Goldworks i'o: u' ::w Mon I i i: IM .on I. pm Sal: Ml am 4 pm VII Wink Doll, nil I’n hums If you are looking for this image . . I. Magnin Saks Fifth Avenue Bloomingdales Neiman Marcus I have what you want, creative hairstyling by \ David R Fletcher p at Studio 340. _Regional_ Dix to quit majority leader post S\ll M iAIM Stale Kep I lav id Ids i it l.llgrne .in IIOUIK ed 1 liesd.U lie II ti p duu II .1- m,i|(il it', 11Mile! nt I lie (Ireipin I lullM' i }i v !i,i". taken pul it ii ai lira! Ill ret elit lllullths liei .Ilhe tit lie tic ielll ies in tile HuU'-e I leltui t, rvpurtiny nt i ampaiiiii r\ peiiliituIes and i unitiln.tlulls tie- tunnel tup aide < ai I Wiederaeiideis Was found eidit\ ut lampei inti w ith a puli In lunipaiipi dm iinient Mon de' end ‘a. a- fined S.’ "itit) \! a new s t nnfeiein e I ur dav t )|\ -.all) tlie past 'll months have been tut Ittnr. ins ft lemi-, and he- hum!. i III t ired . Ulltol 1 dilute! \ te n i tiled to sustain tie level of c-n t-1 a\ m i c-",irv fur Hie- tie do the kind ut inic as m.nenU ii-adet 1 would demand of rm seif he said ife said lie IliisU I dei idl'd vet W lletllel tie It I tin tuf anutiiei House term He ha- Its die de in, nest ! le-sdar w Im Ii e- tin < .inihd.Ho fillHK • i* uti!11 lie » ,e- hurling the I .1111 us I )a\ id feels In remov iit)> lumselt mm anv of the baggage assoi i.iteif fill this tie s |.,k in ; with him t 'out t ; iev soiil ( ourtnev sail! he's interested in the in.ijnrttx leader position Rep Hnn e Hugo I) Seiijijiuiise u bn naiTowk lust ti. ! !i\ in !1IH'I said lies run sub-mig in,thine aitotliei hid Ini the job U ii-iieiHemfets w,is e< m\ it t eii nt Inking a page last Septum lies Inaii a (aim us i ampaign li nam e report on lile s\ i!11 the sei O tars ill state I h r I,limed t lie ai I is ,e, ii l ln in. idiMif was a fa: Ira ie Sei e.l Stale Barbara Rob oils' der ision to audit I )ena> i talk i aotpaititr tin.on e re i Ii in Hi les HI the O pulls re sidted III in-: imposing lines to talma moo- than So ,i a li I e: oust three !)ouhm lain organ : .’at ions mi i • 11! 111.: a S I f til Ml peualts agate-I lile Mouse Mem til I at I: emu us fund fol nude! rep:a t mg of dimal ions l)i\ was In-Id poison,ills lia lile fot S.'S.ttrj ol a S.M •'! fine against the MujoriU I mid u 111: i) Kolieits said tailed to le I ).i\ id I )i \ port inure than S 1 • > ono in do nat inns Postal anthonl irs also am in vi's|igahnu fin cvn.uus ust nt lh» stair Drmni rain Party hulk nun liny prrmil f-ur soon* i am fiaign material mailed in th» pma rln iions IlemtH ratii loaders said the * aucus nrrds In morgani/.o it si’ll smt*c it til v w ith rirction sra son at hand Them is work to he* done and we are piepamd to meet that f hallrngr said House Speaker \ era hat/ i ) Portland Shr said slu* reyirtted lh\ s dr t is ion Ills niuve comes as the? Drill ot rats r\|»rt t a pile hrd battle to rrlain « ontml of tin* I lousr. v\ hie h thr\ now ruin hv a to 2H ( mint The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12") One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY (Just ask for thf Special) 95 (Add*l Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Bartlett ( ontmiH'd Irom 1 Bartlett s.m! tin- l 'nitetl SI.ili s i ,m learn Imm Vsian i i unnmies .ilmtil tin* ability lu i im>11<*i.11«• III I.Hill- si «iic organ I /ilium over i-s Ini lung |h• i n»!s ill tmir I ’«*i *| i If must bury I In • 11 ililfei mil's .mil work together m po Iitu ,iI is uiihiiiii ,iml i ninmu nily tel ms II ui' illm I it will 1 in imi' ill llir li’sts imi sin mt\ has I.iilcil ami I suspet I we will gel what w i' ilesery i' In’ s.inl I In' Sli'trii|inlilaii I'.irtili-rsli11> im itml Bartlett In speak al the annual meeting bet ause Ins pu silinn as higher film alum i tillnt film allow s him In niflu mu f Ihf quality nl people i'll U'l 11114 the wink ti n 1 i' s.inl (:,i\ If Stauffer marketing .mil business ilf \ i'11 >|> 11114nl manager tin the partnership 1 It- has tlif puvvff tn allfi t the future wmk Inn e 1 it the state she s.inl l'he partnership was tumuli'il 111 ttttta It is funded eipialK In puhlu and private Imids Staut lei said Its goal is to assist Ini al exist mg i nil list ix and tn lei ru it new industry tn the KugeneSpring field area t he partnership is a fat ilita tin tin ntliei programs that help businesses with needs sin h as expansion, addition nl empltn ees and training programs “25 Years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 202S Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 LETTER PERFECT Graphics • TYPISITTIWG • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • mi m . \ m 346-4381 ■ m i U rdnrscl.n Krbruar\ 2H. 1‘IIHI