.University Program settles students' disputes B\ Marina Swain Imer.ild ( ontributor It might scent surprising that .t round wooden table helps re solve interperson.il disputes Hut tor (acquie (iib.son. such furniture is an essential tool ot her trade As duet toi ot tile AM () Mediation Program. t lib son attempts to equalize people III ( onflict as best she i an The round table serves as a \ isuul metaphor tin putting problems on the table and sob mg them she said It and the oil it e provide neutral tei rilnr\ lor people in t nnflit t to resolve their ditfcreni es It establ islies me as I he t on I roller of the process she saitl Ml thc\ have to worn about is expressing themselves and listening to the other per soil In its set ond ve.u as a regu lai l\ funded serve e. the Medi ation Program is one ot oul\ ( nhson said l niversitv sennit Tina Roe lumi'il in mediation to resolve ,i inriflirt within |uuet Smith. ,i student-run > |»i• r.itivt• living organization (ini' resilient h.ni i .iiised housemates to (eel mi i nmtnrt.ihie. she said Mediation allowed the van oils allot ted parties to sit down and talk ahmil their problems I nlortunatelv. the group cotiid not (nine to resolution he< .ruse the resident was unwilling to sympathize w ith differing points ol view Koe said 1 think it there was am hope for resolving the situation it c mild he really helpfuI Koe said of the mediation program I lie situation itself w as doomed Koe said mediation requires seilsitivitv to otllei s needs Moth parties need to go into it with an open mind or it s not going to work I think he went into it to prove that lie was mi; in more legulistii solu lurns '•In- ->.1111 In l.ii t more l.iu -i hmils .in’ ottering mediation ,ts ,1 possible remedv (hhson said The good thing about mediation i' ll!,it agreements an- mnn- |><>i Mlllllll/l’l! Sht! pointed to (dogged i mirts hi w hit li disputants n> turn time and again bis ause ol dissatisiai tm>11 w iih tin- mil i mnr His ause law \ its and judges aie making must nt tin del isnnis i bents remain tin happv. (itbson said In media turn, vim have In lie responsi ble tnr l imit es Medmtinn i an also be more el lei In e than 11 aditinn.il i i nm seling (dbsnn said, bei ause it is tm used nu spel 11 li issues during the short ter in ' \\ hat happened in the past is lint nearlv sn important as what were going In dftt.itie tnil.n and do tomorrow Medi.itinn is building a solid ‘The good thing about mediation is that agreements are personalized.' more — (acquit? Gibson nineteen on i ollege rumpuses nationwide, (iihson said And with ll7 lases seen (lining the last si honi ve.ii she thinks the need fur niedi.ition is gieat and grow mg. "During the middle ot the year is when people get most iiiHaiinturtahle. (Iihson said ol the rise in disputes she sees throughout the winter months .Sipiahhling roommates .ire a t\ pii al dispute that she han dies I ven more i onimoil tins veai are students who feel pro lessors have treated them uu tairlv SI lllirllts lltll'll t itlil ll ll ill I I lilt III e vpit'SS I Ill'll I l Mil fills In professors timing olliie hours (lilison said I’lii' prnfessoi \ utlii e is tin- professor's oldie his 111 lici li.isi- ill posse i I hf iuMitr.it setting ill the Mi' rliiitiuii Program "allows Ihf professor In t itlin' dim ii ■ > to for t'llt'i Iive both pt'ople must i ommit thcmst'lvt's to solving tlm profob'in. sin- s.iiil Mi'di.ition (locsii l work un loss both pooplc vv.mt to got to gi'tlii'i .mil m.ikr it uork Mediations i bud advantage is tb.it it allows people to imin' 111> with thi'ir own solutions to problems Km s.nd Media lion .illows \ou to work tilings out on \ our ow n with .1 third jmitN to fnnui'l tilings b.ii k ,md tin'tb It's bidping nou 1 nine to V0111 mi ll (In istons Although the Medialion Pin glam t\ |>u .11i\ handles situa lions invoking housing or pro lessor student disagreements. it is not limited to part it ul.it types nt eontliil (bhsnn said I he program which is tree to the t niversitv ■ ommundy handles .mv dispute th.it falls between the i rut hs of w h.it the Legal Services oi tlie Office ot Student Atlvot at v i ail do I here were at I kinds of si u dent problems not being solved because there wasn't anyone there to rlo it (Iibson salt! (iibson said mediation is a pit- legal alternative \\ 11It a masters degree in interpersonal i ommunit at ion she makes no pretense ot lieing a l.iwvei mil does she w isli to Disputants "al wavs h.n e the opt loll ot go LETTER Graphics • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION ■ LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT . TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT 3-13-3381 »,( h It 1 *f i HU Mt M-. '*'Ai / -Av.--. N tr.il k rei nlil ( dllsun s.ilil I hr hist stair Legislature funded thr ni'uh created Oregon Dispute Krsolutiun ( aimmissimi vvhii lr looks into implementing mrdi at lull at .111p111 ahir stair anil i oiintv agent it's, shr saul I hr i nmmissiiiii mlnuls foi inrillatiiill In rrilui r thr limit luail in t\ 11u alls stii k\ prut) Inns sui I) .is i lull! oustodv vis Ital n ill lights a nil i ll I hi sup purl Various Oregon counties including Lane have alrradv noted a dri rrasr in court time and expenditure shr said Students interested in partu ipating ui inrdialion nia\ i on tai I (lilison at l to U til You are invited to intend n Town Hall meeting with your State Representative House Majority Leader DAVID DIX Tuesday, February 27th 4:00 p.m. Gumwood Room, E.M.U. Please come and discuss the lit lure ol higher education, the University, and other state issues with David. The meeting is free ami open to the public. Sponviivil In A S l () \t< INI ) \> s II Ik'i H {,11 f kll) \\ s Luncheon Specials Met* Siam M.iI.im.im si\ ii Hof \ Sour f r mm! Si»o(JU*s V\ ( tin krn i fist.l:’* \(\f !< > l (ft ( ) fy, H S.S Ki • 3.95 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H'"'» I I !lh i t i .')( i.. TheW)rld Is Still The Greatest Classroom >$W)fAlL Applications ,nr now bring «n i rptrd tot the l niversitv o| Pittsburgh sponsored Semester at Sr a hath tall ot spring 1* H i dav cxivssey aUxard the Ament an built S S I 'inverse literally offers you the world riou win earn l.: iranMeranie units from your t hou r of more* than fWJ lower and upper division courses, while calling upon plat es as culturally diverse as Japan, Hong Kong. India. I'urkev. the Soviet l/nton. Yugoslavia anil Spain It is a learning adventure designed to transform students of every color. rat e and creed into true »itizens and scholars of the world Kor full Information. Inclu