Lobby C ontmucd Imm P.im* I Ur ii' in lavot mI llir guv eminent providing linin' op lions (ui sluilciits In p.u off loons I luglies soul Urn opposed lii n 1,1 k 111W si ti ill ‘1 il s jump through hoops m order lo gel .1 liigliri film alum t'SSA is proposing that llu i nmmunitv si-rvu •• oi i or after i ollfgf ntthfi lhan Iri'forr I SSA also u.oils it lo hr Iritis voluntary giving stinlrnls tin option hi pav ihnr loans ha< k ihriiiigh some kind ol i red it svstrm instituted Ihrough tom limillU srl'S n •• Students should also hast thr right lo pas off thfir drills In gelling thfir own juli it lhf\ i host' to. I lugtifs s.nd Anothfr proposal hs Hush would force univorsitifs lo withhold fin.inr lal aid i hfi ks from mi inning fri'shman for no days Hughes said Ilf said Hush claims tins would elimi naif the numhi'r ol Iri'shnian dropping out ol school who keep limit Imam i.d aid ir \s aids Il should hr made r.iss tin students to go lo si In to! Hughes said Keslrii lions like this will deter the number uf inr inning Iri'shm.in i re.iling an erosion ol I hi ■ rdm ational svs le111 iill the whole Although I -SS.Vs main lot us lot tins session is ci onomii ai (ess. various issues sut h as i luld r are and i i\ il i ighls w ill he addressed Hughes said (niiiiiiilliih issues w ill also he disi tissed said Alm.ilido Morales viieehair for I SSA ••This is a i ham e to explain lo senators about the problems of the i oiiimuinU .is w ell as the students " He said lit* will .id dress sut h issues .is housing, homeless drugs .ind .ih ohnl l lie M.in h 1 In M.in h ' < nil leii*iii e w ill mi hide inlensive yvmkshnps ind dismissions on lie- (lie.in \ n At I .mil other pending legislative lulls out lining lobbying strategies and llliplii litioie. (>1 lilt* lulls d they .lie passed Hughes said \ .iri mis |it>111 i■ .«1 speakers will also he in attend.mi e I he w i u k shops will train people In Ititilw Congress using tie1 iniisl ef tei 11\ e methods available aid Kelvin Wee i o t h.ni hu the International Student ( alii us In addition legion represen tatives will he meeting to dis i tiss tie eltei ts of ddlerent leg isl.tlive proposals on their own ■ He.is 1 lughes said I lie Keyereiul 11-■-•s*• |ai ksoil will lead I 'SSA's- linn I Inhbying efforls at noon Man h e on the west { apito! steps ill tiout ot the ( aipitol llmlding Wee said Man h * is National Lobby I lay I ‘ my i*i sity I SS A member * have appointments next Mon day to see State i ongiessiimal lepieseiltatiA i s Peter Heln/io l.es AuCoin. Hon WAden Sena tm Mark Hatfield and Senaloi Hob I'.n kwood Hughes said Ihe three hoard memheis Hughes, Morales and K.lieii (.altney . allirm.ilive ai lion olli i el yy ill lie ai i omp.lined hy three appointed I 'niversily sin dents l.lsa 1 aw lent e I leldi Si hull/ id the Survival Centci and Hob llult ot Men Against Rape I m e\i ited about hay mg the opportunity to go to 1) (! to Tim Hughes help lobiw tur tin' highei i’iIu t .ition budget l,awrente said "It's important th.it we get out needs ai mss I nut mils sec m\ self .is ,i t np resent at i v e < > t the t niversits nl Oregon hill .is .1 represent.I ti\r tur women .mil sluitenls of i iilui I .in rent e said I .aw rent e will ,ilsu lie attend mg the student nt i iilm i aui us a meeting lnr iniinir11\ students In dm uss the iniplit alimis nl tinani i.il aitl t.hanges on their i ummunits 1 lie I im el sit \ IS one III I i (alleges nationwide that will Iii- attending the weekend t on leiem e in U uslimglon 1)1 sponsored ti\ the t lilted Stales Student \ssiit lation Hughes urges students who aie t out erned about finanti.il aid i uts In w i lie a lettei duet t l\ to then (aingression.il repre sentatives Measles ( ontimit'd Imm Page* 5 11*1 % t' 1 \ jlllM'i 111 ill-' \ I Ills ).ll k M III said till' ill.nil rill .1 i ampiis r|ii(lriiiH is mmi mill .i 11 in >i11;11 In si It 11 i