icinico's the copy center • Professional quality typesetting • Expert consultation available • Pine stationary and envelopes • Reasonable rates on all services Ten free ifmnnr cuplrn wlirn Klnku » (ypr»rti» ymu iMiinif SflO K . 1 3tl». OPKN 1A. IIOIJKS \fjofth The OoftV# Ar rest: .ihta Blu< ■ Gilbert Spanish Mt - Classic Natural White White Valiev Forge Parchment Natural Valiev Forge l irrhmont 6\ EACH SELFSERVICE COPIES 21/iC, EACH Tke Copy Sk®|j 539 E. 13th 085-6253 9n, ^o+uz/ts ujuiU CaSb&eSis PlawiuiXf, cutdL Plcuzespvefitt Take the terror, agony out of interviewing Intr!,i \\ mu lot v>’U! tti-i tab I ii'ImI'!\ tank- up there with ; i.isinp 1\ti -i.m Roulette , .1 walk me .1 tiphtiape m urnb . ■! tr.rl.il ■ • i : • <■- Any ui'-ulf ;nt. >rm;ui. >tt .11 ■. >ut tin mtervu-uine j-f*ess, then-tore, tan .1, w.-ndet t< >r .i!lc\ i.ititn: tlu- -tfitu.il trri<>r . |i; - lent 1 In- l !!■ • : j'lnnnine .in.l I1,i. fim-nt Servii e has ,i vanef. «‘t helpful wav- t.i Ic.trn ahaut in terview me. tit. Itidme .i ucekh workshop that Uf.il> p. Hi .ill', witii tlu details about tin- pro A. ..i.l::..,: ■ la- v >nii11 . .1::. . Im ! ^ IT''. the Job . . i: k|kI. ■■■ < -h. .liU! ii. h tlu partu ill.if mJu'tr\ .1- welt f. flu- '.pf. itn i ompam tor tlu i ntc ra'Vi i. ■ ! -I ■ 11. ■ i - - - "T ii /).n< to know vs hat the jt>1' is nails about I cl '!i fi t tn tin tntft v iew 'tnith . ;;d "( i, ,1,1 , t,.lid.Hi- ! :. tl.ll till . \c June thf-t ln-mow oil ah mt tlu !.T, ini luJinp ult.it woi i. u involved .util mt>urination on the lornpa Su- ie Rail'. .( i. ’lieee tfi rutter tor the ( iH'pers . i J I -.hr m.l o .. mune Mm. -aid tlu- mitt.ii impt f'Mim ol vrtKia} importance tor a -n. . < tit! inters tew. 'Tlu was thf\ shake hand- !s !eall\ ;!::: a t -Hit: a -t 11ine handshake make' a e* -.-J impres 'll*!).' 'Ilf ',I|J ! al'i- ii'. 4. ii>! all V\fi UtlVe pres fiu e‘ ami it tlu v . an relax Jut me the inter view Orne the interview .pet- p'iip, tlu re nnirr will start !,. Jeti't itime the . at i di Jate ' -ireneth arid u i-akiH"i • hv hint he or -In answer- a \ a net\ .'| questions, r.inpttti: tram "How Ja van determine sui i e-st,. "Whs should we hire vou?" it a i.induian lei.! • somewhat -tumped tar a o...I aii'u ei ti. ivliot their UiiMsi-'i- are, Smith a;J tli.it’- I i, ice tin ', -ii ■ t:•: • • •! t. • I'e > li.tllenped In ",jch a question. ” That ..pa- • ir tl-.at’s a,undid to pro vtile till* trmatt •!-. ah.‘ it haw v .. hand.. diiiii Jt uui'tian,’ ire '.aid. ant rived answer - usually \ln h.it'l /'rfcrso/i. .1 nuirkrliiu’ nuijtir, ilisi nssrs /ns i .irrrr ii/itions 11 if/i rr< ruilrrs hum Irhl-W rn Ini tin .1 position .is .1 proihu t m.in.ii;riiirnt truiiwv. 'Oil lid > .'Ill ri\ fd. "Wc’vr all got wi.ikru'sH-, mJ good eandt cl.it< - have the ability to talk about personal ttr.tktn-'M-v and Inw thev are dealing with them, their ‘tix-np’ plan," 'smith added. A tar as relaving personal strengths, Kali said she tonally word' the question > the , and: date nil! nli.it attribute' t hev haw the are related n > the position they are apph mg ti a "1 hki to see it thev really understand what thev re getting into," she -aid "It they sav the\ are good at skipping rope. I'm not impressed But it thev sa\ the\ like meeting people and at. interested in liow . ompames work, the-i ae ti kind' ol answers we loop lor I W ur;uk- point . i \ r! . ii'.r hold .1 lot t >( Wrh’h l in determining who eon the joh.’ It depend* on the type iit |oh, Smith said. " 1 lu- value of .1 vout l SPA dire. th propoi tional !«• tin- 1 vpe >!!■'• . are Veil intete-teil ill I ut til'.A • e:r,• to • !,i . a o-tmti, anth. lesM-r role for all other positions'" Kills -aid it’s true her company sloes look 1 loseh It a 1 nnJuiatO tirades, I nil iho lOiokl e; • tin i fai tors m the* proi c — 'll 1 person has no outside activities and ha* ,i i i I ii\, I'.r or hr t IliX 'Hi h I tv >> >d > and l date," Rail'- said. "But it the . andtdate ha a ' d and uiirk-' .V hours a week and n pro adetit >t a tratcrmt \ .a dd \ et v i;> n tential emplovtv, Bui Ralls aid she also looks it what thev have done with tin >oh -atur thev hav e had it "Sav thev h.adi I |nh a pr a hop We look it how (lies t’ot md U the', I'.aVi 'inHi'd i; at all," she -aid. "So a part Sinn |oh . an have a lot ot sientliv aiiee, even it it - unrelatevl t> • • Mir field." A' ! I i. end ot the lute! \ lew , linn - liei.uK ii lotted (ot thi v andidate to a--1 que-fun - -n . et mni: the ail’ . •’ line to is 1|h Stmt h e d Ralls, ;t's important that the t andidate I.h n t simply a d rote questions Hi ! to he a-kine soille thin'.: " I he key is in the :vn‘;l!if!a . >1 their ques f i, Stmt!! ii.l i} i; 11 ■:* i t S i t!, i • \, ! 'i nil!!' mu! vaeatmn inquiries .it> til r • >d |ur-ttons ft' a-k You I ■!! ! '• k all rii.it alter tin- mi' «if f ft I it i; I .1 • tif11' ire > 'lie tit.1! a-w afoul evaluation erttcna that will be u-ed ami olH' a-i> ilia aK.HU tilt' 0[iptminit\ lor t atta r It! V atH etlleltt lit --.lid ",|t'u tan al'.'.r.- ttil It tluw 1e askinu rote que-non- and flits eoitldn t att it " aht'ut tIf*.' ansuct Ralls -aiti \\ t u ant them to be n alb thnuuiitiul about thf questions, to how tin ', se ai\ fii some rhouaht and interest 11 > the t]tit ' fit nr bet. 'rebuild." Kail -aul a i undid.tu- vv ill be rr|e>ted it.'in . on-1tin .itiiin “it In- • >i -lu.- liar if abilus to n late (■' tin Intel S teWci at all, or has Itti ,m art nr- til what tilt ', are eetttne mto "him man', students don’t nett -utile do are, 1 h :. ■ a' ■ or . sv ! ■■tie, lit iddcd 'Arms line , i. -o, ; . ,t pit k me the bt-t > an lulan • a a Icinko'S' toe copy center • Professional quality typeaettliql • Expert consultation available • Pine stationary and envelopes • Reasonable rates on all services T>n Irrr rrtumr roplrs wtim KluKu i» lypmrt*• iftnuu* 1*00 K . 1 3th OPEN 24 HOURS FREE COUPON You Only Have ONE CHANCE to Make a C ioocl First Impression. Let Us I Iclp You! ( '< m ult.itu 'io ,iiv 1 rev i >! it mi r. and \vv offer all h'ia k ex ft n v'i mi I X"-t I 11 >k I' rhe ( mj i ( nntxtion since 19*| 539 E. 11th • Between Town .md C.impus • 343-1637 i GET A JOB. The best time to eel ahead in the business world is not alter you grad uate. Its now while you're in school. 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Because there's a yixxl ill.mu mui II Ik uinkii^ \iith .1 IN 2 whcrctcr will mirk after college. \nd rijilit hum. as a student >«>11 tune an aiB.mlaue. N mi can yet the IBM IN 2 at a terrific low price. Sn save monc\ and make a small career decision al the same tulle. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing ( enter M-F 9am-5pni 346-4402 >..M . , , . . , H»1'" L-. ‘ U -.y»- 4 !r uISbMwIi > i- . Mai f