Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1990, Image 1

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    __ Oresort Daily_ _
UVilncsil.n I rbni.HA L’H. 1'1'H)
I 11>4<• 11*■. ()n'uon
\ i ilu mi- 111 \u mbrr 1(1**
It'hu (>umn l.ikrs <i(/l ol Irrr inrush's \ .11 i in.ihon ninth Ihr Sliulrnl llr.ilth I rnlrr will ollrr
thrtiniih \L1r1 h lb I lir hr.illli 1 rnlrr is r\/iri lint; .1 l,irt;r turnout lotl.it
Campus measles case reported
B\ ( hn>. Bouneft
I mcr.iltl Assot i.»te t ditor
\ I in\ersit\ >tu«It■ 111 hits Im i ii (liannuseil ,is h.t\
lllg measles iinr ti.1 \ alter the Student Health I elite!
,innt hi need it w ■ in lit otter tiff measles mjfi lions to
III |,lines |.it h sol I lie.iilh lintel lilli'i Ini s.nd .II
,i 1 uesd.n .itIt-1 ilium ileus i iintereni e Ili.it tin slu
deni u .is i 11 n u .i 11 \ diagnosed .is having measles
Molld.U alter she uent lu the health i enter
I he sttii lei it n In i has i nine ilovvii u it h measles
is living im oil campus t•!( ilitirs so, .it this point,
wr'o- not t mu emed aliout flu- dorms 1.o kson s.ml
S.milv Mowri’i a puhlii health nurse with the
I .1 m* ( omit \ Hr.ilth I )t v isimi. salt I i nvrsti gators vvt»ir
unable It) trace w here thr student i .nut* m i.oiit.it t
U llll til** (I I SIMM*
Hmvrvri thr student was in tin same plai.es as
some people in thr Kugene i iiiiiliiuiilt\ ulm eniltrai t
rd me.isles she said
\o i ont.H t with known t ases (was detri
lurn to Measles, Page 1
■ Ballot into available. Page A
■ New IIC members. Page 4
■ Kaspei ski's farewell. Page H
■ l)i\ steps down. Page 12
Students traveling
to lobby Congress
li\ folic \n(ir.i()c
I mn aid Rrjx>r ler
I'hriT 1 nili-il Stales Student Association board
me mho i ■■ .111" loav nig Im)ii\ fur Washington 1)1 !. ■ !uf i
tn uii'inbt i - Hi f a iii'.;iess in hopes Hi.iI they i ,m ju■ f
suade them !u abort the \,iliiin,ii Serve i V i
(lent', tn serve two \iur>. of i ommunitv ui iinht.u \ set
( tin j 111 it hi 11 i i.ni . mi is t iir i«,i i i,.« .ui,.ii ul ir !i:
I .11 ;• .lliiin !:iiii.ml I tin ! f 1. :i: han III flic
I SSA North W csl Pill itn legion
l itis is tiic niu.I i i .in <ii tunc ftn ludciils I,, iiililc,
1<ci au-.e th. i.mHui itiuii nl lin.iini.il .ml w In. !i lake-.
President Hush is purposing Su luuci the mtrnhei . it
.1 Ills .itiif Pci k ins h i.ins ev cii I ii 11 her
I hr NiitHiii.il S. i \ ii e ,\i l c. ( ihu;i t , w .i\ ul iic.il
mg with lilt1 Hu lease in tl»i- nunibei nl -,1 uilcnls tie
taultllig "ii v*i*s cmiitcii! In,ms, Hughes said Student,
volunteering lur i uinuuinity servn will u ieive a
Sum .1 week stipend I he 111.1X111111111 .imiillllt sluileuls
111.1 \ til HI 11U allei i ompleting the requirements is
I SS.\ is 111 llda lliei 11 a 11 \ opposed In this ail he
i .iuse 11 deleis lite nuinliei ul students entering univer
ll targets I he low mi nine and liaditiuual undei
lepresented people preventing them Irtim Itirlhei edu
< at ion Hughes said t his also < le.tles all added
si i at 11 on I he is oiioim and eilm at ional system
II is also false In s.iv lh.it its voluntary lie said
adding llial a i oinuilllee would assign students In pm
spei live areas ol serv n e essentially leal mg them w ith
lillle say in w hat they do
President Hush is suggesting (licit this plan lie in
shl n led in ( on | u ni I ion with higtlei ed in at loll. Hughes
Although Hughes agrees that delault ot student
loans is an al.inning problem, lie does not feel tins will
deter I he problem
him to I ohliy, Page It)
Seniors make night-long
vigil for rhet/com classes
Bv I homjs Prowell
I meralil t tiitor
huring the earl\ hours lues
d.i\ morning 111010 than 7'i
I 111 viTsitv rhetor 11 .mil i 0111
mu 1111 .ition seniors joined nth
ers who h.id i .imped overnight
m lining up to pre register tot
wh.it few 1 hisses thev 1 oilld get
in their tn.tjot
rile test IV Itles 111 \ ill.lid I lull
sturteil ,1! 1 g tit ,1 in w hen tu o
students. Mike keep and kelly
Wieber brought their pillows
and blankets to murk the beud
ot the line
