Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1990, Supplement, Page 4, Image 15

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    Oyv <7o*udi' uuths CaSi&eAs Plcu^iut<^ arujU Phzxzesn&fitt
Advising is there for the asking
D< ■ the i i 'tinsel* T' .it tlu- (. .1
re* r Planning in.I Pla.e
merit Scrvi* e think <>i .ill
I dmersity student' a- .1 shapeless
null' .'1 questioning faces, with no
re.il difference' amont* them.’
\.'t h.irdh I he five pi. ifrs'ionah
\t h* > ,1.Ivi'c I nivet'its audent - '11
* areet options, * on. erie .ilul fe.ir'
e.u It have spe* ifk ha. kprounds 1h.1t
s .in he applic.i t. the \ an* ue need'
■ t ■!:;,lell!' I it rv Smith, dire. t. >! >t
t PI’S, iid studt in art usually
mat • la d up u ith a 1 i -1111'«■ I* u u la
tan I'f't relate t.' them about career
quest i* in>
"Karen, the r< > r;'thum . will aA
j»t*« >;-If \i li.it I heir . mu r 1 ti . . .iii.l
based mi ilu partkular interests - I
tin tounselor, there will In- .1 matt h
made !lun ,' he -aid "At tin p> ant
all i ouilSfli >!'■’ arc able In assist the
pop ilatmn at the I niversitv bet ;iuy
nt (tin- i ounselor •-') Aiv < t ■ its and m
hti ii c training '
Smith has been dim mr nt (. PI’S
tor tune vears now, hut his under
graduate degree doesn’t exatth re
fleet his present oteupatlon: Hi’ has a
has helot nt arts degree in tood to.h
nologv from Oregon State l m\ erst
ts hut his involvement m a group
vailed Opportunttv OSl , whuh in
formed students nt edui attonal and
> ateer t holt cs, helped guide Smith to
In-- e\entual pri <iession.
After ur.iduation from Oteemi
St,ile. Smith u.e- hired .I- Assistant
Dim tor i't Housing ,111,1 rn nuJ he
masterS decree in guidame .Hid
louioeliiit: Other positions he ha
field lllihidt head resident assistant
at the l 'mver :f. e| W a-hinpten aid
assistant dean o! 'indent at a men
college m l alifornia
Smith holds a doctorate ill lusher
1 dm at ion admi lustration ft • -m
I t 1 \ and .10-1 • e: \ cd ... Pin ■ tot o|
tin- MHA Pl.Hement Servue at tin
-ame inn ersit\ .
IVhorah l hero, k, assistant dtrei
tor ot (. PI’S, ri-i fiu j .1 Kk helot .,'f
arts degree m -.pm h and hearing
and elementar\ edit* atioti from Mint
ra College in New 'tork. She also
holds tun master's degrees (ram Kent
State l mvcrsitv, one in student pet
sonnel and higher ediuatton, the
i it her in 11 muscling.
( hert-ek s tirst joh at the l mvcrsi
tv involved developing internship op
portumties tor students I ram this
start, she helped to form the l areer
IV\di ipmcnf Internship Program,
win. h provides internship pla.ement
t. a students tnajonnj; m the l ollepe
■ >1 Art' ami S. lem.m
( here. 1- a|s< tea. lies a one . redit
ii'Ut'e 1 ailed ( oile^. to ( areer,
-a In. It n idieted e\ erv term.
Sarah navies, who lias Seen a
l TP's ..ainseli’i tot almost three
.eat-, -aid die ... enjoys adenine
students who are interested in modi
eai or writing earners She re. eived
he! l a. helot o! art- decree lit t ier
man a:id Russian horn the l meet's;
tv and t Inti a .nt to I ne I and n u. a k
a- a nanny Havies has also been a
I rein h tea. her at ! In Amen- an
S I tool m London.
ro rivtA
in .1!it!
1 m.i'li r -■ neuree
mi I\ >rtI.mJ Si.iic
l mut'in and ha- -tlulled p-viho
li icu.il .mthn >|'. Inin .it l C 1 A ,uk1
mi 1 law.111 sin- ha- ersed as dean ot
'Indent- ,il .1 -mall medu.ll -1 I100I III
Portland and ha- also worked in the
Department - >t Health Policy and
Management at Harvard l mver-nv
( oun-elor (. ima I luston, u ho al-o
graduated tr»'in the I’niversity, re
a-iu d a hnehelor of science degree in
psychology and a master - decree in
industrial relations.
W hen -lie was an undergraduate
student here, Huston heeame inter
e-ted in ,u a-lemu and i aieer counsel
me .ukI held .in internship .11 l ITS.
She was then offered .1 position as
. ounselor and has Seen at the job for
ti >ur vears now.
Ilusti'ii also teat lies the three
11twl 11 C areer Life Planning course
and manage'' the Career Assessment
Program and the Career Develop
nieni Internship Program.
Ben Jeffries, who has Been .1 CPI’S
counselor for three vears, has an ex
tensive Business Background. Hr' re
reived a degree in industrial econom
10 from !< m a State anil then held
jobs invoking such issues as laBor
negotiations, wage and salarv, hu
man resiiurc es and c ollege relat ions.
I 1 a 1 ~> vears let fries was the 1 orpo
rate manager of selection at ARCO
.At the time, ARCO was hiring al
most 400 college graduates a vear.
leffries n tunc considered the current
business school contact tor C PI’S.
/ Xirla hukson
UO Bookstore
M F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6
PH. 346-4331