University ASUO to sponsor information on entering measures on ballot Students \\ liu want to liinl out him In put .1 measure on this spring's ballot, or who have oth or questions about the upturning elections i an attend .in drop in forum 11>tt W \< kiitt. i ousti t lit ion I ourt i hairperson I inrolv n I .ulil .mil rep re sen lath is from I hr \Sl I ) elei filin'- board will be prosrnl .it tin- meeting In answer questions .ibnnl fbe ballot-writ i tig process .inti campaign lines The forum is the first in .1 series designed to gel students more involved ill student boih elei lions Although tod,u s meeting will tin us on ballot measures, students i an ask atn questions i out erning elei lion pun edures It all tails millet the beading of voter edui a lion,' said And\ I lark ASiK) president Measures u ill need signatures from "i pert ent ul (lie student bodv. nr about 'tilt) students, to be plat ed on the April b.illol said Ihlau t oullei i hair ot tire \SI I ) eler turns board \ signature limn President \nd\ (dark i .m also send a ureas ore belme the student liud\ tut a vote Students also need to have the wording ot a measure approver! b\ the < onstituliorl ( ourl be fore it goes on the ballot < 'oullei said besides information on the tiling proi edure \\ \ i koil I .add and eler lions board members u ill be able to otlei advice on the logislii s and time t i rnt nr it men I rerpiired to plate a measure on the ballot t unilter said The deadline lor tiling ballot measures is Man h lit (ieneral elections v\ 111 be held April .'n and primaries will be a week earlier on April t'l and .’ll Ballot measure forum to be held tonight i I \ll I ! IMIS Students \gamst \partheid meets toni!it .11 i to in I Ml ( rdar Room I Druids w ill luilil .1 111<• mlu• 1 ship meeting tonight .0 ii in Kootn 180 Straub. SPI Aki KS A\H 1 I I n Kl s Marie Hell .mil Charles Cole repilhlii .in 1 .liulid.iles lot Sliile I louse I )isli ii I II will speak _Kt als_ tonight .it . ill tile I Ml Maple Koom I lie event is sponsored li\ the ( aillege Kepilhlii .ins Craig Mathiesen president id keti hum Advertising in Los Angeles will speak tonight at !() 111 the IMI (aim wood Room \lls< I I I \\l (>1 S The 1 nix ersilx ii r Inn krx i lull league li'.ini xx ill liiix ’ i filin' tonight ,il .il (In' I .mi' ( mmlv Ii i' Kink I hr Him //ii/ii I’m/ihct irs xx ill In- sliuxx ii tonight .il n m Knuni I V) Sir,nil) I pisi opal (niupus Ministries XXlll lllllll .III \sll U I’ll III'mI.I X 1 in Inins! ol \shes .miI i In i liarisl Sil|)(M»r tonight ,il i 111 ,il I [USI opal < .iinpus Mims tries 1 1.SI I 1‘lth Axe \ h.illot measure informa tional forum xxill lie liehl to night at m in KMl ( ed.ll Room II I lie forum is tor pen pie interested in learning mure about the ballot measure pro ii-ss \Si () I’residenl Aiulx ( lark and the \SI ( ) ( amstitu I mu ( mil t xx 111 lie present to an s.i\ n question \sh Urdnrsd.n M.isscs -nil! lie held !ud,i\ .11 I .■ I ", i lit in .11 iiI 11 p in .il Ilif \nuiiiin ( f nlfi I H'dl I n11• i .lid Dr.ulliur tor submitting it .//s in iht' Kiiin.dll front iIrsk I \lt s'inir mu, is noon the i/.m hrtoir finlilii .ition I t .. inn thr i/.n ol thr rxrnt unit's* tlir r\ rut in i in s hot, nr mu in I’lr.isr submit it ills tlir il.n hr flirt' thr\ .irr to run null \ fires ot ri ruts nith ,i iluihition oi .iilnnssiiin i li.irgr u ill not hr .n ( rfih'il ( .mi/ms eie/ifs niitl thnsr .si hrilult'il nr.irrst thr puhlit iitiuil il.itr w ill hr gut'll finoriti I hr I mri.ild irse/irs thr light to t'llit ■■ if ii i1 s I, e gnnnnuii .mil sfi lr Measles ( ontimu'd Irom t\iv;c I nuncil| liul (In' student was in lilt' N.lllll' .HIM W Ill'll' si Hill' known i asi's nt mraslrs li.ivi' been. Miiwnn 1 hr sluilrnl ilrsi rihrd .is i trin,ilr undergraduate sluilrnl broke out in .1 rash Sunihn evening and unit In tin* health 1 i-1 ltci Muiulas inurniiiK. |.n k son said jai ksun said ihr sluilrnl at tended classes last Wednesdav vs hit h was the tirst da\ she was i nntaginus |ai ksim said She did mil go In i lass Thuisdav ui I i ida\ I In- health i enter made ar i alignments fur the student's roommates In he immunized and ntln ials will imlilv Ihe stu deni s i iassmates nt the possi hie exposure |,n ksnn said \\ »• If going to t hr < l.issrs <111(1 t.ilkiliK to I hr stlldrilts wlin h tins sludrnt was in. and ufir urging lht*ni to grt ,i boostri dost* ot measles hr( ausr wr it! ti \ mg to plr\ rnt somt* Imthri t asrs trom ot t uning dt»\v n t hr I inr. hr said As mam .is AtMl studmts um\ lurn to Measles, Page 10 Oregon West -fitness OREGON WEST WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! 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(-.•!• • • , (!• r i , * l't- j' * f A • In.- f " . ifi- property Thi* un‘dv»*ul romova1 ■ use if pap*'*. * .it .i.’ S-- t y iJA Managing l drtor f ditorial t dltor Graphics t ditor fr ncore l (Mm A t ihtor 1- * New. I (Jitor Sports fdltor Supplements f drtor Night \ ditof Associate f drtor s Community m Student Government/Activities Higher { due ation, Administration • f-eatures ■hri&tophtti Mepoi lei *» tuf. i a! the Hi Photographer s *•’ '' ■ Advertising An . M tat-d! K* . i N* S.iu-r »' Of . , • a Pr*tjf 6 ** ' ' 1 •' ••• M a i ! ’A- ► Production ’ ► v •, • > • . t . ■ r* a .M i tu Child Jim f •! ch rvette lid! Jim.iiifff Huey l • ! a Ki.i.i ta-! \ ■> ’ ’ • '■ Ml M-." A' ;• I Ml,- I" • >■ I • A . H»" * \ t. • J Sh»*; ■•• •' if'-.nrter ‘.•n.fh ( ! .*.» Mat* M «•* • TTf*-:>*vas. Jennifer VsaM Ingrid White K«•'!, ;,a,,a . General Staff Advertising Direr tor 1 Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager M Advertising Coordinator Classified Manager ’ t- " Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 346 5511 Classified Advertising 3*16 4 I4.J Display Advertising .346 3712 Production Graphic Seivices 346 4.381 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON OK, Frank thatsenough I'm sure the Jetfersons are quite amazed at your car headlight device I’.tyr t