pay moti' money ' to provide lot tu hiring. \!or,lies told K I’n'si dent Tom ()berhue- ' I don t disagree with voiii program, but tomorrow we ll have oil (groups) wanting the sime tiling "We need to go directly to the (adversity Morales said, adding that students already pa\ for the I'niversity's Ara demii I earning Servii es However N'heili and Revill argued the funding would help pro\ ide a badlv needed and useful servile to students and send a message to the adminis t ration. "We shouldn't wait around Turn to IFC, Page f> Wednesday. February 2H. ttifit)