Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Voters shouldn't
repeal free zone
It seems wherever you look these days, then* s no
escaping tlir mu lc.tr free /one Opponents .iml
supporters ship it util daily on the television screen
ovor tin’ radio Mini’s. 01 in the lieuspapets. Hut latrlv
till* issue 11,is 11isso!vrd inlo a w.u **f ihelm u with nr i
tinu side saving anything new
HOVVOVOI , Last Wednesday . KlIgtMIG ( llV • UUlitil
man I rrenian Holmei livened things up a I * i t t>v sug
gesting a i Olllplete repeal ol the lllll leal tier /one nidi
nam e lloliuet said the measure had been rendered oh
solete hr i a use ol "a lot ol < .luinv. ns since the !av\ v\ .is
approved in Nuvembei 19B(>
The free zone has polarized tile ialv like nothing
else m rei ent memory I v erv hodv il seems has an
opinion on it Hut vvhet makes the whole thing mote
diliu nit to lesolve is lii.it nobody ( an agree on e\ai llv
vv ii.it the tree /one stands loi
Nome see it .is nierelv .1 svmbnlit gesture of putting
luigene mi tin- record .iv;.« 111st nude.11 weapons and all
the\ entail (ttlieis view it as a sli it t ban whit It would
I'M hide am business remotely t onnet ted u ith nut le.u
povvn 01 tlie defense mdiistrv ()|i|iunents see it as bad
ini business and economic 1 imicrns. and just want to
see it gone Mam tall sninew here among all three
People against the ban sight the Rohr Industries
Im dei isjon to bat k out ol opening a luigene plant as
a s\ tnbiil ot a pen l ived anti business stance among
tits residents I'hev sav more businesses will shun the
.irea it the nut leer free zone ordinant e is strengthened
on tlie M.tv ballot
Springfield Mayor Hill Mnrrisotle has also stated
he is against a nuclear free zone even though lie It.is
dropped plans to ask tliat tin lane Countv ordinance
be st rapped Mnirisetle wants to see Sjiringfield re
leased (roll) till' measure II that happens it will be
even more ddlii tilt loi luigene to keep its ban
l orn years ago .VI percent a Iieltv t hunk ot the
voting population decided thev wanted a nut leat
bee zone m luigene Hit! bet a use ol vague language,
the lull is w ide open to interpretations I lie May ballot
will end all this conlroversv Voters will he given the
oppoitunitv to 1 lean up the measure, and make it eas
ier to enlurce
the mu leal liee zone needs to stav intact 1 lie
M.tv bill t learlv defines what tails under the measure's
control \ud despite what some hvsterir.il. overzeal
oiis business leaders would have voti believe the li.iu
will not destiov I'.ugeue economic ellv It hasii I III the
tom veals it s |lecu mound, and it won I do it in the In
TTAK STaTs ; 5*57
\«3p3GS WITHOUT livv” ’• '
« n
U.S. should take initiative in Nicaragua
Il was ,1 ui'ldnni' ihunge in ( t utial
Amerii ,i a peat rlui election in whit h the
losing i .tsn 1111.111■ m tins < use tin1 in< iiniliriil
ciucinuslv handed ovei the oilier ni presi
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortegas
loss tn \'ailrttii (Ihurnnrin's National Opposi
tion I 'moil in Sunday's elec lion was a sut
prise to mam im hiding those' wini had sup
ported tin- opposition Non thiit tin re<ilit\
oi a tier Nicaragua is stalling to sulk sit
the time has < nine lol the l S to end its op
pression ol Nicaragua not that it hasn't
hern I line loi years
Some unfortunate circumstances sm
rounded tins elec.lion before it begun lhe
\ meric 'in government saw til to hattei the
\u a i a pilau people with a t lade embargo and
a I S lunded c ivil war It should c.oiiui as
no surprise that the \ii uraguan people
wanted a change', even it the 1 luted States
was responsible toi most ot their problems.
1 lie note nine ol the elections should he
rood loi Nicaragua m the short run 1 he
\meric an trade embargo in plai e since toil >
should he lilted I S foreign aid to Nauru
1i,i is already being disi ussed
Hut the prospei ts Ini a prosperous,
peat elul \u aragua are anything Hut i erlam.
Mure than 15,0011 Oontra rebels an* still
roaming tin* hills, still read1, lor lighting
and it will lie veil dilfii lilt In tell them tin'
war is ovi*i Tn make matters worse the San
dinislas an* vowing to ri'tinn cimtrol ot the
annv and police until the ( ontias are dis
Ohamorro also laces an uncertain pnlil:
cal career Her partv is composed ot I t
smaller diverse parties with political ideol
ogies ranging horn conservative to ( uiinnu
lost Her ause help trum the t nitei! States
won't make it to \nuraguu tor almost t\\
years, the untested, unstable president "ill
have to please millions oj tired and frus
trated \a aiagnails who want their < onntrv's
ills to lie solved quit kk
llopelulh the l lilted States will act
soon with foreign aid and a pullout ot
their rebels in the lulls Ortega i oik filed de
le.it and the I S government should return
the favoi
(imu mi; levels iit solid w ,tst<'
iii.iv mil in- the must i>liiMiiirnus
til environmental i mucins Iml
il s ,in .in-.i in vvliirh evert mili
v niii.il i .111 In int: .ibuiil positiv e
i ii.inm- v\ itH mii,ill ettort
I In- .iv i'i.ii.'.i- ( )ii-v;imi.in pi11
ilui i-s about tour pounds ol
trash pi-1 d,i\ 1 ’.ii k.itinv: i mu
piisi-s 10 pm fill ol tin- tnt.il
sului vv.istc sln-.un .mil ill pm
i mil bv volunif I onsimiers i an
pntfiiti.illv red tit r these liy:
In tidiiitHhi In ri-iisint: .nui ic
n i ling tin- tliiiuis v i m Inn v mi
i .in pm \i If I'm vi lint; nif.ins
shopping u ith the mu iniiuiifiit
in mind Iaciy time you step t"
■ t Mipfrin.iikft - lift i. stand vmi
i .in i miimiini< ,itf fllfi tiv fIv
v\ Oil iii.inut.ii tillers ill i misiiin
ft lit II Ills
II V oil quest loll the sol 1.11 Ilf
i essitv o! mdividuallv vvi.ipped
sin I-S nt prill fS.Sfll I IlffSf III I
mii row av cable entree vvhiih
requires inure i ,dories ill.in arc
repl.u fit bv eating 0 !bell
limi t Inn 0 IviH.ouratte vour
Iriemls to .iv mil 0 as well
lo voice vour opinion more
duel tiv tel! tile man.iff ot
I’.ote -!
