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Call your travel agent today1 And fly south with the big birds this winter EUGENE AIRPORT 14 day advance purchase tares Saturday n»gh! stay required Other standard res meltons appty Subject to change without notice I\ pesettmg Paste l p I a\out LETTER PERFECT Graphics • Design Consultation • PM I s Iransparenc les sum n> t tui Mt MoniAi union 346-4381 <> CH> ‘COM / _Sports_ Brandon to fill void Kasperski will leave B\ Ir.u \ Sumner I mer.ild Sports f ditor II there's iinvthiriji the to,no 'hi ()i riicui hiisketh.ilI se.i si11j i ,in he remembered fur. it s It IS .is ,i \ 11 lilt marked the heipnmng of one er.i and the end of another Oregon basketball fans have As of List till! term, kaspershi hits ,t t 'IK grade point .i\.ii;t■ and has pulled straight A s in nine til her last It) terms llrandon has brought a win ning attitude to the lean) and upgraded its ohjer 11\ es from resper lability last season to that ol being ft w inner this ve.u I le has brought not ret enllv From the Sidelines sreu tninpi i.stur to .1 tram Held .1 habit ot lolding last vi'.ii wht'ii thr going got tough lit' has thr ahilitv to st.urr, pass and. drspilr Ins V 1 1 stallin' been treated lor I lit- hist tour years to thi' dominating pros fin ot ti loot-7 Stft.inif K.ispcrski in women s basket liall anil tins v ear to the inlet tious enthusiasm and pure will to win of point guard Terrell Brandon for the men s team Barring postseason pla\ .it home Brandon played Ins last game in Mi Arthur Court this season loi the I links Sunday Next Saturday's game with Ari zona will be kasperski s swan song in the I’ll kasperski lias distinguished beiselt on and ott the court while at Oregon, earning high marks in the i lassmom ,ind on the basketball flom Burlier tins season the natne ol Hamburg West tiermanv inov ed into third pint e on (lie gun's all lime si oring list Alter Sunday s game at Southern California she lias l.HBliiareet ] mi nt s She lias Tih retiounds on be! i a reel and was second III the I’ai 11it 111 ( niilereni e in that i ategorv as ot last week 's slat is III s bast season kasperski led hei team to the National Invita tional Tournament i hampion ship, averaging bettei than JO points and nine rebounds per outing kasperski's at hievements on tin* tiaskelball (lour are impres sue indeed But m the i lass room she lias approai tied per tec t ion is an dlilr rebounder, averaging almost lour ii i;.imi' Brandon adds a dimension llus year tho Dm ks didn't have Iasi \eat u ilh I rank lohnsou running the show Hu has ihu ability to improv isu. both on Ihu bruak and in ihu ball i ourl gainu Willi I "i wins on Ihu season and just Ihu Arizona trip and Ihu I’ac II) tourney ahead, the Dm ks seem a good bet for an \l I bid Hut it it doesn’t hap pun this year, il will at some lime with lira nil on wearing ()r egon colors Brandon s altitude on the Hour brought praise from I U d.A i oat h |iin I larrii k after the sophomore scored a ( areer'-high ll points to lead Oregon to last 1 hursdav s 111 i 'in u in over the Bruins lie s got .1 great altitude lie lame up In me alter tile game down a! l’aulev and said great game said I larrii k "lies a real spet lal kid In the loliire both Brandon and kasperski will be thought ol bv Oregon hoop junkies as spt'i lal ' The differeni e hetvyeen the two is that Kasperskt's i areer at < begun w ill be oyet at the end ot this season Brandon has two more years lull to expand his nit he in ( begun basketball I’ai 1(1 opponents ol worn fit's basketball are relieved I he men s teams are shudder ing Payton, VanEmbricqs take weekly honors (Iregon St.iic guard l.• ir\ l’a\ ton who scored HI points last week m v it .lories over It I A and Southern (California on Mnnda\ was named the I’ai ilit It) (Conferent «• player of tin* work Payton, a n loot 4 senior from Oaklaml. earned Ins fourth player of the week honor from the I’ai 111 this season In a 'Hi 04 overtime vn tors over Southern l California 1 liurs dav. Payton scored a school -rt; ion! >H points, including hit ting on Id of in attempts trom the free throw line The 58 points were also the second-highest single game to tal in Pat 10 history, behind a record lit point effort b\ I t LA s kareem Abdul labliar then known as Lew Alt intlor, \s W ashington State in llit>7 1’avtoll then st ored a team high J.i points In li'.ui Oregon Stilt** to an Hi-74 victory over I ( I A on Saturday l or the two games. I’avton also totaled nine rebounds and 1 1 assists Samira YanEinbrii qs ol i ( I A uas named I’ai 111 |>la\ er ol the week in women s has ketball allei leading the bruins to wins oyer Oregon and Ore gon State YanEnibricqs. a senior for ward from Soest the Nether lands, had 10 points and a i a reer high 1H rebounds in l ( LA s 74 ari yy in over (iregon State The IH boards yyas also a Wooden Outer record in Worn ell's basketball VanEmbricqs added 22 points. 14 rebounds and five steals in l'OLA's 70-tifi win oy er (Iregon last Friday ODE Classifieds get RESULTS!