Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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McMenomy enjoys
role as manager
B\ Robert Weber
Emer.ild ( ontributor
Von would never know it In
wah liing .1 inline oi reading .1
box si on1. bul loin
\li Mcminn is ,111 import.mt
purl ol Oregon's men's biiskel
ball team
lies the man behind the
SI cues doing tile dill\ \\ ork
lie's the bead basketball Ilian
Anvthiug that doesn't ill
rei 11\ deal w ilb tile plavers 01
111,11 Ires is m\ responsibility.
\b Meiiomv said
That nuiki's fur .1 bus\ si had
ule tor tin' senior troin Antioi h.
(laid . who bei..uni1 interested
in managing bei anse lie want
oil to Slav 1 lose to sports
Mi Mnmim is finishing up
Ins sis oiul year as ,1 head lias
kethall manager alter spending
two seasons in a similar 1 apai 1
t\ tor the I )m k s foot hall team
Mi Menonn wasn't < (intent
with managing football and
sought .1 situation where he
would have more responsihili
t\ lie found lust that v\ hen he
iiillir to work lor roarh Don
As .1 h.iski'lb.ilI managor I
lt‘t‘1 tli.it im jiili iillmvs mi' to bo
mori' autonomous.' Im said 1
know u hat mV job is and I do
it so I don't bail' anvhodi
watt hing ovrt mi' ti lling m«*
bon I slloilld do it
Mi Meiiorm's |ob ruquirrs
good organizational skills and a
lanlastii mirmori 1 In- tormi'i
David Speaks”
National Kducator,
Author. I’latlonn .Artist
and I lairdresser
David K . Fletcher
Perms —Aretha
in or out this season ’
You bet they're in!!
Volume texture fullness lots "I
style rim I softness < .in be i reuted by
i hanging tin- shd|N* ol the hair
(chemu ally) II you re worried
about bad results what's the solu
lion' Maybe your hair is not tn the
best condition lor a perm I here
It,is to be something in the hair lor
the perm to lot k into or you may be
using a product line that leaves a
build up on your hair that the jterm
just ran t get through (this plastu
i oatmg is om* 'I the most < ommon
problems) or may In* you need a
fresh new (ethnical approach
haul u friend with u tuntu^tu
fit'tin and ask »vho did it ‘
( all lor help
EUGENE • 683 8464
r«‘<hiiitMiifiit is no problem. Inti
hr soiTii'linifs worries about the
I titter
I'm required to remembei
everything lh.it (.in he lorgot
ten. lost iir ruined w hen w e go
on the ro.id Mi Menonn s.ml
That mi hides .m\thing Imin
players' uniforms and sweats to
the eo.K lies pins t aids
I have nightmares helore
road trips that I am going to
forget somebody s unilortn or a
i oar h s i ard but I has end
strewed up so iar
\li Menonn said
Most ol Mr Menonn s wiuk
takes plat e on prat tire days
and at home games lie s usual
l\ the first one at \h Art bill
(Inurt and the last one to leave
I le arm es about an hour be
Turn to Mr Menonn, Page 10
C 1990 AT V
I'li.il.. In Mall 1 lr..
lain Mi Menann has kept the Oretiim men 's basketball team supplied ami readi as the l)m ks'
bead manager far the last two tears
Announcing an otter
designed to save money
for people who are,
well, a bit long-winded
when it comes to,
you know; talking on
the phone, and wbo,
quite understandably
don’t want to have
to wait till after 11 pm
to get a deal on
long distance prices.
It you 'j '( illI.! lot ot time on thu phono. tlx* All 7 Reach Out \>>u >iui Hancould viw you a lot on y<mi
long dLsiancv Nil \nd you cfctfil have u sta tit lodoit Starting at S pnuhe !/• 1 Reach Out' \».
Ildii t.iko> .m .uklilii muI 3 * >lt iHit .itivadv ivtiumi evening priu-s
i . hi kl > 'ill m-o t.il! loll I 800 K1A( not r.c\t. »09V
\ixl d>m worry well keep u Intel
Piuvhbk jppir* t* >l4sr v.ill* -.iuirtS * If < pm. xsi«id> Ftvto
It» w *r nu* i» 4 hr jv ntil 4r in jii tr+*in* r fulU
The right choice.