.University University chooses engineering firm to assess fire alarm system By Stephanie Holland I merald Reporter I’he state's hiui>'■ i ediuation system will pay ,i I ugene engineering firm S.’ > Him to study the l 'niversitv's lire and se< uritv alarm systems for tin'll Inline ienmation Bal/luser and Hubbard a firm of me< li.inii ,il and elei liii.il design (onsultants is in the pre liminarv stages of studying campus systems and is not in a position to i oinineiit on the study nil 11in knimsii k one of the I u in s i onsultants ('.onsultants will identity and eyainate all of tile tin* alarm and ms hi its alarm systems on < am pus and will i i mi pan1 the inventory w itli Physical Plant dm nments and with alarm loi atoms on i ample tin i amptis lias fieen divided into seven t' view units that giuup the more than t-’O build ings lor study .11 ( ordmg to mlnrmalinn Irom Mu i iel |ai k sun the I'm\etsity s projei I manager and assistant vice president lor administration The study yyhuli y\ 111 Ire completed hy the end ot |une yydl Iih us on elet trii al panels and elei 11 u a I servii e tai 11 tiles so the t nn ersitv does not ,i i it it ipate majoi interruption ol normal build mg ailivity Budding administrators rsill lie .id y iseil of tile llis|iei tion si hedtlle IV, I low mg t lit- inventory phase the t unsul I.mts will review findings .mil ret ommend .mil prioritize .ilium system improvements l lii' need in upgrade tin- I niversity 's original .il.inn system 1 list it 1 li-< I m tin' I'l-tls .mil tin- need tu pill llir urn si uMiii' buildings' .il.irm systems i ill I iin' jinin1111i'i 1 ( '111\ i■ i s11\ ntlii i.ils In hiri- tin' consultants Steve Hnosmger i ity deputy tire marshall. hi.nil' .11.■ iin svsli'in rnspet turns at the I nneisity tmm Aug 1 tu Sept ft ltlK‘1 ,uul sent lus report to tile I ’nil ersity s ()lt jee of I’ublit Sat el \ Oct _’M His .'t page report listed mam i .inipus Imiliiiugs as being unable to alert people to mat uale buildings in t ase of tire Hoosingei t. .it iul that \ti Arthur ('.null one oj the more serious eases lias one pull station to aleit antliorilies o! a tile Hoosingei said the arena should have pull stations a! eat h exit and should be lull', prolei led in a sprinkler system In addition the budding i out.tins wall i met mgs and ceilings made of l utes whir h is low density cellulose liber that burns at the rale ill i t leet pel sei nud he said Some other buildings lotind to have fire t ode violations last tall were I’riin e I.mien t ampbell li.ill Knight l ibrary Si lent e II Science Library and the Hits sii a! 1 * In til Former Demo caucus official fined B\ Hr.id ( .lin Assm iated Press SAI.I M. (Ai’l I h«’ lormer adminixtratoi nt the (begun House Democratu < mu us was 11tied s, ■ ,(||| \ 1 <>1111,i\ alter i judge found luin guiltv nt tarn pci mu w it!) .( public tec urd the tine was imposed on i mi \Vledei,lenders it alter a stipulated tai Is ti i.d in w hu ll liie former 1 louse aide present ed no witnesses and did not dispute am oi the t.it ts present i‘d by the state \\ ledeiaeuders was c barged alter lie relumed a page from a ( mu us i ampaign tinaiu e repoi! on tile w ith the sec rotary ot stale's ottii e ill September I le said .it the time that the at t was unmteution.il \ 1 ai ion i mints ( an uit |udge Val Slope) told YYioderneudors lie imposed the maximum s.j am fine on him bei mise there was no doubt tiiat U ledei .lenders had walked otf u itli llic pagr I III' jltdgr l dill'll \\ ii'ilridi'inlrrs' di lions d i min' against Ihi- |>i>111ii dl pin 1 I'ss lull 111' stoppl'd short 1*1 imposing d piil trim on tin* lor llirr ItigislflllVi' ritiphn rr \\ trdrrarndrrs, u ho iso liri plr.iilnl mom rot to I hr ( hdrge. rrsigiud thr i din us post dttri the in unis mi iilrol u ds ihs l losrii Hr said tittle during Mon diiv's i oml pnxrrdtng dial ir hlsrd dltn Will'd to dllsu ri Ir plains' ipirstuins dhout thr i asr I'm going to lour nothing to say,' sdid VYirtlrrandors u ho i urrrnth is unrmpltnrd and In mg in Srdttlr VVirdi'rarndiirs lornim truss llousr Mdjoritv I radrr David l!i\ ol 1 ugrnr. said Monil.n hr thinks thr *tMl tiur was d hiir punishmrnt lor thr toimrr i am us dilimnisti.itor llr should pa\ thr m.ivi mum prnalt\ dial that's uh.it Oregon West - FITNESS - POWER AEROBICS! 47 classes a week ■ Low Impact ' Pump Cardio ■ High impact ‘ Circuit Training ■ Combination * Pump Cardio Plus FULL WEIGHT FACILITY LOW MONTHLY FEES Best Hours 7 D.iv*> .1 WPPk 6 .7 m lip m 485 1624 he rtn t• i\ ed toda\ 1 hx said The itit blent has licfii .1 souk c ol embarrassment for Oregon Democrats .mil w.is .i t.n tor m Sim rut.ii v ol Stuff l! IKHI mi three 1 temoi i.itn organizations toi deficient campaign contribu lion .inti expenditure reports 1 he penalties on Imtfil .i Si-t out) lint' against tin- House I ifiuoi rot it i ,on us fund The i ,un us i nmc umlfi si ru I ins hfi itusc .inning uthf i things, it hilled to report .i Sto (HMt i outrihution it ru i fnnl in 1*188 limit slate Hep I leil\ Kiiht'ii I > New port The night Indore \\ ifdfi. if inters look the page Irom the sis iftni\ ol stale s ol hie I )i x sent a photoi op\ ol a dm niilent to a new spaper i ol umnist purporting to show that the contribution troui Kijken had been rei oriled I lie pai;e th.il \\ lederaenders took from thi' report showed lli.it in fat t llif Sill (Mill li.nl nut Itri'ii listed in tin1 < am ns ti 11.11ii lal report Ills s.nil later that the p.ivje he sent In the newspaper i ol n in ii ist had i nine hum the i au i us files and that he had as sinned the same tiling was on tile n ith the set ietar\ of slate Lacrosse wins john O'Dea dI the i !uh sport Lit russt■ te.mi p re pairs /<> /<*# oii«* //» during practice \lond.n I hr In erosse team hr,it l.infield List S.itind.n in tlieir season opener and host \\ nshin^ton State end Whitman this h (‘rkend I'holo !)\ Slc\»• ( aid Millworkers walk off job 1(11.1 IK) i.XI’i A union leadei says (ieorgia Pat iti< Coip wants devastating concessions on wages amt benefits Irom striking; pulp anil paprr workers in Toledo About 400 members ot l.oial I t ol the Association ol Western i’lllp and Paper Workers walked oil their jobs Iridav evening allei negotiations broke down on .i new i ontrai t tor workers at the (ieor gin I’ai rtu )in111 and paper mill lInion leader Hryce Jackson said Sunday that union workers were tired ol granting t oik essions to the company "Thev've go! an agenda that's loaded down with takeaways lackson said livery negotiation we've had since 1‘1/B, thev've taken something awav l ieorgia I’ai dn wants to eliminate time-arid a lt.ill pav for work mg Sundays at the lound the < lot k operation, and to double health insurant e deductibles to $40.0 while adding a $">0 monthly premi uni tor l.iill11v i overage )at kson said Other proposals for i out essions would damage the senioritv s \ s tern and limit pav im reuses tor workers who t omplele training programs, he said. 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