vmii supermarket win uni sup
pmi < nt.mi products .mil win
ulltiTs .ire .in afimnt In t onsum
I'l intelligent c .mil .1 U .isle I il
Main produi Is have ( onsum
ei hullines \iiu i .111 (.ill ml tlie
i ump.iin s e\peiise| printeil oil
the p.u kage ( all w ilh i ihiv
pi.mils ami suggestions anil le
niemhei 111 a I in i »i de i lii i mu
pele i ompames must i ater In
vom prefereiu es mil tile olhei
w av artnmtl
Solid waste solutions .tie no
lailhei .m.n than vour neigh
horhood ret \t ling Inns, and no
more dltlli till than expressing
vom opinion to stores ami
manulai hirers and making ill
telhgent pun hasing dei minis
Him k\ kellex
Le dm
I lie tinted States is slouh
evnlving into an ei onurmi
state (.one is tile moral, uieo
logii ai rhetoni that dominated
Ament an i onvetsation Hu
ni.mistii innierus have lieen
throw n .m.n m iavm oi mod
ern ei iniiimu |>olit.les !hat in
i ns cm lusivelv on monel,u\ is
Aitiei n .in law \ ers Him k to ill
s.islcis im hiding tin- Hliop.il
ini nlent in hopes o| gig.uitii
lees (luin.in lives ,ire measured
in multi million dollai law
suits I mines such .is Donald
! rump .lie idoli/ed and super
inli Icon.i Helmslin (heats on
her laves
Mergers and ai ipiisilions
i ontrol tile trout headlines as
companies attempt to squeeze
maximum profit out n! minimal
businesses I imersihes throw
inonev into prai tu al depart
incuts rather than improving
dei a\ ini’ liher.il aits fields, and
the i lainor lor more ninnei ei h
os in evet \ guv ei iiinent i ham
It is amid this si ene that 1
\ .due ein ironmeiitalists \l
though I disagree with main ot
their ideals and la< til s. tliev
iiperafe out of true i uni ern
1 Inn don't rei.eive mm h foi
their efforts There is no monev
to he made from protecting the
environment l)a\s and nights
might he spent ill jail and the
lev'oIes little attention to
them The 1 rumps divori e has
gainered mniv media attention
then thin {environmentalists)
i ci t• i \ e
It is from them Hint we i an
learn a lesson
Si ntt ( nt king
It seems tu me that mam
people did not get the point ol
HIS lust lettei 101)1 lei) lti)
I lie issue at hand is not whetll
ei 01 not the ( !I.\ i .in he fun ed
to i h.mge its hiring piai lit es
I'he issue is u hether or not the
( IA i an i ome unto i ampus at
I he people th.it are pushing
fur a CIA han have been Work
ing toward this goal tor more
than _!t) years I he homosexual
hiring poh< \ is siinpU another
round fm them It tomorrow
the CIA announied it would
hire homosexuals. the\ would
siniplv at tank the ( IA on anoth
er issue
I liese people are driven by
their letl w mg anti A met u an
agenda Should this small
group lie allowed to tell other
students tli.it the\ ran nut have
.K i ess In the I !IA in the null
t.n\ hir jnli pnssibilities■'
Mil Iniel t’eelei |013} I eh
20) seems In think lh.it se< uritv
i onsiiler.itinns are not impor
hint in tin' mtelligcru e bust
ness l et me assure von that the
( IA would iathei have some
one that i an keep sei lets than
someone that plst does the |ub
well What use is a "uood em
plo\ ee I hat sells Ills or llet i om
pam sei rets to !he eiiemv ’
t hifurtun.iteh homusesuals
h.n e a ver\ i>uod rei ord as
spies; usualK lot the Sin let
I moil oi anothei Hast him tin
turn (iu\ Hurgcss is pmb.ihh
tile most famous but there are
main others
II you w ant to i hangc the
t IA s hiring polii \. write to
vour ( oiupessmaii or Hill \\ eh
ster I)(II 11 lire, tm . ( lenlr.il In
telliireneel Hut remember to
keep the I'.S. strong and free
the (IIA and the militarv need
ai i ess to the best minds a\ ail
able. ,md that should ini hide
I 'niversih graduates
Hrit la kmaii
Wednesd.n Icbruars 2H 1‘1‘IU