ALASKA SUMMER JOBS Exi •■ne:i •• i : ;mmrt <>[«‘ration::. Sign up for 3/2 interview at Student Employ ment, Rm 12 Hendricks Hall. Equal Opportunity Employer ■Alpine Import Service The VOLVO Spe m 1 liurs d.i\ Man h 1 in T Ml ( i iilurv Nomtl \ 111 lli‘.II I HI 11 KI'I lr i|tirsts froiii tin1 following gn nips • Si 111 lr I it Si'll.ill • (In ". .11 .student I titili\ • Panhelleitii i oun< >1 _it ais_ • ( >M ''I / >,lil\ I ll;iT.llti • A 11 1 < ■ I H .I I I ' • II 11' 1 \ f l! 11111 I 11)1 I lesignot \ Kos.irx I’r.niT (.roup will meet tonight .it 7 to .0 tIn• New m.m ( enter IB'iO I mei ..l ul I I Salvador Sister Cniversitv Project util hold a general interest meet inn liiniglit at . in Kimm I I I olnmlua SI’I AMIRS AM) I.M Tl 'KI S Iran K libel from S.k red Heart ( I will hr in Drtlou I.ounge ot \\niton ( Innipley tonight .it ti til lo dismiss rating disorders I hr jirrsrnt.ition is j»,ut of the I olinsrlitlg ( riltrr s l.rilurr Series "Fi( tionalmng: The An* thropologii al Dimension ol I itrrarv I i( tions" is the title ol .1 In tun* to hr given h\ \\ olfgang Isrr lod.iv at ! ID ji in to Room J i 14 ( -inuion Tile j»rrseiil.ition is sponsored In the English departinrnt. the I lum.inities ( enter and till1 i omjiarativr literature program. MIS( I I I AM ors Adopting a New I ifestyle in Food and Fitness ...a Cul tural V ariation is the title ot a presentation to hr held to night at 7 III in I N11 ( rd.u Room ( File presentation is sponsored In tin* Student I iealth (.enter Alaska's (llaeier Bay l.odge will give a v ideo presentation on summer employment to night .it 7 in Room 14P Straub Inlerv ieus will be held Wednesday Sign ups lor interviews are in Room I lendrii ks (ISt’IKti s (Consumer Re si'.tii h (.roup u ill meet lot a pizza party tonight at (e 1 a in 1 Ml Suite 1 American Cancer Sot iet\ s Smoking Cessation will be held today troni 1 to a id p m in the Student 1 iealth ( am ter Medit al l.ibrary Deadline for submitting Id als lu thr KmtTiild Irunt desk. i:\ll ■ Suite IDO. is noun thr iin before publii atiun Id als run tin• i/.n ot thr rvrnt tin loss thr rvrnt oil ills hrturr noun I'lease submit lit als thr day lirforr they are to run only. Xutii rs ul r\ruts w ith ,i donation or admission charge w ill not hr accepted Campus rvrnts and tliosr schrdulcd nrarrst thr publii ation date will hr given priority The Kmerald reserves the right to edit notil es for grammar and sl\ le Thief nabs tapestry from Willamette Hall \ tapes! I \ ill \\ 111 ■ i n |«'I I * • II,ill u ,it 1 p in mi I nil,o R\ .111 said I lifif wasn't ,nn reason tin it tn In- mine. K\.111 s.uil rhi' lunik pointed dim im.11 d mi it obviuiish brcn ripped dim 11 " K\an 1 lift kttd u itli tin- I ’in umniK Museum of Art .old Stirismijf 1 brlim reporting it stl ill'll I in- tape str\ which hern 111 Willamette II.ill since \u vember. is one of .1 kind .mil ir i<■ I> 1 In addition the Oregon Arts ( aiuinnssion is ottering a S mb rew aid tor its retul n said Nan e\ I indbuig. the i ominission s arts ser\ ices coord inatoj FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • >0-100fr enlargement or reduction. • Color copies from 33mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Creat people 860 E 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 NOTICE TIAA-CREF PARTICIPANTS Find out how NEW SEC RULES MAY ALTER YOUR RETIREMENT!! SEMINAR: Tues. Feb. 27th 4:30-6:00pm FACULTY CLUB (Collier House Rm A) Refreshments Andrew H. Dalglish RSVP 485 0503 LETTER PERFECT Graphics • typesetting • Design Consultation • Pastel p layout • PMT s Transparent les 346-43Q 1 Academic Learning Services invites all interested students to workshops on WRITING ESSAY EXAMINATIONS Tuesday March 6th 3:30pm 4:30pm Rm 133 Knight Library HOW TO PREPARE FOR FINALS Thursdays March 1st and March 8th 3:30pm 4:30pm Rm 133 Knight Library For more information call: Academic Learning Services 1 08 Kniyht Library 346-3226