enter Iitlli i.lls will lint know whether the student trails nutted the \ irtis tor at least tin two week mi uhalion pr I iod lor measles It Is one ot those diseases tli.it i an i ause epidernii s. |. it k si in said We hi i k i ii >W tlull ‘lll to 11"i pen ent ol stu limits piohahK are protei ted anaiiisl measles even it thi'\ ve had one measles \ ai < me I hr Student 1 lealth ( uniter is rei oininnndirig students and lai nlt\ \\ ho vvere irorn alter 1 •• r> t • and immunized |u iur to 1*17 7 re< ei\ e a set ond measles in jet tint) lie i atlse til tief it lent ies III I lie old shot To prevent a measles problem, the health t enter annouiu ed Monday it would offer llee measles shots to students weekdays from 1 to ! p m until Mart h Hi I he reason tli.it there s a problem is that it has been shown m the last few veers that the original measles shots t hiltlren ret on ed when the\ were young are beginning to wear ill said I )i Mit huel 1 hum who is m i barge ol the health t elite! s immunization program I hum said measles is more serious in iiliici individuals m terms (it symptoms be cause i hildron's immune systems lire more suited to buttie the disouse |,K k mill suid the student was the first measles case nt the I ’niversity in nt leusl 1 I years. Inti tlt.it it is in it lines pelted. live i uses \\ ere reported nt Southern Oregon State ( ollege Inst year. and o\er _!(1 i uses have been reported this year nt South lingerie nnd \\ illamette high si hools I'he (Jregon Stnte Hoard "I I ligher Id n< at ion voted at its I eh 1 (i meeting to re ijuire nil incoming frcshmnn to hn\ e two mensles vni i inn lions before being admitted to prevent further outbreaks sin h ns the one nt St )S(! We elearh know I h>il then' li.ivr hern outbreaks at othei < allege i ampuses |,M ksnn said I don't know i\ln the I dm ersit v ot ()rc Hon would !»■ .on dillei cut I .it ksi m s.iid he d »€•' A du! M ' is • DO ATTENTION l .»*•'! H Ha Hi »M m.i V * 1 H»u B' ; K i' 1 MIBANI A .%• I • ./•« '••vi ., •! I Hv i * , ii I !’ • I «•»•• • • .» : an T,hJv! u.1 H *41 MAdl . 5 Plfc HUT «• >? i" '-..'if ijlr »•’ it* v*'i » tju«- Ju *>* - .i i *i - ?u me NA V V VO tJAOV BAH ’ ami !>. hyppftlijeo 100 CONNECTIONS 10il PERSONALS OREGON SOFTBALL HI AST' . • OREGON BASEBALL 10b PERSONALS H#» tmilv I ' ••• ■ • •' nea«t fCB* a-' >a h ♦-> .« ( Vou«yb4li MARIA A»(; n A MM A | v guys C#n t roak* u»r i"i • ■•> < - ■ t ■-uti tor you Bfftl J UUA D I "• »f i wa you true* 4£ TRI-DELTS KELLY, JEN G.. MICHELLE N. AND SUE M. Thank* to* bonding Sat Night t guess you could say this bichtloittt* went out in style* Thanks tor the Itmo la halt *. At DC. champagne The Pa» ty the * eg and James It was a night 111 neve* forget land its on himi' You guys a re the greatest1' Love Laia P S You It all be in my heart Sat P P S Steph S you're a liar' 105 PERSONALS PLANNED PARE N1 MOOD ' sink's sufeci*<>n * ks tmfh I • \ . i>unselmg Days 4 e»t*n ujs < .» M 4 94 * 1 XU STEEP AND DEEPERS KIM AND PAULINE THANKS FOR A GREAT WEEKEND LOVE SCOTT AND BLAKE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON! U*K 89 COlllER * OTTO'S ?81 STUDIO Linda s birthday party is Saturday' For info call 746 7487 I I ) I / heard it through the grapevine... Advertise toda\! In the anerald Classifieds jjj Doonesburv BY GARRY TRUDEAU /W\; :Vi; /\C> \ * ? ; v vj7 \< 4‘V,t)%* ’t’' $ Vtc^ ,MRiA -.’V' ; ARt - • *» At -7 >w» v. » h*. AfFA:^ >F A: At A: 11 *0V U ABOUT if «4 'X' V.YnA> SOAK AHA.R. *J’ARAQU& MUh MAPOK \A '-lUAABPUl, CHER ‘VROAS f-AUZCMWP OR 30 PEMA I ATtOORjiA . ■ PENY IT EXPRESS YOURSELF Af LAA DEE DAH Krsdlr Dt'siqiu'r Clothes • INecc ethnic clothes • !>c» silce» jewelry lioiti Kali • Turkish kilims \V(I th'SUfllt'l ( litllns Ittt ( tto^tiftmirnl Tor inlorinatiou please call 683-2329 468 Willamette (3th Bt Willamette) Open Mon-Sal I I S Closed Sunday Wednesday. February 2H. 1 *1110