uutlt- GaA&esi- Plcutnisuj' cutdL Plcucej*te*it Tuesday, February 27, 1990 Oregon Daily Emerald Issue 1 Career fears can be conquered Miri Sophia Sophomore. sour average l niversitv Duck. Sin's successfully finished her lirsr year of college, hut is still very unsure what her major will he. She's not even sure what m terests her yet. Where do 1 go lor help.’ she laments. What it there s not/r/tig out there tor me and Im wasting my time in college.' Then there's Jonas Junior, who is pretty sure ot the direction he wants his career to take. Now lie needs to know the specifics ot Ins career choice, sue Jr as the ever important salary averages ot the profession. Also, he asks, how should 1 go about getting an internship in mv chosen field.’ Do 1 have to have connections or is there another wav. Finally, «'i' meet Stanley Senior, who after tour some-odd years is ready to finish m hool and step into the real world. He is set on a career choire and is eontident ol his ability in the field; now he just has to pet ;nro the field. So he asks himself, what is the easiest way to pet a real ioh.' I ike Jonas, he asks, do 1 have to kium s,aneh, >dv i >r wh.at ’ It the questions that am of these students are askinst sound like ones you have asked yourself, the ( areer Planning and Placement Serve e may he just the ticket out of the land of contusion. (ITS, lo. ited m Hen dm ks Hall on campus, provides an uhundatKe of services to students who aie at the very least just mullinc I ei then luture after . >iie..;e (or those w ln> .lit- -till unsure about ihoiif of major, or that tin.' major they .hose i-ti t juin right foi them, tin ( a reel .A- ■e----ment it gram at t, ITS i- spe. iti. illv deugned to aid in that problem. I he program u-e- tour standardized te t- to lielj the person Jetermine their .areer in tere-t-, \ alue- anJ 'kill-. Orient at ton- tor the l aieei A sessment Program are held eiu h Iue--lav at p.m. Individual .mu -ellln: i- also prov ided b\ the e\peri enced professional counselors at C'l’PS, who eaeh have different area ot expertise i areer u i-e l or students wanting to go a step further in determining the -pe. ifi( careei tor them, ( ITS otters a three credit special studies course that helps students develop a custom dr signed - areer plan. I , >r those like Iona- Junior, who have decided on a career direction and arc mm concerned about the spec lfn s of ttie job, the V areet la brary in room _21 mas hold the an -seer- I he librars provides sal.trv m formation, job re.jimement- and oth er needed aii-Mers !■ r more than -tv , v v A . dl t'lT I '{ ’( !> >n - I he ci intii'inv. pres e- - . •! . ’btem me an internship c an be simplified bs a s i- a to (TPS Student SMth majors or minors m the I. ollcge of \; t and Sc len ■ ire selec ted each term through V PPS tor intern'hij’s svitli private and public emplovers m the area. I pper divi-ion credit tor the internships Is awarded throtiuh the.- Division of t ounsehng .iikI l du i annual I’syi hology Surely Stanley Senior has Seen helped In the ( PI’S at some point in his i (illege > areer, riv’htRegardless , if whether he ha-' in the past, nou is a prime time for him to pay l PI’S a y::t pyery week, the ( PPV' holds employment workshops on srn h top ics as resume writing and interview me kill - V a i- 'hiip times md • ign up heels , an he found at the l ITS offk e. A iruually important C PI’S ser vice to those like Stanley is the >-t (tie's i ampus tntervieyy program. More than 17'1 organi/ations v ome to the l tmelsitv eyer, year to inter y levy graduating seniors lor i areer p-o tii'ii'- \ m hcdule ot re miters tn>m organizations such .is business, i;m ernment, and education is posted in ri 'i *in J 44 ( 4 I lendtlc ks Hall A priority hid system is set up to dr, i, «>n eligible indents I. a Intel views, and orient,iiioiis tor tin- bid dill'.’ pros ess are held al the begin fling * >t ear 11 term. Now Sophia, Iona ind St.lines base some answers to die ,|iir-non tlies were pondering over, or at b ast t lies k ih>w w here to (mil the an swers. I he services at ( 1’1’S ran ret tamis help our students to plan their tutures after gradual :oti, ot o'irM\ it' still up to t/ietn to graduati CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT SERVICES 244 Hendricks Hall 346-3235 l imersitN <»l < >re”en Here are just some of the services and resources that Career Planning and Placement Services provides to the University community: ( \KI 1 l< \SSI SSMI \ 1 I>Rin nun csis, uiliu's ami \kill\ Omnlaiions he LI fiwh iw tk on I iif'iihi\ til / .10 I’M. or b\ (ifipomimi nt < \KI I K I II5K \R\ I \i>c( uili:nl librars <>t on upa iii'inil infi>rniiiti<>n. umuuil reports, and cmploxet directories ks Ktunn 221 Uni Jinks /bill IM)I\ 11)1 \1 ( <)l nsi i.im; I \ploie uitlmJiKil i/tu'sHnm tind tcut ( ins with professional aitccr i ciinst Ini s ( all t<> sthcdiilt mi dp pdllllUHIIt ( \KI I K I>1 \ I 1 < >I‘MI N I & IM I UNSHIP l’KO(,K \M Earn upper division < redit and valuahh experience through inlern ships in of) campus placements I nr students with maim s m maim s in the ( of \rts ami Sciences. KI SI MI .V IM KK\ II AN WORKSHOPS I resume writing or interviewing workshop is offered ever\ week. ( till ( P/’S til J4(> J235 lo verif\ workshop st ht'dule DROP IN ( <>l YS1I l\(. Hni't n il iniiuiU w ssioiis (thill able mi a (hop in basts bom I <() < i() Jailx