Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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'Probably' not adequate assurance
B\ IVU*r Mark
Imai^mr lot ,i mumiMil that
tht* AM (). aft»*r mm h ramrsl
1 (it*c:i(i»*s that In proinotr
c Ir.mi’i air. a sain anviron
mm!, am! tin* I’rnrra! wt*lfan*
[it students 'it llit' I ni\ersit\
the administration should re
(|uire eat Ii student to pun hase
a Ini\t le
What belter wa\ to cm on rage
students to rule bikes (which
would improve their health and
reduc e noxious fumes trout fos
sil hud burning motor vehit les|
than to tort e eat h student to
port hase out"' Suppose lurthei
that the \St'() has a Student
I ransportation (aunmittee. one
ol the members of whit h is a
renowned bit vt le 'expelt
Sint e sin- know s so mm It
about hit vt It's lln- \Sl ( ) tit1
i ides In take lift ift iimnirntl.i
titin lh.it llif hikes students pur
i base must he muiint.iin hikes
I sun e I he\ hav e hettei It at I tun
th,m r.n ing style hikes during
those slipperv Kugene winters)
.Hid even more: I lie students
w ill he required to pun hllse
these mount.mi hikes through
the ASl O's ver\ own hit l1 le
port li.tse pi.in
The S l < is t h.uyeti w i111 the
responsibilitv ol choosing
w lot h hr,mil ol mount,tin hike
will he tittered. all students
must purchase one before tliev
will he allowed to register lot
fall term l'l'ltl 1 lie ASl I ) as
sores students that tliev will get
a great deal on these hikes
since 1H,110(1 students will lie
bu\ mg them tile ASl 'l I s
transportation i ommittee w ill
he able to sw mg a great deal
with some national distrihutoi
anil the ST( 's bike expert will
III illg In thr Inkr huv mg pro
i css her mam years nl experi
em e
Amime vv In> ill111ktin- si e
nano farteti lied and tm|irnhn
hie should i (insider the propos
.d that the \SI ( ) Student
Health Insurance (aiininittee
has been trying In Inist upon
tin- students ot this l Diversity
sun e l.isl I)ei ember
\SI ( ) leaders \ndv (dark
and Si iitt U vc koff lam v them
selves social engineers who
palernulistir ally presume to
know vv hat s lies! tor .ill ot us
I hese hureaiu rat it 'experts'
hav i- dei ided that Inn mg all
students to purchase a health
msuraiu e priidui t is in ev erv
one's best interest
Moreovei l!ii*\ It'll us lh.it
wr have nn i iuhl to i house ill**
produ< I ourselves but instf.nl
xx f must pun base thf health
pi,111 lll.lt tlll'X sflfl I I l,lVII|f
bfi'ii rebutted In llif I nix ersitx
• it I mi nistr.it n hi .mil In .111 i ivei
whelming matwilx ut students
jil c sc lit ,lt tun sin i cssn f II if ft
lli).;s ill ,is many weeks the
ASI () If.ulf rsliip. u ilh its Ii.k k
to the xvall lias ullered In liulil
a referendum nn this issue dm
inn tlie \St l) elfi linns in Max
rills dei isiun should lie a|i
plauded but one i an exper 1
the AM O to t .1 ni[i.ii 1411 hard ti 1
i mix mi e students In bat k then
Students xx ill lie ollered loin
i him ex manduturx insurani c
xoluntarx insurani e (xxh.it xve
have iiiixv). no insurant e at all
and a loose xxaivei Tile ASI’l)
xx ill ot i nurse urge students to
x 1 Me loi mandator\ instil.mt e
As ol this writing hovxevei
onlx students xx ho eiljlix plax
inn a lisnel version ot Russian
roulette would lake the \SI (I
B\ voting Ini mand.itorv in
sutanic a student would be
sav ui)4, m Hil l t I herein
< oinimi mvsi'lf to Inn the
health insurance produi t oi
lered In llie \SI ( ) next \ ear
although I have mi idea nl its
i list or t|U.tiitv All I « an go on
right now are vague assninni,es
hv the \Sl ( ) leadership tli.it it
will pn >/>•«/>/v ( ost ai ini ml $ it to
and it will fmihiihl\ nttei great
lie net Its
' I’mhahlv isn't good
enough U Vi kutl .mil ( lark i ail
talk ahoii! sm lali/.ed medii me
Ihev i an t.11k ahout national
health insiii.iiii e thev i an talk
ahout the virtues of their in,in
ilutorv plan, lint until thev (.ill
t.ilk hard tai ts ahout the prelin
unis (ledui tildes i (imsuraui e
and henelits ul next veat s
health plan, thev II he talking
to t helllxel v es
Students deserve a firm guar
.inter fit .» produr! s pru r and
cpi,ilit\ not nisi tin* A SI ()
leadership s hum h hou e\ et
good a hum h it ma\ he hr
fore lhr\ aglet- to huv it F his
should he true tor health insur
am e plans .in tor hit \< h*s lie
cause its long as it's just a
hum h ami not a solid t omimt
ment w hi» km ivv s next
\eai s plan < ould t ost SUM)
S >(M) or pei haps e\ en more
W\ i kott and ( lai k will < oine
hat k and sav Son \ we real I \
thought it w ould he S.iOU Hut
b\ then st»rr\ won’t he good
enough Students will haw ut
ter!\ no t hou e hut to hu\ it
whatever it » osts
/*r'trr M.iik /> g/at/uu/e stmlrnt
in (oin/njfr/ m ifnt r
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