Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Disease poses threat to children
B\ William C. Crum
Assot iatcd Press
l’( )KTI ..\\l) |.\P) \ pediatm i,m it Oregon
Health Si iciu es I'niversitv on Mend.tv warned
parents lo lie vvarv ot the IhrtMt Irum men
ingor oi l.11 disease. an ailiinmt th.it poses ,i p.irtit
nhir thre.it to voting children
ill t;,ir\ I’.irks, ,i peili.itrii ( ritii .il i.ire spec i.11
ist .it Oli.Sh, said the hospital had treated si\
cases ol the disease this year, and one . hiltl died
The ailment claimed the lives ol six people,
lour ol them voting i hildren. last v ear in I lie \ ak
miii. \\ ash area
In each case at ()!IS( this rear. Parks said
there was a delav in diagnosing the diseasi and
beginning treatment
lie advised parents to avoid delav in seeking
medical treatment tin children who hei nine le
thargil and dev elop a lev el
"The lastei we i an gel our hands on these chil
dren. till' heller we i an do with them Parks said
at a news conlereni e at the hospital
He said a rash that develops in almost all i ases
makes the disease easv to identilv
The liac teria that i auses rnenmgot or i al disease
is spread through coughing and sneezing The
disease rail lead to meningitis an inflammation
ol the lining ot the brain
Parks said tile state could he fat mg the begin
ning ol an epidemii but I red Itoeslv ol the epi
demiologv sei lion at the state Health Division
said .in epidemii is unlikelv to develop
lloesly said 111 cases had been reported to the
Health I)iv ision so tar this veal down Irom IB at
the same time last ve.tr Menmgoi ma al disease is
about as prevalent in Oregon as pertussis or
whooping i ough, he said
lloeslv said there were VI rases ol
rneningoi in < al disease last sear m Oregon and
one dtMtli
"Ur i annot sas that sve have an\ problem here
that's unusual m comparison I" past statistics
I lot's 1 y sail!
Pa i ks san I lilt1 < unt i’t n nt dot tors at ( )l I SI ss as
prompted tis the number and severils ot the ( ases
the\ had treated this \ear
Parks said some children mas siiffei only mild
symptoms labile others bei ome extremely su k
ver\ ipiicklx
1’atks said the t hdd that died at ()IISI was
healths onls hours Indore his death
Ills case ssas probably right hours from being
ssrll to being dead, he said
The disease causes blood i lolling abnormalities
that restrict the floss ot blood to the extremities
and to the organs ot the hods
A .111 month-old bos treated during the last Isso
ss eeks .it (HIM probably ss ill lose the tips ot Ills
lingers and toes bei a use ot the loss ot i iri illation
The latest i ase at (HIM is that ot K.u hel
Itakamus a 1 t month old from l.ongsiess Wash
ss ho s\ as sent to the hospital Sunil.is night
I'lie little girl s parents Mill and ( athy
HakanutS said their d.mghtei developed a lever
and ssas up most ot the night Saturdas
(laths Itakamus noticed a slight rash Siindas
morning and took K.u hel to her pediatrn inn. ss ho
i m med late Is sent the i hdd to ( H 1st
Kai hel ssas in i ritical but stable condition
Mondas in the hospital's pediatrii intensive i are
She has evers single organ system being moil
llored. head to toe P.llks said I lie i lllld mas
eventually need plastu surgery, he said
(laths Hahumtis. a Jli sear old mother ot Isso
said her youngest daughter s rash nr its earls
stages looked like broken blood vessels
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Flag burning issue still
a hot topic up north
Bv Mark
\sm>( iated Kress
Ol 'i MHA (Al* l.css th.m
a vv tvk ,liter i federal judge m
Seattle threw nut the nut ion's
new llag desei i.itiun law state
lawmakers Monday deh.ited
whether to ask tor a i nnstilil
tiunal aiiieudllient tu jirotei t
the ii.itmiiat symbol.
"I do not think it is ( ontinrv
to the Ament an wav tu respet t
an American svinlml lot width
thousands ol Xmerii.iils have
given their lives. said Sen
l.eo I'luirsness a ( ongresstonal
Medal ol Honor w innerwind lor
mei prisoner ol w ai in \ let
Thorsness. R S*Mttlr spoil
sort'd the measure, which
would ask the si.lie s emigres
sion.il i lelegat ion lo support
(unslitulioii.il protections tin
the I .s flag
I'he Si'll.Ilf petition I.lilt'll to
( oiiii' to ,i Mile hut was e\pei l
ed to lie reconsidered I iiesil.it
hast week I S Distiu t
judge Barbara Kothstein ruled
that the right of Auifiii aus to
bimi the (lag must he protet tcil
as \ igorously as their right to
wave it She threw out charges
against tour Seattle protesters
who burned a liag and del lart'il
the I lag I’rotei turn At t of I'lH'l
passed bv Congress to be un
i (institutional
I resident Hush li.is suppon
i'il .1 ( Diislilulion.il amendment
mill.i\\ mi; destitution ul ihr
flag. .mil some m I amgress
have renewed that (all in the
wake (it Rothstein's ruling
w liit.lt Is likeK tn lie appe,lied
ill id tl\ to the l ' S Supreme
State lawmakers have no |ti
risdi( turn over federal < onstitu
IiiinaI questions ami 1 hiirsness
measure. SRH74t. is merelv a
Thorsness told ol a lellow
Amrrit an prisonri of war who
t'tiduri'd Imturr .it tin- hands of
In-- North \ irtnuuu-r i ,i|ilurs
lit‘t ausr lit- 11,iifil tu i oiislnii I .1
makrshitl II.m out of ,i handkri
i lllfl
I In1 ll.114 is dfsun mg ol s|)u
i lal protri lion ..use it if
minds i ili/fns ot freedoms tli.it
.Uf |t*<i|iiir«)i/ed datl\ thruuyth
law s f nai ted b\ I hr I .ritlsia
luif. (amgirss and othfi hod
ifs. l'liorsiiess said
Hill Srn. Arlir l)r|arnalt 1)
l.oiiHVirw ari4iird that Ilai4 pro
tertian laws .no conlradit lotv
lin ausr lluw irslrii I timlom ol
UC must il we ti u 1 \ believe
in 11<•»-tli)in. respect frrc speech
i ights ' I n.ill >.i111
Stull freciduins ini hull1 tlif
right In hi- obnoxious .nui ie
puisne In burning flags lie
s.ml l! is better to ignore sin h
.11 Is th.m to p<iv .itti'ilt loll In,
imposing lfg.il rustrii lions he
I)e)ain.itt s.ml thr onK i1 mil
tries III,it leg.ills protec I then
fl.igs me (nih.i South \lni .i
.mil I hm.i n.itnms th.it he
c dlleil totalit.iri.m
I don't want to join th.it
group, lie s.nd
I horsness petition gathered
signatures nl support Irum a
majority <il senators. lull del),ilr
vs us i ul nit w lit'ii u priii edural
ipii'sliuii arose l.nliis I lues
tinned whether I lie measure
should lie i inisidered as merely
,1 Senate request rathei III,in re
lerring il to the Mouse ns well
II the Senate passed the peti
tion the lower i haiiiher would
lla V e on IV a lew das s to eons id
el it Indore si heduled adjourn
iin>1 it Man h H
Thorsness said the measure
would lie brought up toi a Sen
ate vote Tuesday, hilt lie pre
dii teil it mas not lie i onsidered
by the House Indore adjourn
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