Registration tot rhetoru and
communication 1 hisses was not
to begin until several hours lut
el at H a m . on a lust i nine
(list set \ ed basis
This Is kind ol the response
to administration's neglei I ot
rhetoric 1 lasses \\ ieber said
lt\ 7 a 111 . tin- line stretched
t.u hat k behind U iebet and
keep. 1I0UII the three (lights ol
stairs in \ ill.ml People were
dressed in sweats and jeans
several people mused I oltei
i ups Sleep\ looks were t oin
mon Students expected to be
• ■ 1 (xjin■ 111 speakers instead mul
Irii'tl m tiled whispers <ind sen
tern e fragments
I )espite the slumber parts ,it
mosphere there w.is an under
i urrent of resentment All
along tin' line rhet < um majrirs
were I,liking ,lIK>111 the stale ot
then department whit h has
been haul hit In budget cuts
The students in line were
limited tu signing up tin two
classes: imh seven 100 level
t lasses were being uttered
Mans seniors need one in more
nl these i lasses tu fullill then
major retjiiirements and gradu
,ite In spring term Hie i unipe
titmn to get them is lien e
I in the I list two w tvks i it
winter term waiting lists ot till
to 70 people toi i lasses that
otils held lh.it min li to begin
with were common \\ teller
A on don I see this kind ot
behavior this kind ol pie
registration tor am olhei de
partment You i an see the list
ot i lasses is a joke I he depart
meat is in a st.ite ot disarms
torn to Rheli mu, Page
Bartlett addresses state's 'health'
Hy Stephanie Holland
t mcr.ild Reporter
Higher edm .11 nm i h.im film Ihnmas
Hurtled was the keynote speaker luesdav
night ,il tin- l.ugene Springfield Metropolitan
f’urlnership's annual hoard meeting
I'lie hoard vvhlill met at the Valley Kiver
Inn. had dinner and listened to speakers high
light the past year's .a livitles
Hartletl disi ussed the er nnomii and so< lal
tutures ol the state and ol the t niintry
'( begun is still uni ertain ol vv ho we are
he said
lie said the country is entering .in ei o
iminie age " whiili mi orjiorates global and
teihiiolognal charm (eristics and also in
i hides a new idea ol i omparalive advantage
t begun nuisl he ei onotnii allv healthy and
i ompel it i ve to attr.n I other people and nidus
tiles to the stale . Marl let t said
This means the state must he an uttrni live
plat e to live and work, it must have a stable
and honest politii al system and it must have
i din .lied |ieiiple
llovvevei Hartletl said Oregon has a long
history ot umbivnleiii e about film alum
I rhlialion should he a magnet and a re
• ouri e il we want to eiilpha .i/e mil i omp.ua
live adv .Ullage lie said
Higher edut ation most importantly, i an
contribute to the education ol people to
human i apital. Hartlett said
It < <iii < 11 si) i ontributr ti> the 11H lease nt in
trrn.iturn,il i onhdenc e to speci.ilist lr.union
to I rsr.m 11 .mil tn tri Ilimln^V hr s.ilii
Bartlett said hr sirs p111)1 it silmols. rum
mumt\ » nllr^rs .mil universities pulling tn
grther Ini thrsr rffurts .111(1 hr p I,»I st *t i hlllli
glial element.n\ schools lor thru strides in
I>11(1 ^111v; mlrrn.it mn.il problems
li.ntlrtt Stiid hr tunnel I Irt^nii s high rate
ut high m liool dropouts depressing
I lr said HU pm rnt ut thr people im .in rr
ated in I’nited St.itrs jails and prisons wrre
not graduated trnm high school llir inajoritv
nt these people air f u net imiall \ dliteiate hr
Thr I lilted St.itrs pa vs .ibnut S' l UUU pet
person eat h \rai to keep i rnmnals in tail
li.ntlrtt said Hovvevei. it « osts about S t UUU
rat II \r.u to keep a student 111 ( ullegr
"Its r liraprr to send everybody to 11.n
vard than it is to send them to prison hr
li.ntlrtt also said the \mern an emphasis
on competitiveness and nil small businesses
masks a < oiiimon tear nt mam people the
< ountiA needs more ( ooperation based on vnl
lint.it \ ( ommil men!
()regon overemphasi/.es mdi\ idualism
and its instinc live* reliant e on small se ale en
trrpreneurs In- aid Small businesses are es
sential to the ec unotn\ but the\ cannot coin
pete on a glcdial si ale
lorn to Kurtlett, Pane 11